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Section: 21 of 24     2385 Listings
Sections: |  21 Sq-Te  | |  22 Te-Tw  | |  23 Ty-Wh  | |  24 Wh-Zu  |

Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Squares Tunnel Inyo mine 365150N 1180524W  - Bee Springs Canyon
Squares Tunnel Placer Mine Inyo mine 365140N 1180517W  - Bee Springs Canyon
Squaw Flat Inyo flat 370300N 1180254W  - Waucoba Mountain
Squaw Flat Numbers 1-4 Mines Inyo mine 370326N 1180336W  - Waucoba Mountain
Squaw Flat Placer Mine Inyo mine 370328N 1180246W  - Waucoba Mountain
Squaw Mine Inyo mine 365904N 1180811W  - Blackrock
Squaw Peak Inyo summit 370310N 1180055W 10358 Waucoba Mountain
Squaw Spring Inyo spring 355438N 1170032W  - Manly Peak
Squaw Springs Inyo spring 370008 1180229W  9070 Waucoba Mountain
Squaw Teat Inyo summit 364844N 1170222W 6381 Thimble Peak
Stage Station Inyo locale 360414N 1171331W  - Ballarat
Star of the West Mine Inyo mine 355219N 1173352W  - Burro Canyon
Starlight Estates Inyo locale 371934N 1183209W  5900 Tungsten Hills
Starvation Canyon Inyo valley 360724N 1165415W  - Galena Canyon
State Range Inyo range 355449N 1171718W - Slate Range Crossing
Stecker Flat Inyo flat 370049N 1182149W  - Fish Springs
Sterling Queen Mine Inyo mine 355035N 1173510W  - Burro Canyon
Stevens Prospect Inyo mine 371418N 1183526W  - Mount Thompson
Stewart Valley Inyo basin 361230N 1161000W  - Stewart Valley
Stockwell Mine Inyo mine 355058N 1171527W  - Trona East
Stokes Stringer Inyo stream 362702N 1181307W - Cirque Peak
Stone Canyon Inyo valley 361514N 1172554W  - Panamint Springs
Stone Corral Inyo locale 360202N 1170544W  - Panamint
Stovepipe Wells Inyo well 363933N 1170444W  50 Stovepipe Wells NE
Stovepipe Wells Inyo locale 363622N 1170844W  5 Stovepipe Wells
Stovepipe Wells Airport Inyo airport 363614N 1170933W 25 Stovepipe Wells
Striped Butte Inyo summit 355655N 1170416W  4773 Manly Peak
Striped Mountain Inyo summit 365756N 1182418W 13175 Mount Pinchot
Sugar Loaf Inyo summit 361905N 1175155W  5233 Centennial Canyon
Sugarl Loaf Peak Inyo summit 355306N 1165542W  4820 Anvil Spring Canyon West
Sugarloaf Inyo summit 371102N 1182610W  11026 Coyote Flat
Sugarloaf Mountain Inyo summit 360154N 1174919W  5126 Cactus Peak
Sugarloaf Mountain Inyo summit 372448N 1175349W  6520 Chocolate Mountain
Sugarloaf Peak Inyo summit 355306N 1165542W  4820 Anvil Spring Canyon West
Suicide Pass Inyo gap 355437N 1163445W - Epaulet Peak
Suitcase Mine Inyo mine 355955N 1171027W  - Manly Fall
Sulphur Spring Inyo spring 363034N 1165817W  - Beatty Junction
Summer Spring Inyo spring 360825N 1174238W  - Coso Peak
Summit Creek Inyo stream 361343N 1175808W  - Haiwee Reservoirs
Summit Lake Inyo lake 370803N 1182957W  - Coyote Flat
Summit Meadow Inyo flat 364955N 1182138W  - Kearsarge Peak
Sunday Canyon Inyo valley 365426N 1180504W  - Mazourka Peak
Sunland (historical) Inyo pop place 371957N 1182413W  4200 Bishop
Sunland Cemetery Inyo cemetery 371945N 1182517W  - Bishop
Sunland School (historical) Inyo school 371944N 1182415W  - Bishop
