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Section: 1 of 24     2385 Listings
Sections: |  1 A-Ba  | |  2 Ba-Bi  | |  3 Bi-Bu  | |  4 Bu-Co  | |  5  Co-Da  |

Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
A Canyon Inyo valley 361734N 1171035W - Emigrant Pass
Aberdeen Inyo pop place 365841N 1181509W 3906 Aberdeen
Aberdeen Station Inyo pop place 365841N 1181509W 3906 Aberdeen
Adamson Landing Field (historical) Inyo airport 361653N 1175955W 3640 Vermillion Canyon
Adamson Mine Inyo mine 372353N 1184320W - Mount Morgan
Addle Canyon Inyo valley 365511N 1175738W - Waucoba Canyon
Aeroplane Mine Inyo mine 372038N 1183132W - Tungsten Hills
Agassiz Needle Inyo summit 370642N 1183148W 13891 North Palisade
Agua De Hernandez Inyo spring 355240N 1160926W - Resting Spring
Aguereberry Point Inyo summit 362129N 1170247W 6280 Wildrose Peak
Airport Lake Inyo flat 355408N 1174357W - Airport Lake
Al Rose Canyon Inyo valley 365506N 1180459W - Mazourka Peak
Alabama Gates Inyo dam 364026N 1180552W - Union Wash
Alabama Hills Inyo other 363653N 1180542W - Lone Pine
Alabama Hills Inyo pop place 363404N 1180520W 4550 Lone Pine
Alabama Hills Recreation Area Inyo park 363627N 1180916W - Mount Langley
Alexander Hills Inyo other 354750N 1161652W - Ibex Pass
Alhambra Mine Inyo mine 364919N 1180224W - Bee Springs Canyon
Aliance Talc Mine Inyo mine 362034N 1174016W - Talc City Hills
Alice Extension Prospect Inyo mine 370702N 1180847W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Alice Prospect Inyo mine 370705N 1180857W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Alice Quartz Mine Inyo mine 370507N 1181116W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Alico Inyo pop place 363411N 1175744W 3672 Dolomite
Alkali Flat Inyo flat 360116N 1171400W - Ballarat
Allen Spring Inyo spring 355021N 1172331W - Trona West
Allens Well (historical) Inyo well n/a n/a - Death Valley Junction
Alpha Spring Inyo spring 355432N 1172442W - Homewood Canyon
Alta Vista Inyo pop place 372446N 1183230W 4585 Rovana
Alvord Inyo pop place 371058N 1181533W 3928 Big Pine
Amargosa  Inyo pop place 361808N 1162446W 2040 Death Valley Junction
Amargosa Airport Inyo airport 361744N 1162533W 2037 Death Valley Junction
Amargosa Desert Inyo plain n/a n/a - n/a
Amargosa Desert Inyo basin 361445N 1165030W -282 Badwater
Amargosa Range Inyo range 363729N 1163729W - Leeland
Amargosa River Inyo stream 361437N 1165121W - Badwater
American Mine Inyo mine 355215N 1162537W - Ibex Spring
Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest Inyo forest 372656N 1180830W - Blanco Mountain
Andrews Camp Inyo locale 371447N 1183402W - Mount Thompson
Andrews Mountain Inyo summit 370438N 1180456W 9460 Waucoba Mountain
Andrews Numbers 1-17 Prospects Inyo mine 370431N 1180538W - Waucoba Mountain
Antelope Spring Inyo spring 371952N 1180511W - Deep Springs Lake
Antelope Spring Inyo spring 372011N 1180520W - Deep Springs Lake
Anthony Mill Ruins Inyo locale 360025N 1172205W - Maturango Peak SE
Anvil Camp Inyo locale 364133N 1181929W - Mount Williamson
Anvil Spring Inyo spring 355523N 1170500W - Manly Peak
Anvil Spring Canyon Inyo valley 355806N 1164803W - Anvil Spring Canyon East
Aperture Peak Inyo summit 370706N 1183147W 13265 North Palisade
Aramozza Creek Inyo stream 361437N 1165121W - Badwater
Arcane Meadows Inyo flat 361247N 1170520W - Telescope Peak
Arcane Peak Inyo summit 355306N 1165542W  4820 Anvil Spring Canyon West
Archilette Inyo spring 355240N 1160926W - Resting Spring
Argenta Mine Inyo mine 362000N 1170657W - Wildrose Peak
Argus Mountains Inyo range 360509N 1172803W - Maturango Peak
Argus Peak Inyo summit 355109N 1172649W 6562 Trona West
