2386 Listings

Page: 1 of 5  Section: 1-5 of 24  Place Names: | A-Da |
Page: 2 of 5  Section: 6-10 of 24  Place Names: | Da-Is |
Page: 3 of 5  Section: 11-15 of 24  Place Names: | It-No |
Page: 4 of 5  Section: 16-20 of 24  Place Names: | No-Sp |
Page: 5 of 5 Section: 21-24 of 24  Place Names: | Sq-Zu |
Population: 17,945     2000 census
Area: 6,522,930 Acres
County Seat: Independence 1866 - present
Date: 1866 From Mono and Tulare County


Mining Districts
Name Type
Historical Landmarks


208 San Francis Ranch August 22, 1861
209 Site of Bend City
designated as seat of Coso County, but the county was never formed
211 Mayfield Canyon Battleground April 8, 18162
223 Site of Putnam's Cabin August 1861
229 Mary Austin's Home  
230 First Permanent White Habitation in Owens Valley August, 1861
349 Camp Independence (Fort) July 4, 1862
441 Burned Wagons Point 1849
442 Death Valley Gateway December, 1849
443 Valley Wells 1849
444 Bennett-arcane Long Camp 1849
507 Grave of 1872 Earthquake Victims March 26, 1872
537 Cottonwood Charcoal Kilns June, 1873
752 Furnace of the Owens Lake Silver-Lead Company 1869
773 Old Harmony Borax Works 1882
796 Farley's Olancha Mill Site December, 1862
811 Bishop Creek Battleground April 6, 1862
826 Old Stovepipe Wells  
848 Eichbaum Toll Road 1926
850 Manzanar Relocation Center 1942
934 Temporary Detention Camps for Japanese Americans - Manzanar Assembly Center 1942
953 Laws Narrow Gauge Railroad Station and Yard 1883


Census Totals

1850 1860 1870 1880
    1,956 2,928


Territorial History

1866 Created from Mono and Tulare County
  Territory from Mono to Inyo (1870)
Territory from Mono to Inyo (1866)
Territory from Tulare to Inyo (1866)
Territory from San Bernardino to Inyo (1872)
Territory from Kern to Inyo (1872)


This county got its name from the Indian name for the mountains in its area. The Indian meaning for inyo is "dwelling place of the great spirit." 

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