Sunny Boy Prospect Inyo mine 371945N 1183830W  - Mount Tom
Sunrise Mobile Home Park (subdivision) Inyo pop place 372216N 1182330W  4143 Bishop
Sunset Campground Inyo locale 362740N 1165145W  -160 Furnace Creek
Sunset Lake Inyo lake 370920N 1183656W  - Mount Thompson
Sunset Mine Inyo mine 363205N 1174810W  - Cerro Gordo Peak
Surprise Canyon Inyo valley 360604N 1171203W  - Ballarat
Surprise Springs Inyo spring 370002N 1172034W  - Scottys Castle
Surveyors Prospect Inyo mine 361617N 1172829W  - Panamint Springs
Surveyors Well Inyo well 364448N 1170904W  - Mesquite Flat
Susan Number 1 Prospect Inyo mine 365232N 1180319W  - Mazourka Peak
Swansea Inyo pop place 363129N 1175411W 3625 Dolomite
Sweetwater Creek Inyo stream 355130N 1173251W  - Burro Canyon
Sweetwater Wash Inyo stream 355130N 1173251W  - Burro Canyon
Swift Lake Inyo lake 370803N 1182957W  - Coyote Flat
Sykes Inyo pop place 360212N 1175734W 3546 Coso Junction
Sylvania Canyon Inyo valley 372512N 1174857W  - Sylvania Canyon
Sylvania Mountains Inyo area 372308N 1174350W  - Sylvania Mountains
Symmes Creek Inyo stream 364641N 1181002W  - Independence
Symmes Creek Campground Inyo locale 364520N 1181455W  1558 Independence
Symmes Creek Recreation Area Inyo locale 364520N 1181455W  1558 Independence
Table Mountain Inyo summit 371230N 1183530W  11696 Mount Thompson
Table Mountain Campground Inyo locale 371230N 1183406W  8850 Mount Thompson
Table Mountain Recreation Site Inyo locale 371230N 1183406W  8850 Mount Thompson
Taboose Creek Inyo stream 365959N 1181258W  - Blackrock
Taboose Creek Campground Inyo locale 365503N 1181524W  3897 Aberdeen
Taboose Pass Inyo gap 365906N 1182454W  - Mount Pinchot
Taboose Ranch Inyo locale 365954N 1181408W  - Blackrock
Tail Canyon Inyo valley 361104N 1171310W - Jail Canyon
Talc Canyon Inyo valley 355212N 1164154W  - Confidence Hills West
Talc City Hills Inyo range 362130N 1174200W  - Talc City Hills
Talc City Mine Inyo mine 362004N 1174002W  - Talc City Hills
Talco Prospect Inyo mine 365304N 1180334W  - Mazourka Peak
Talus Inyo pop place 360513N 1175819W  3746 Coso Junction
Talus Canyon Inyo valley 360437N 1175752W  - Coso Junction
Tamarack Canyon Inyo valley 365821N 1180510W  - Mazourka Peak
Tamarack Lake Inyo lake 372442N 1184233W  - Mount Morgan
Tamarack Lakes Inyo lake 372442N 1184233W  - Mount Morgan
Teakettle Junction Inyo pop place 364537N 1173230W  4138 Teakettle Junction
Tecopa Inyo pop place 355054N 1161332W 1329 Tecopa
Tecopa Hills Inyo other 354750N 1161652W - Ibex Pass
Tecopa Hills Inyo range 355145N 1161350W  - Tecopa
Tecopa Hot Springs Inyo spring 355222N 1161353W  - Tecopa
Tecopa Hot Springs County Park Inyo park 355217N 1161411W  - Tecopa
Tecopa Hot Springs Hills Inyo range 355145N 1161350W  - Tecopa
Tecopa Pass Inyo gap 354800N 1160612W  - Tecopa Pass
Tecopa Peak Inyo summit 355002N 1161630W  2686 Ibex Pass
Tecopa Wash Inyo stream 355005N 1161325W  - Tecopa
Telephone Canyon Inyo valley 362935N 1171223W  - Emigrant Canyon
Telephone Spring Inyo spring 362847N 1171147W  - Emigrant Canyon