Argus Range Inyo range 360509N 1172803W - Maturango Peak
Argus Spring Inyo spring 360808N 1172940W - Revenue Canyon
Argus Spring Inyo spring 355142N 1172547W - Trona West
Argus Sterling Mine Inyo mine 360928N 1172952W - Revenue Canyon
Armstrong Canyon Inyo valley 365739N 1182006W - Aberdeen
Armuyosa Desert Inyo basin 361445N 1165030W -282 Badwater
Army Pass Inyo gap 362948N 1181417W - Cirque Creek
Arrastra Spring Inyo spring 355141N 1172436W - Trona West
Arrastre Meadow Inyo flat 372738N 1180044W 7400 Crooked Creek
Arrastre Spring Inyo spring 360049N 1170142W - Panamint
Arroyo Group Prospects Inyo mine 364647N 1180342W - Bee Springs Canyon
Artists Palette Inyo summit 362204N 1164809W 800 Devils Golf Course
Asbestos Number 1 Prospect Inyo mine 365339N 1180408W - Mazourka Peak
Ash Creek Inyo stream 362250N 1180032W - Bartlett
Ash Hill Inyo summit 361542N 1172448W 2595 Panamint Springs
Ash Meadow Inyo flat 362330N 1180837W - Cirque Peak
Ashford Canyon Inyo valley 355652N 1164052W - Shore Line Butte
Ashford Junction Inyo pop place 355435N 1164021W -104 Shore Line Butte
Ashford Mill (historical) Inyo pop place 355508N 1164102W -98 Shore Line Butte
Ashford Mine Inyo mine 355728N 1163829W - Shore Line Butte
Ashford Peak Inyo summit 355700N 1163804W 3545 Shore Line Butte
Ashford Well Inyo well 355357N 1163922W - Shore Line Butte
Aspen Meadow Campground Inyo locale 371237N 1183358W 8800 Mount Thompson
Aspen Meadow Recreation Stie Inyo locale 371237N 1183358W 8800 Mount Thompson
Aspendell Inyo pop place 371417N 1183551W 8400 Mount Thompson
Aussictspunkt Inyo summit 362512N 1164840W 713 Furnace Creek
Austin Spring Inyo spring 355127N 1172253W - Trona West
Baboon Lake Inyo lake 371008N 1183719W - Mount Thompson
Baboon Lakes Inyo lake 371008N 1183719W - Mount Thompson
Badger Flat Inyo flat 365813N 1180554W - Mazourka Peak
Badger Flat Prospects Inyo mine 365800N 1180519W - Mazourka Peak
Badwater Inyo pop place 361347N 1164558W -280 Badwater
Badwater Basin Inyo basin 361501N 1164930W - Devils Golf Course
Badwater Springs Inyo spring 364720N 1175350W - Pat Keyes Canyon
Bainter Canyon Inyo valley 355022N 1172149W - Trona East
Bainter Spring Inyo spring 355034N 1172256W - Trona West
Bairs Creek Inyo stream 364329N 1180805W - Manzanar
Baker Creek Inyo stream 370924N 1182400W - Coyote Flat
Baker Creek Inyo stream 371101N 1181810W - Big Pine
Baker Creek Recreation Site Inyo locale 371002N 1181820W 4159 Big Pine
Bakoch Prospect Inyo mine 370810N 1182203W - Big Pine
Bald Peak Inyo summit 361808N 1170526W 7764 Wildrose Peak
Baldy Peak Inyo summit 355457N 1170658W 7196 Manly Peak
Baldy Peak Inyo summit 361305N 1170503W 9994 Telescope Peak
Ballarat Inyo pop place 360252N 1171321W 1061 Ballarat
Barrel Springs Inyo spring 365329N 1180425W - Mazourka Peak

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Barrel Springs Group Placer Mine Inyo mine 365333N 1180448W - Mazourka Peak
Bartlett Inyo pop place 362836N 1180148W 3640 Bartlett
Basin Mountain Inyo summit 371750N 1183928W 13240 Mount Tom
Bat Mountain Inyo summit 362002N 1163054W 4521 East of Ryan
Batchelder Spring Inyo spring 371438N 1181139W   Uhlmeyer Spring
Baxter Creek Inyo stream 365047N 1182236W - Mount Clarence King
Baxter Mine Inyo mine 360618N 1161348W - Twelvemile Spring
Baxter Mine Inyo mine 365338N 1175824W - Waucoba Canyon
Baxter Pass Inyo gap 365007N 1182234W - Mount Clarence King
Bear Creek Spire Inyo summit 372205N 1184600W 13713 Mount Hilgard
Bear Creek Sprine Inyo summit 372205N 1184600W 13713 Mount Hilgard
Bear Lake Inyo lake 372221N 1184348W - Mount Tom
Beatty Junction Inyo pop place 363517N 1165632W -190 Beatty Junction
Bed Spring Inyo spring 364303N 1175955W - New York Butte