Telescope Peak Inyo summit 361011N 1170516W  11049 Telescope Peak
Temple Crag Inyo summit 370635N 1182930W  12999 Split Mountain
Temporary Detention Camps for Japanese Americans - Manzanar Assembly Center (historic landmark #934) (1942) Inyo locale  n/a n/a  n/a 
Tennessee Spring Inyo spring 360621N 1173042W  - Louisiana Butte
Termination Valley Inyo basin 370640N 1174225W - Last Chance Range SW
Texas Spring Campground Inyo locale 362734N 1165105W  - Furnace Creek

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Texas Springs Inyo spring 362728N 1165011W  - Furnace Creek
Texas Springs Campground Inyo locale 362734N 1165105W  - Furnace Creek
The Archillette Inyo spring 355240N 1160926W - Resting Spring
The Butte Inyo summit 355655N 1170416W  4773 Manly Peak
The Camp Inyo pop place 361046N 1163656W 4300 Greenwater Canyon
The Dunes Inyo summit 362739N 1172714W 2672 The Dunes
The Dunes Inyo summit 364555N 1175103W 1203 Lower Warm Springs
The Elephant Inyo summit 371944N 1180351W 5530 Deep Springs Lake
The Grandstand Inyo summit 364134N 1173356W 3781 Ubehebe Peak
The Hogsback Inyo ridge 365427N 1181909W - Aberdeen
The Hunchback Inyo summit 371051N 1183126W 12226 Mount Thompson
The Narrows Inyo gap 370426N 1180135W - Waucoba Mountain
The Narrows Inyo valley 355224N 1163756W - Confidence Hills West
The Pothole Inyo basin 364101N 1182010W - Mount Williamson
The Racetrack Inyo flat 364105N 1173327W - Ubehebe Peak
The Tanks Inyo locale 355005N 1172048W - Trona East
The Thumb Inyo summit 370410N 1182700W 13388 Split Mountain
Thibaut Creek Inyo stream 365242N 1181343W - Blackrock
Thibaut Ponds Inyo lake 365229N 1181246W - Independence
Thimble Peak Inyo summit 364844N 1170222W 6381 Thimble Peak
Third Lake Inyo lake 370715N 1182942W - Split Mountain
Thompson Camp Inyo locale 360720N 1170512W - Panamint
Thompson Canyon Inyo valley 361401N 1172500W - Revenue Canyon
Thompson Lake Inyo lake 371009N 1183610W - Mount Thompson
Thompson Ridge Inyo ridge 370942N 1183626W - Mount Thompson
Thompson Spring Inyo spring 361347N 1172728W - Revenue Canyon
Thor Peak Inyo summit 363436N 1181554W 12300 Mount Whitney
Thorndike Camp Inyo locale 361413N 1170414W - Telescope Peak
Thorndike Campground Inyo locale 361413N 1170414W - Telescope Peak
Thorndike Canyon Inyo valley 355918N 1171228W  - Manly Fall
Thorndike Mine Inyo mine 355930N 1170914W - Manly Fall
Thorndyke Canyon Inyo valley 361059N 1175125W - Upper Centennial Flat
Thorndyke Mine Inyo mine 361055N 1174950W - Upper Centennial Flat
Three Fingers Prospect Inyo mine 370436N 1180020W - Waucoba Mountain
Through Canyon Inyo valley 354836N 1163700W - Confidence Hills East
Thunder and Lightning Lake Inyo lake 370900N 1183113W - Mount Thompson
Tibbets Inyo pop place 365841N 1181509W 3906 Aberdeen
Timberline Tarns Inyo lake 370759N 1183256W - Mount Thompson
Timosea Peak Inyo summit 362726N 1180507W 8625 Bartlett
Timpapah Spring Inyo spring 355823N 1163815W - Shore Line Butte
Tin Mountain Inyo summit 365314N 1172720W 8953 Tin Mountain
Tinemaha 6-026 Dam Inyo dam 370319N 1181334W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Tinemaha Creek Inyo stream 370357N 1181345W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Tinemaha Lake Inyo lake 370236N 1182514W - Split Mountain
Tinemaha Reservoir Inyo reservoir 370319N 1181334W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Tinnemeha Reservoir Inyo reservoir 370319N 1181334W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Titanothere Canyon Inyo valley 364447N 1170448W - Stovepipe Wells NE
Titus Canyon Inyo valley 364922N 1171021W - Fall Canyon
Todestal Inyo basin 361445N 1165030W -282 Badwater
Toll House Inyo locale 371438N 1181130W - Uhlmeyer Spring
Tonesha Inyo basin 361445N 1165030W -282 Badwater
Topsy Turvy Lake Inyo lake 371021N 1183801W - Mount Darwin
Tortoise Mountains Inyo range 360509N 1172803W - Maturango Peak
Towne Pass Inyo gap 362406N 1171646W - Panamint Butte
Townes Pass Inyo gap 362406N 1171646W - Panamint Butte
Towns Pass Inyo gap 362406N 1171646W - Panamint Butte
Townsend Pass Inyo gap 362406N 1171646W - Panamint Butte
Trail Canyon Inyo valley 361847N 1165640W - Devils Speedway
Trail Pass Inyo gap 362538N 1181030W - Cirque Peak
Trail Peak Inyo summit 362540N 1181122W 11623 Cirque Peak
Tramway (historical) Inyo n/a n/a n/a - n/a
Travertine Point Inyo cliff 362214N 1163948W - Ryan
Travertine Springs Inyo spring 362632N 1164939W - Furnace Creek
Treasure Lakes Inyo lake 370832N 1183420W - Mount Thompson
Treasure Lakes Inyo lake 372318N 1184554W - Mount Abbot
Trepier Mine Inyo mine 363845N 1175109W - Craig Canyon
Tri-County Fairgrounds Inyo park 372227N 1182350W - Bishop
Triangle Spring Inyo spring 364340N 1170806W - Mesquite Flat
Trojan Peak Inyo summit 363835N 1181850W 13950 Mount Williamson
Trona Airport Inyo airport 354844N 1171938W 1716 Trona East
Tub Spring Inyo spring 361154N 1173942W - Coso Peak
Tub Springs Inyo spring 364802N 1181758W - Kearsarge Peak
Tuber Canyon Inyo valley 361239N 1171429W - Jail Canyon
Tuber Spring Inyo spring 361249N 1170616W - Telescope Peak
Tucki Mountain Inyo summit 362957N 1170749W 6732 Emigrant Canyon
Tucki Wash Inyo stream 362715N 1165911W - West of Furnace Creek
Tulare Swamp Inyo swamp 365215N 1181156W - Independence
Tule Spring Inyo spring 354900N 1160319W - Tecopa Pass
Tule Spring Inyo spring 361437N 1165246W - Hanaupah Canyon
Tule Spring Inyo spring 364659N 1170152W - Thimble Peak
Tule Spring Inyo spring 372306N 1175522W - Chocolate Mountain
Tulucay Cemetery Inyo mine 372014N 1183957W - Mount Tom
Tumpisa Inyo basin 361445N 1165030W -282 Badwater
Tunawee Canyon Inyo valley 360419N 1175806W - Coso Junction
Tunawee Ranch Inyo locale 360354N 1175946W - Coso Junction
Tungstar Mine Inyo mine 372014N 1183957W - Mount Tom
Tungsten Mine Inyo mine 372130N 1183138W 5360 Tungsten Hills
Tungsten Blue Mine Inyo mine 372130N 1183138W 5360 Tungsten Hills
Tungsten Blue Shamrock Mine Inyo mine 372130N 1183138W 5360 Tungsten Hills
Tungsten Hill Mine Inyo mine 372238N 1183256W - Rovana
Tungsten Hills Inyo flat 372133N 1183243W - Tungsten Hills