Bee Springs Inyo spring 364834N 1180343W - Bee Springs Canyon
Bee Springs Canyon Inyo valley 364741N 1180504W - Bee Springs Canyon
Beebe Mine Inyo mine 360955N 1175236W - Haiwee Reservoirs
Beer Creek Inyo stream 372135N 1180153W - Deep Springs Lake
Bells Mill (historical) Inyo locale n/a n/a - Independence
Belmont Mine Inyo mine 363158N 1174557W - Cerro Gordo Peak
Bench Lake Inyo lake 364543N 1182141W - Kearsarge Peak
Bend City, Site of designated as seat of Coso County, but the county was never formed (historic landmark #209) (1860) Inyo pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Bendere Canyon Inyo valley 360506N 1172315W - Maturango Peak
Benderes Canyon Inyo valley 360506N 1172315W - Maturango Peak
Bendire Canyon Inyo valley 360506N 1172315W - Maturango Peak
Benko Spring Inyo spring 355345N 1172528W - Homewood Canyon
Bennett-arcane Long Camp (historic landmark #444) (1849) Inyo locale n/a n/a - n/a
Bennett Peak Inyo summit 361226N 1170528W 9980 Telescope Peak
Bennetts Well Inyo well 360958N 1165136W - Badwater
Bennetts Wells Inyo well 360958N 1165136W - Badwater
Bethune Pass Inyo valley 365955N 1172150W - East of Tin Mountain
Bethune Pass Inyo gap 370001N 1172200W - Scottys Castle
Betty Jumbo Mine Inyo mine 364828N 1180218W - Bee Springs Canyon
Beveridge Inyo pop place 364216N 1175451W 5590 New York Butte
Beveridge Canyon Inyo valley 364303N 1175038W - Craig Canyon
Big Bell Mine Inyo mine 364134N 1165342W - Chloride City
Big Cactus Flat Inyo flat 360703N 1174907W - Cactus Peak
Big Cottonwood Meadows Inyo flat 363130N 1181200W 11418 Mount Langley
Big Dodd Spring Inyo spring 363509N 1173420W - Jackass Canyon
Big Dodds Spring Inyo spring 363509N 1173420W - Jackass Canyon
Big Four Mine Inyo mine 362552N 1172315W - The Dunes
Big Horn Canyon Inyo valley 355743N 1171148W - Manly Fall
Big Petroglyphs Inyo locale 360228N 1173953W - Petroglyph Canyon
Big Pine Inyo pop place 370954N 1181719W 3985 Big Pine
Big Pine Campground Inyo locale 370732N 1182558W - Coyote Flat
Big Pine Creek Inyo stream 370731N 1182615W - Coyote Flat
Big Pine Creek Campground Inyo locale 370733N 1182557W 7751 Coyote Flat
Big Pine Copper Number 1 Prospect Inyo mine 370835N 1181132W - Uhlmeyer Spring
Big Pine Creek Inyo stream 371024N 1181530W - Big Pine
Big Pine Creek Campground Inyo locale 370720N 1182615W 7874 Split Mountain
Big Pine Creek Number 2 6-011 Dam Inyo dam 370730N 1182912W - Coyote Flat
Big Pine Indian Rancheria Inyo locale 370934N 1181706W - Big Pine
Big Pine Lake Inyo lake 370737N 1182913W - Coyote Flat
Big Pine Lakes Inyo lake 370756N 1183030W - Mount Thompson
Big Pine Mine Inyo mine 370652N 1180840W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Big Pine Spring Inyo spring 371003N 1182212W - Big Pine
Big Pine Triangle County Park Inyo park 371023N 1181717W 3939 Big Pine
Big Pine Triangle Recreation Site Inyo park 371023N 1181717W 3939 Big Pine
Big Pothole Lake Inyo lake 364614N 1182223W - Kearsarge Peak
Big Ram Mine Inyo mine 365223N 1181818W - Kearsarge Peak
Big Seeley Spring Inyo spring 370115N 1181331W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Big Silver Mine Inyo mine 364021N 1174952W - Craig Canyon
Big Trees Campground Inyo locale 371553N 1183438W 7740 Tungsten Hills
Big Trees Recreation Site Inyo locale 371553N 1183438W 7740 Tungsten Hills
Bigelow (historical) Inyo locale 372007N 1181848W 4040 Poleta Canyon
Bighorn Gorge Inyo valley 365532N 1172018W - East of Tin Mountain
Bighorn Mine Inyo mine 364112N 1175359W - New York Butte
Bighorn Park Inyo flat 363418N 1181528W - Mount Whitney
Bighorn Spring Inyo spring 364046N 1175311W - New York Butte
Bigpine Inyo pop place 370954N 1181719W 3985 Big Pine