Tungsten Peak Prospect Inyo mine 372157N 1183129W - Tungsten Hills
Tunnabora Peak Inyo summit 363617N 1181653W 13565 Mount Whitney
Tuttle Creek Inyo stream 363504N 1180409W - Lone Pine
Tuttle Creek Campground Inyo locale 363354N 1180731W - Mount Langley
Twelvemile Spring Inyo spring 360120N 1160916W - Twelvemile Spring
Twenty Mule Team Canyon Inyo valley 362433N 1164740W - Furnace Creek
Twin Lakes Inyo lake 365512N 1181143W - Blackrock
Twin Springs Inyo spring 355117N 1172325W - Trona West
Two Eagle Peak Inyo summit 370747N 1183119W 12966 Mount Thompson

Section: 23 of

Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Tyee Lakes Inyo lake 371052N 1183440W - Mount Thompson
Uba Heba Inyo crater 370036N 1172656W - Ubehebe Crater
Ube Hebe  Inyo crater 370036N 1172656W - Ubehebe Crater
Ubehebe Crater Inyo crater 370036N 1172656W - Ubehebe Crater
Ubehebe-Krater Inyo crater 370036N 1172656W - Ubehebe Crater
Ubehebe Mine Inyo mine 364453N 1173439W - Ubehebe Peak
Ubehebe Peak Inyo summit 364128N 1173505W 5678 Ubehebe Peak
Ubehebe Talc Mine Inyo mine 363807N 1172908W - Sand Flat
Uhlmeyer Spring Inyo spring 371054N 1181414W - Uhlmeyer Spring
Ulida Flat Inyo flat 363828N 1173038W - Ubehebe Peak
Ulida Mine Inyo mine 363823N 1173210W - Ubehebe Peak
Ulmeyer Spring Inyo spring 371054N 1181414W - Uhlmeyer Spring
Union Mill (historical) Inyo locale 364513N 1180319W - Bee Springs Canyon
Union Wash Inyo stream 364216N 1180205W - Union Wash
University Peak Inyo summit 364453N 1182138W 13632 Mount Williamson
University Peak Inyo summit 364647N 1182238W 13005 Mount Clarence King
Upper Biddy McCarthy Mine Inyo mine 361912N 1164007W - Ryan
Upper Boy Scout Lake Inyo lake 363455N 1181622W - Mount Whitney
Upper Cactus Flat Inyo flat 360703N 1174907W - Cactus Peak
Upper Centennial Flat Inyo flat 361319N 1174557W - Upper Centennial Flat
Upper Centennial Spring Inyo spring 361427N 1174557W - Upper Centennial Flat
Upper Emigrant Spring Inyo spring 362529N 1171135W - Emigrant Canyon
Upper Haiwee Spring Inyo spring 360744N 1174533W - Upper Centennial Flat
Upper Horton Lakes Inyo lake 371810N 1184050W - Mount Tom
Upper Lamarck Lake Inyo lake 371234N 1183900W - Mount Darwin
Upper Meadow Inyo flat 371852N 1183548W - Tungsten Hills
Upper Morgan Lake Inyo lake 372319N 1184439W - Mount Morgan
Upper Noonday Camp Inyo locale 354839N 1160612W - Tecopa Pass
Upper Pine Lake Inyo lake 372039N 1184403W - Mount Tom
Upper Sheelite Inyo pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Upper Warm Spring Inyo spring 364955N 1174418W - West of Teakettle Junction
Vacation Pass Inyo gap 363649N 1181801W - Mount Whitney
Valley School (historical) Inyo school 371445N 1182124W - Big Pine
Valley View Mine Inyo mine 365631N 1182020W - Aberdeen
Valley View Prospect Inyo mine 365428N 1175920W - Waucoba Canyon
Valley View Prospect Inyo mine 370003N 1181030W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Valley Wells (historic landmark #443) (1849) Inyo pop place 354942N 1171951W 1750 Trona East
Van Loon Pit Inyo mine 372546N 1182344W - Fish Slough