Billie Mine Inyo mine 362030N 1164102W - Ryan
Birch Campground Inyo locale 370725N 1182623W - Split Mountain
Birch Creek Inyo stream 370403N 1181546W - Fish Springs
Birch Creek Inyo stream 371910N 1180205W - Deep Springs Lake
Birch Creek Inyo stream 372228N 1182900W - Bishop
Birch Lake Inyo lake 370424N 1182541W - Split Mountain
Birch Mountain Inyo summit 370350N 1182505W 13660 Split Mountain
Birch Spring Inyo spring 361127N 1170602W - Telescope Peak
Bircham Springs Inyo spring 355535N 1172825W - Homewood Canyon
Bircham Springs Picnic Area Inyo locale 355606N 1172822W - Homewood Canyon
Birchim Canyon Inyo valley 372612N 1183319W - Rovana
Birchim Lake Inyo lake 372054N 1184416W - Mount Tom
Bird Spring Inyo spring 363220N 1173243W - Jackass Canyon
Birthday Numbers 1-4 Prospects Inyo mine 365131N 1180449W - Bee Springs Canyon
Bishop Inyo pop place 372149N 1182339W 4147 Bishop
Bishop Airport Inyo airport 372228N 1182201W 4108 Poleta Canyon
Bishop Antimony Mine Inyo mine 371910N 1182527W - Bishop
Bishop City Park Inyo park 372202N 1182332W - Bishop
Bishop Creek Inyo stream 372109N 1182733W - Bishop
Bishop Creek 104-033 Dam Inyo dam 371454N 1183500W - Mount Thompson
Bishop Creek Battleground (historic landmark #811) (April 6, 1862) Inyo locale n/a n/a - n/a
Bishop Lake Inyo lake 370717N 1183300W - North Palisade
Bishop Mine Inyo mine 371910N 1182527W - Bishop
Bishop Indian Reservation Inyo reserve 372200N 1182510W - Bishop
Bishop Paiute Reservation Inyo reserve 372200N 1182510W - Bishop
Bishop Park Inyo flat 371442N 1183531W 8273 Mount Thompson
Bishop Park Campground Inyo locale 371437N 1183545W 8280 Mount Thompson
Bishop Park Group Campground Inyo locale 371438N 1183532W 8240 Mount Thompson
Bishop Park Recreation Site Inyo locale 371437N 1183545W 8280 Mount Thompson
Bishop Park Recreation Site Inyo locale 371438N 1183532W 8240 Mount Thompson

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Bishop Post Office (Est. Jan. 21, 1888) Inyo post office 372142N 1182359W - Bishop
Bishop Prospect Inyo mine 370851N 1183317W - Mount Thompson
Bishop Trail Park (subdivision) Inyo pop place 372145N 1182329W 4140 Bishop
Bitter Lake Inyo flat 362600N 1175700W - Owens Lake
Black Aster Prospect Inyo mine 370334N 1181031W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Black Birch Canyon Inyo valley 372803N 1180052W - Crooked Creek
Black Canyon Inyo valley 355747N 1174347W - Airport Lake
Black Canyon Inyo valley 365228N 1181743W - Kearsarge Peak
Black Canyon Inyo valley 371727N 1181619W - Poleta Canyon
Black Canyon Mine Inyo mine 371749N 1181353W - Westgard Pass
Black Canyon Spring Inyo spring 372156N 1181216W - Westgard Pass
Black Eagle Mine Inyo mine 364913N 1180228W - Bee Springs Canyon
Black Jack Mine Inyo mine 365745N 1181049W - Blackrock
Black Jackass Prospect Inyo mine 364746N 1180315W - Bee Springs Canyon
Black Lady Mine Inyo mine 365401N 1180428W - Mazourka Peak
Black Lake Inyo lake 370757N 1182940W - Coyote Flat
Black Mountain Inyo summit 364831N 1182242W 13289 Mount Clarence King
Black Mountain Inyo summit 371600N 1181329W 9083 Westgard Pass
Black Mountain Inyo range 360856N 1163928W - Dantes View
Black Mountains Inyo range 360856N 1163928W - Dantes View
Black Point Inyo ridge 363224N 1171208W - Stovepipe Wells
Black Point Inyo locale 364327N 1165836W 2262 Chloride City
Black Rock Canyon Inyo valley 361606N 1174332W - Talc City Hills
Black Spring Inyo spring 361455N 1174353W - Coso Peak
Black Springs Inyo spring 361505N 1174350W - Talc City Hills
Black Warrior Mine Inyo mine 363809N 1175856W - New York Butte
Blackbird Prospect Inyo mine 365435N 1180430W - Mazourka Peak
Blackrock Inyo pop place 365545N 1181357W 3845 Blackrock
Blackrock Drain Inyo stream 365534N 1181337W - Blackrock
Blackrock Springs Inyo spring 365547N 1181358W - Blackrock
Blackrock Well Inyo well 363120N 1173750W - Nelson Range
Blackwater Spring Inyo spring 362316N 1170219W - Tucki Wash
Blackwater Springs Inyo spring 362316N 1170219W - Tucki Wash
Blackwater Wash Inyo stream 362458N 1165755W - West of Furnace Creek
Blake Mine Inyo mine 370517N 1181029W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Blanco Mountain Inyo summit 372756N 1180942W 11278 Blanco Mountain
Blaue Berge Inyo range 365354N 1182212W - Mount Clarence King
Blister Lode Prospect Inyo mine 370551N 1181041W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Blue Bell Mine Inyo mine 365859N 1180556W - Mazourka Peak
Blue Boy Prospect Inyo mine 365727N 1181037W - Blackrock
Blue Crystal Numbers 1-6 Prospects Inyo mine 370518N 1180316W - Waucoba Mountain
Blue Grouse Prospect Inyo mine 372123N 1184232W - Mount Tom
Blue Heaven Lake Inyo lake 371009N 1183934W - Mount Darwin
Blue Lake Inyo lake 371059N 1183706W 10398 Mount Thompson
Blue Monster Mine Inyo mine 365336N 1175725W - Waucoba Canyon
Blue Star Mine Inyo mine 370720N 1182434W - Split Mountain
Blue Star Mines Inyo mine 370720N 1182434W - Split Mountain
Blue Stone Talc Mine Inyo mine 365435N 1180355W - Mazourka Peak
Bluebird Mine Inyo mine 364817N 1180341W - Bee Springs Canyon
Bluff Lake Inyo lake 371040N 1183255W - Mount Thompson
Boaz Prospect Inyo mine 370728N 1181128W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Bob White Prospect Inyo mine 370623N 1181012W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Bobcat Spring Inyo spring 355437N 1172449W - Homewood Canyon
Bog Mound Springs Inyo spring 371729N 1180259W - Deep Springs Lake
Bonanza Gulch Inyo valley 365334N 1180450W - Mazourka Peak
Bonham Mines Inyo mine 363456N 1174810W - Cerro Gordo Peak
Bonham Talc Mines Inyo mine 363456N 1174810W - Cerro Gordo Peak
Bonner Spring Inyo spring 370155N 1172011W - Scottys Castle
Boraxo Mine Inyo mine 362032N 1164236W - Ryan
Boron Springs Inyo spring 364725N 1181621W - Kearsarge Peak
Bottleneck Lake Inyo lake 371108N 1183844W - Mount Darwin
Boulder Peak Inyo summit 354753N 1175535W 6266 Ninemile Canyon
Boundary Canyon Inyo valley 364302N 1165850W - Chloride City
Box Lake Inyo lake 372452N 1184512W - Mount Abbot
Brackett Prospect Inyo mine 371219N 1183116W - Mount Thompson
Bradbury Wash Inyo stream 355510N 1163212W - Epaulet Peak
Bradbury Well Inyo well 355501N 1163129W - Epaulet Peak
Brainard Lake Inyo lake 370526N 1182727W - Split Mountain
Brainerd Lake Inyo lake 370526N 1182727W - Split Mountain
Braley Creek Inyo stream 362009N 1180135W - Olancha
Breakfast Canyon Inyo valley 362624N 1165057W - Furnace Creek
Brewery Spring Inyo spring 360657N 1170747W - Ballarat
Breyfogle (historical) Inyo pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Breyfogle  Buttes Inyo summit 364243N 1170012W 3017 Stovepipe Wells NE
Breyfogle Pass Inyo gap 363622N 1164658W - Nevares Peak
Broadway Prospect Inyo mine 364956N 1180350W - Bee Springs Canyon
Brockmans Corner Inyo pop place 372234N 1182553W 4245 Fish Slough
Broken Finger Peak Inyo summit 372420N 1184300W 13000 Mount Morgan
Brook Quarry Inyo mine 370323N 1181845W - Fish Springs
Brown Canyon Inyo valley 355428N 1175419W - Little Lake
Brown Lake Inyo lake 371011N 1183229W - Mount Thompson
Brown Lake Inyo lake 371052N 1183440W - Mount Thompson
Brown Peak Inyo summit 360656N 1162304W 4947 Deadman Pass
Brown Prospect Inyo mine 371828N 1182750W - Bishop
Brown Valley Inyo valley 354728N 1174821W - Pearsonville
Browns Town Recreational Vehicle Park Inyo locale 372046N 1182348W - Bishop