Van Loon Prospect Inyo mine 372106N 1183337W - Tungsten Hills
Vanadium Ranch Inyo locale 372446N 1183616W - Rovana
Vaughn Gulch Inyo valley 364907N 1180442W - Bee Springs Canyon
Veeta Mine Inyo mine 355316N 1172135W - Slate Range Crossing
Vega Mine Inyo mine 364139N 1175042W - Craig Canyon
Vermillion Canyon Inyo valley 361650N 1175514W - Vermillion Canyon
Victor Cons Mine Inyo mine 371546N 1175402W - Soldier Pass
Viking Mine Inyo mine 362117N 1174235W - Talc City Hills
Virgin Spring Inyo spring 355712N 1163509W - Epaulet Peak
Virgin Spring Canyon Inyo valley 355418N 1163734W - Shore Line Butte
Virginia Group Inyo mine 364653N 1181928W - Kearsarge Peak
Volcanic Tableland Inyo lava 372724N 1182842W - Fish Slough
Volcano Butte Inyo summit 355915N 1173839W 5882 Airport Lake
Volcano Peak Inyo summit 355721N 1174952W 5352 Volcano Peak
W D C Numbers 1-5 Prospects Inyo mine 364910N 1180326W - Bee Springs Canyon
Wakopee Inyo stream 363300N 1175848W - Dolomite
Walker Creek Inyo stream 361554N 1180251W - Olancha
War Eagle Mine Inyo mine 354916N 1160527W - Tecopa Pass
Warm Spring Inyo spring 355801N 1165551W - Anvil Spring Canyon West
Warm Spring Canyon Inyo valley 355947N 1164917W - Anvil Spring Canyon East
Warm Spring Mine Inyo mine 355801N 1165517W - Anvil Spring Canyon West
Warm Springs Inyo spring 371600N 1181615W - Poleta Canyon
Warm Springs School (historical) Inyo school 371932N 1182200W - Poleta Canyon
Warm Sulphur Springs Inyo spring 360721N 1171253W - Ballarat
Warren Bench Inyo bench 371027N 1182014W - Big Pine
Warren Lake Inyo lake 371139N 1181952W - Big Pine
Water Canyon Inyo valley 355847N 1172026W - Slate Range Crossing
Water Canyon Inyo valley 360721N 1170516W - Panamint
Water Canyon Inyo valley 361002N 1173310W - China Gardens Spring
Water Canyon Inyo valley 365334N 1180450W - Mazourka Peak
Water Canyon Inyo valley 372615N 1180624W - Crooked Creek
Water Spout Gulch Inyo valley 360523N 1175740W - Coso Junction
Waterfall Prospect Inyo mine 371315N 1183404W - Mount Thompson
Waucob Mountain Inyo summit 370120N 1180023W 11123 Waucoba Mountain
Waucoba Canyon Inyo valley 365956N 1175623W - Waucoba Canyon
Waucoba Mine Inyo mine 365820N 1175612W 5660 Waucoba Canyon
Waucoba Mountain Inyo summit 370120N 1180023W 11123 Waucoba Mountain
Waucoba Spring Inyo spring 370016N 1175648W - Waucoba Spring
Waucoba Tungsten Mine Inyo mine 365820N 1175612W 5660 Waucoba Canyon
Waucoba Wash Inyo stream 364240N 1174830W - Craig Canyon
Weir Lake Inyo lake 371039N 1183345W - Mount Thompson
Welch Gold Mine (historical) Inyo locale 364843N 1180329W - Bee Springs Canyon
Wells Meadow Inyo flat 372636N 1183755W - Mount Morgan
West Bishop Inyo pop place 372140N 1182715W - Bishop
West Fork Coyote Creek Inyo stream 371507N 1182844W - Bishop
West Side Borax Camp Inyo locale 363032N 1165930W -255 Beatty Junction
West Tunnel Inyo mine 361115N 1174742W - Upper Centennial Flat
Western Mine Inyo mine 372242N 1183344W - Rovana
Western Minnesota Mining Association Placer Mine Inyo mine 365545N 1180603W - Mazourka Peak