Brownstone Mine Inyo mine 372108N 1184227W - Mount Tom
Bruce Canyon Inyo valley 355505N 1172125W - Slate Range Crossing
Buck Lake Inyo lake 372436N 1184231W - Mount Morgan
Buckeye Placer Mine Inyo mine 365122N 1180640W - Bee Springs Canyon
Buckhorn Spring Inyo spring 371545N 1180200W - Deep Springs Lake
Buckhorn Springs Inyo spring 371545N 1180200W - Deep Springs Lake
Buckshot Prospect Inyo mine 371351N 1182240W - Coyote Flat
Buckwheat Wash Inyo stream 354501N 1162731W - Ibex Spring
Buena Vista Prospect Inyo mine 370003N 1181030W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Bundy Canyon Inyo valley 354956N 1171655W - Trona East
Bungalette City Inyo well 363933N 1170444W  50 Stovepipe Wells NE
Bunker Hill Canyon Inyo valley 365519N 1175655W - Waucoba Canyon
Bunker Hill Mine Inyo mine 365536N 1175656W - Waucoba Canyon
Burgess Mine Inyo mine 363756N 1175457W - New York Butte

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Burgess Well Inyo well 363724N 1175505W - Dolomite
Burned Wagons Point (historic landmark #441) (1849) Inyo locale n/a n/a - n/a
Burns Spring Inyo spring 362348N 1171116W - Emigrant Canyon
Burro Canyon Inyo valley 354752N 1173424W - Burro Canyon
Burro Canyon Inyo valley 355505N 1172125W - Slate Range Crossing
Burro Spring Inyo spring 362417N 1171120W - Emigrant Canyon
Burro Spring Inyo spring 364727N 1172704W - White Top Mountain
Butte Valley Inyo valley 355719N 1170322W - Manly Peak
Buttermilk Country Inyo area 371740N 1183633W - Tungsten Hills
Cabin Prospect Inyo mine 370558N 1180907W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Cabin Spring Inyo spring 355553N 1172401W - Homewood Canyon
Cactus Flat Inyo flat 361128N 1175309W - Haiwee Reservoirs
Cactus Peak Inyo summit 360442N 1174854W 5415 Cactus Peak
Calico Peaks Inyo range 355904N 1162858W - Salsberry Peak
California Range Inyo range 365354N 1182212W - Mount Clarence King
California Rose Number 2 Prospect Inyo mine 365728N 1180911W - Blackrock
California Valley Inyo valley 355134N 1160025W - Tecopa Pass
Calvada Springs Inyo pop place 355806N 1155339W 2590 Calvada Springs
Calvert Lake Inyo lake 365914N 1181307W - Blackrock
Camp Independence (Fort) (historic landmark #349) (July 4, 1862) (historical) Inyo military n/a n/a - Independence
Camp Lake Inyo lake 363337N 1181440W - Mount Langley
Camp Sabrina  Inyo locale 371315N 1183614W 8959 Mount Thompson
Cannon Canyon Inyo valley 360654N 1170701W - Panamint
Canyon Spring Inyo spring 362417N 1171125W - Emigrant Canyon
Cardinal Mine Inyo mine 371333N 1183610W - Mount Thompson
Cardinal Mountain Inyo summit 365958N 1182450W 13397 Mount Pinchot
Carricut Lake Inyo lake 360219N 1172952W - Maturango Peak
Carroll Creek Inyo stream 362903N 1180129W - Bartlett
Cartago Inyo pop place 361915N 1180132W 3620 Olancha
Cartago Creek Inyo stream 361755N 1180206W - Olancha
Carthage Inyo pop place 361915N 1180132W 3620 Olancha
CarthageCreek Inyo stream 361755N 1180206W - Olancha
Castle Inyo locale 370156N 1172021W - Scottys Castle
Castle in Clay Inyo locale 355818N 1161534W - Shoshone
Cedar Flat Inyo flat 371657N 1180901W - Westgard Pass
Cedar Spring Inyo spring 372629N 1180843W - Blanco Mountain
Cent Prospect Inyo mine 364859N 1180325W - Bee Springs Canyon
Centennial Canyon Inyo valley 361559N 1174553W - Centennial Canyon
Center School (historical) Inyo school 371529N 1181902W - Poleta Canyon
Cerro Gordo Mine Inyo mine 363222N 1174727W - Cerro Gordo Peak
Cerro Gordo Peak Inyo summit 363216N 1174708W 9184 Cerro Gordo Peak
Cerro Gordo Spring Inyo spring 363506N 1174921W - Cerro Gordo Peak
Chalafant (historical) Inyo pop place 373146N 1182145W 4285 ? ? ? ? ?
Chalfant Lakes Inyo lake 372053N 1184533W - Mount Hilgard
Chalk Bluff Inyo cliff 372443N 1182804W - Fish Slough
Chappo Spring Inyo spring 355652N 1161121W - Resting Spring
Chappo Spring Inyo spring 361110N 1174154W - Coso Peak
Charleys Butte Inyo locale 370055N 1181350W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Charlie Canyon Inyo valley 364942N 1181827W - Kearsarge Peak
Charlies Butte Inyo locale 370055N 1181350W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Charlies Pride Mine Inyo mine 355619N 1163626W - Epaulet Peak
Chicago Valley Inyo valley 355922N 1160959W - Resting Spring
Chicken Spring Pass Inyo gap 362711N 1181251W - Cirque Peak
Chicken Strip Inyo airport 364825N 1174652W - Lower Warm Springs
Chickenfoot Lake Inyo lake 372356N 1184510W 10761 Mount Abbot
China Garden Spring Inyo spring 361208N 1173621W - China Gardens Spring
China Garden Spring Inyo spring 361850N 1173152W - Darwin
China Gardens  Inyo spring 361208N 1173621W - China Gardens Spring
China Gardens Spring Inyo spring 361208N 1173621W - China Gardens Spring
China Gardens Wash Inyo stream 361324N 1173221W - China Gardens Spring
China Ranch Inyo locale 354804N 1161139W - Tecopa
Chinese Garden Spring Inyo spring 361208N 1173621W - China Gardens Spring
Chipmunk Mine Inyo mine 371813N 1182826W - Bishop
Chloride City Inyo pop place 364224N 1165253W 4760 Chloride City
Chloride Cliff Inyo summit 364144N 1165244W 5279 Chloride City
Chocolate Lakes Inyo lake 370847N 1183237W - Mount Thompson
Chocolate Mountain Inyo summit 372431N 1175535W 7703 Chocolate Mountain
Chocolate Peak Inyo summit 370840N 1183256W 11658 Mount Thompson
Chris Wicht Camp Inyo locale 360643N 1171031W - Ballarat
Christmas Mine Inyo mine 361747N 1170757W - Emigrant Pass
Christmas Spring Inyo spring 354917N 1172426W - Trona West
Chrysopolis (historical) Inyo pop place 365738N 1181145W 3840 Blackrock
Chuckwalla Canyon Inyo valley 361228N 1170022W - Telescope Peak
Chuckwalla Canyon Inyo valley 361232N 1165507W - Hanaupah Canyon
Chuckwalla Canyon Inyo valley 361347N 1165616W - Hanaupah Canyon
Chung Up Mountain Inyo ridge 360022N 1160446W - Nopah Peak
Chung Up Mountains Inyo range 354903N 1155019W - Blackwater Mine
Cienega Mirth Inyo summit 370808N 1182758W 9175 Coyote Flat
Cinder Hill Inyo summit 355624N 1164408W -75 Shore Line Butte
Cinder Hill Inyo summit 355911N 1175503W 3952 Little Lake
Circle S Ranch Inyo locale 371407N 1183353W 8374 Mount Thompson
Cirque Lake Inyo lake 362835N 1181306W - Cirque Peak
Cirque Peak Inyo summit 362837N 1181410W 12900 Cirque Peak
Clair Camp Inyo locale 360159N 1170758W 4518 Ballarat
Cleveland Mine Inyo mine 370459N 1181707W - Fish Springs
Cleveland Mines Inyo mine 370459N 1181707W - Fish Springs
Cliff Dwelling Inyo locale 355818N 1161534W - Shoshone
Clifford Mine Inyo mine 364908N 1180232W - Bee Springs Canyon
Cloudripper Inyo summit 370833N 1183146W 13525 Mount Thompson
Clyde Glacier Inyo glacier 370445N 1182840W 12139 Split Mountain
Clyde Meadow Inyo flat 363449N 1181600W - Mount Whitney
Clyde Spires Inyo summit 370824N 1183851W 12955 Mount Darwin
Coats Meadow Inyo flat 371416N 1183345W - Mount Thompson
Coffin Canyon Inyo valley 360911N 1164556W - Badwater
Coffin Peak Inyo summit 361252N 1164217W 5503 Dantes View
Coffins Mountains Inyo range 362126N 1163123W - East of Ryan
Coldwater Spring Inyo spring 372426N 1181025W - Blanco Mountain
Cole Spring Inyo spring 360902N 1174010W - Coso Peak
Coleman Inyo locale 362726N 1165155W -179 Furnace Creek
Coleman Borax Works Inyo locale 362856N 1165221W -240 Furnace Creek

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Colemanite Inyo pop place 361923N 1164014W 3040 Ryan