Western Tungsten Mine Inyo mine 372242N 1183344W - Rovana
Westgard Pass Inyo gap 371801N 1180911W 7313 Westgard Pass
Wet Fork Blackwater Wash Inyo stream 362356N 1170142W - Tucki Wash
Wheeler Canyon Inyo valley 365834N 1175554W - Waucoba Canyon
Wheeler Crest Inyo ridge 372723N 1184115W - Mount Morgan
Wheeler Ridge Inyo ridge 372723N 1184115W - Mount Morgan
Whippoorwill Canyon Inyo valley 370009N 1175626W - Waucoba Spring
Whippoorwill Flat Inyo flat 370319N 1175844W - Waucoba Spring
White Caps Mine Inyo mine 372021N 1183112W - Tungsten Hills
White Cliff Canyon Inyo valley 372030N 1174352W - Last Chance Mountain
White Eagle Talc Mine Inyo mine 365015N 1175557W - Pat Keyes Canyon
White Gull Pit Inyo mine 372547N 1181718W - Laws
White Hills Inyo other 355208N 1174247W - White Hills

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
White Mountain City Inyo locale 372443N 1175947W - Chocolate Mountain
White Mountain Ranger Station Inyo locale 372209N 1182338W 4108 Bishop
White Mountains Inyo range 373500N 1181600W - Chalfant Valley
White Sage Flat Inyo flat 361937N 1170954W - Emigrant Pass
White Sage Wash Inyo stream 361736N 1171133W - Emigrant Pass
White Swan Mine Inyo mine 362118N 1174315W - Talc City Hills
White Swan Prospect Inyo mine 364824N 1180204W - Bee Springs Canyon
White Top Mountain Inyo summit 364651N 1172446W 7607 White Top Mountain
Whiteside Mine Inyo mine 365005N 1180446W - Bee Springs Canyon
Whitney Pass Inyo gap 363311N 1181639W - Mount Whitney
Whitney Portal Inyo gap 363520N 1181330W - Mount Langley
Whitney Portal Inyo pop place 363521N 1181330W 8000 Mount Langley
Whitney Portal Campground Inyo locale 363520N 1181347W 8036 Mount Langley
Whitney Portal Picnic Area Inyo locale 363510N 1181426W - Mount Langley
Whitney Portal Trailhead Campground Inyo locale 363520N 1181347W 8036 Mount Langley
Whittaker Iron Mine Inyo mine 355914N 1172119W - Slate Range Crossing
Wickline Canyon Inyo valley 355543N 1175435W - Little Lake
Wide Gap Inyo gap 365906N 1182454W  - Mount Pinchot
Widow Mine Inyo mine 361759N 1163953W - Ryan
Widow Mine Number 3 Inyo mine 361755N 1163946W - Ryan
Widow Mine Number 7 Inyo mine 361759N 1163953W - Ryan
Wild Horse Canyon Inyo valley 360503N 1174251W - Petroglyph Canyon
Wild Horse Mesa Inyo summit 360101N 1173743W 5260 Petroglyph Canyon
Wild Horse Spring Inyo spring 360825N 1174238W  - Coso Peak
Wild Horse Spring Inyo spring 360855N 1174303W - Coso Peak
Wildrose Canyon Inyo valley 361022N 1171537W - Maturango Peak NE
Wildrose Peak Inyo summit 361633N 1170441W 9064 Wildrose Peak
Wildrose Ranger Station Inyo locale 361557N 1171102W - Emigrant Pass
Wildrose Spring Inyo spring 361542N 1171239W - Emigrant Pass
Wildrose Station Inyo locale 361557N 1171102W - Emigrant Pass
Wilkerson Mine Inyo mine 372529N 1180616W - Crooked Creek
Wilkerson Springs Inyo spring 371110N 1181435W - Uhlmeyer Spring
Wilkerson Tract Inyo locale 371633N 1182308W 4396 Bishop
Williams Canyon Inyo valley 361407N 1171424W - Jail Canyon
Williamson Bowl Inyo basin 363935N 1181929W - Mount Williamson
Williamson Creek Inyo stream 364208N 1181722W - Mount Williamson
Willow Camp Inyo locale 371139N 1183334W 9150 Mount Thompson
Willow Campground Inyo locale 371139N 1183334W 9150 Mount Thompson
Willow Creek Inyo stream 360402N 1164429W - Gold Valley
Willow Creek Inyo stream 365011N 1175459W - Pat Keyes Canyon
Willow Creek Inyo stream 371744N 1174831W - Horse Thief Canyon
Willow Creek Camp Inyo locale 365020N 1175503W 2287 Pat Keyes Canyon
Willow Lake Inyo lake 370603N 1182732W - Split Mountain
Willow Spring Inyo spring 354818N 1161105W - Tecopa
Willow Spring Inyo spring 355102N 1172407W - Trona West
Willow Spring Inyo spring 355440N 1170330W - Manly Peak
Willow Spring Inyo spring 360258N 1164114W - Gold Valley
Willow Spring Inyo spring 362347N 1171129W - Emigrant Canyon
Willow Spring Inyo spring 364847N 1165802W 4743 Daylight Pass
Willow Spring Inyo spring 371959N 1174213W - Last Chance Mountain
Willow Springs Inyo spring 364950N 1180350W 5446 Bee Springs Canyon
Willow Springs Canyon Inyo valley 364913N 1180511W - Bee Springs Canyon
Willow Wash Inyo stream 372016N 1174556W - Horse Thief Canyon
Wilmington Prospect Inyo mine 365122N 1180505W - Bee Springs Canyon
Wilson Canyon Inyo valley 355235N 1173531W - Mountain Springs Canyon
Wilson Creek Inyo stream 355130N 1173251W  - Burro Canyon
Wilson Ranch Inyo locale 362900N 1173634W - Lee Wash
Winerton Well Inyo well 365423N 1181257W - Blackrock
Wingate Wash Inyo stream 355516N 1164509W - Anvil Spring Canyon East
Winnedumah  Inyo pillar 365150N 1180204W 8369 Bee Springs Canyon
Winnedumah Paiute Monument Inyo pillar 365150N 1180204W 8369 Bee Springs Canyon
Winnedumah Rock Inyo pillar 365150N 1180204W 8369 Bee Springs Canyon
Winters Peak Inyo summit 363105N 1164515W 5033 Nevares Peak
Wishbone Lake Inyo lake 371221N 1183943W - Mount Darwin
Wishi Honopi Inyo valley 361232N 1165507W - Hanaupah Canyon
Wonder Lakes Inyo lake 371306N 1183939W - Mount Darwin
Wonder Mine Inyo mine 354815N 1162441W - Ibex Spring
Wonoga Peak Inyo summit 362857N 1180657W 10371 Bartlett
Wood Canyon Inyo valley 355625N 1170743W - Manly Fall
Wood Canyon Inyo valley 361100N 1172449W - Revenue Canyon
Wood Canyon Inyo valley 362010N 1170754W - Emigrant Pass
Woodpecker Canyon Inyo valley 360704N 1170707W - Panamint
World Beater Mine Inyo mine 360135N 1170714W - Panamint
Wormhole Canyon Inyo valley 362548N 1180349W - Bartlett
Wotans Throne Inyo summit 363359N 1181643W 12726 Mount Whitney
Wrinkle Spring Inyo spring 361226N 1173825W - Coso Peak
Wyman Creek Inyo stream 372102N 1175951W - Soldier Pass
Wyoming Mine Inyo mine 360633N 1170543W - Panamint
Yaney Mine Inyo mine 371914N 1182728W - Bishop
Yuba Hebe Inyo crater 370036N 1172656W - Ubehebe Crater
Zabriskie Point Inyo summit 362512N 1164840W 713 Furnace Creek
Zink Hill Inyo pop place 362608N 1170848W 5620 Emigrant Canyon
Zinc Hill Inyo summit 361747N 1172937W 5584 Panamint Springs
Zincite Prospect Inyo mine 365644N 1180402W - Mazourka Peak
Zurich Inyo pop place 371058N 1181533W 3928 Big Pine

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