Coles Flat Inyo flat 360835N 1173752W - Coso Peak
Coles Spring Inyo spring 360902N 1174010W - Coso Peak
Colosseum Mountain Inyo summit 365429N 1182216W 12473 Aberdeen
Colter Spring Inyo spring 355940N 1170822W - Manly Fall
Columbia Mine Inyo mine 354935N 1160602W - Tecopa Pass
Columbia Mine Inyo mine 361436N 1173336W - China Gardens Spring
Colville Ridge Inyo ridge 361432N 1170216W - Telescope Peak
Comet Mine Inyo mine 355002N 1162301W - Ibex Spring
Cometti Mine Inyo mine 370437N 1181717W - Fish Springs
Condor Number 1 Mine Inyo mine 365115N 1180503W - Bee Springs Canyon
Confidence Gold Mill Inyo locale 355019N 1163345W 17 Confidence Hills East
Confidence Hills Inyo range 355123N 1163820W - Confidence Hills West
Confidence Mill Inyo locale 355019N 1163345W 17 Confidence Hills East
Confidence Wash Inyo stream 355027N 1163427W - Confidence Hills East
Conglomerate Mesa Inyo summit 363038N 1174505W 7707 Cerro Gordo Peak
Consultation Lake Inyo lake 363336N 1181620W - Mount Whitney
Contact Canyon Inyo valley 355047N 1163939W - Confidence Hills West
Contact Pass Inyo gap 370629N 1182912W - Split Mountain
Contact Silver Number 8 Prospect Inyo mine 370443N 1181115W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Cooper Mine Inyo mine 360224N 1170430W - Panamint
Copper Canyon Inyo valley 360743N 1164510W - Badwater
Copper Canyon Inyo valley 371825N 1173934W - Last Chance Mountain
Copper Empire Group Mine Inyo mine 365316N 1180512W - Mazourka Peak
Copper Queen Canyon Inyo valley 354701N 1171550W - Trona East
Copper Queen Mine Inyo mine 372628N 1175758W - Chocolate Mountain
Copper Queen Mine Inyo mine 365007N 1180527W 4462 Bee Springs Canyon
Corcoran Mountian Inyo summit 363124N 1181417W 14026 Mount Langley
Corcoran Mountain Inyo summit 363220N 1181457W 13760 Mount Langley
Cordilleras of California Inyo range 365354N 1182212W - Mount Clarence King
Corkscrew Canyon Inyo valley 362240N 1164536W - Furnace Creek
Corkscrew Mine Inyo mine 362155N 1164551W - Devils Golf Course
Corkscrew Peak Inyo summit 364612N 1170011W 5804 Thimble Peak
Cornfield Inyo flat 363722N 1170308W - Grotto Canyon
Corral Springs Inyo spring 371633N 1180119W - Deep Springs Lake
Coso Inyo pop place 355842N 1175543W 3304 Little Lake
Coso (historical) Inyo locale 361036N 1173846W 5800 Coso Peak
Coso  Inyo pop place 360242N 1175647W 3368 Coso Junction
Coso Basin Inyo basin 355514N 1174348W - Airport Lake
Coso Hot Springs Inyo spring 360246N 1174610W - Cactus Peak
Coso Junction Inyo pop place 360242N 1175647W 3368 Coso Junction
Coso Mountain Inyo range 360830N 1174120W 8160 Coso Peak
Coso Peak Inyo summit 361210N 1174247W 8160 Coso Peak
Coso Range Inyo range 360830N 1174120W 8160 Coso Peak
Coso Springs Inyo spring 361038N 1173846W - Coso Peak
Coso Springs Inyo spring 361043N 1173735W - Coso Peak
Coso Wash Inyo stream 355622N 1174514W - Volcano Peak
Cottonball Basin Inyo basin 363109N 1165637W - Beatty Junction
Cottonball Marsh Inyo swamp 363100N 1165835W -265 Beatty Junction
Cottonwood Canyon Inyo valley 363753N 1171740W - East of Sand Flat
Cottonwood Charcoal Kilns (historic landmark #537) (June, 1873) Inyo locale n/a n/a - n/a
Cottonwood Creek Inyo stream 362444N 1180025W - Bartlett
Cottonwood Creek Inyo stream 372125N 1173657W - Tule Canyon
Cottonwood Creek Inyo stream 372913N 1175457W - Chocolate Mountain
Cottonwood Lakes Inyo lake 362936N 1181255W - Cirque Peak
Cottonwood Mountains Inyo range 362744N 1171935W - Panamint Butte
Cottonwood Mountains Inyo other 363441N 1172028W - Cottonwood Canyon
Cottonwood Pass Inyo gap 362711N 1181251W - Cirque Peak
Cottonwood Sawmill Inyo locale 362751N 1180840W - Cirque Peak
Cottonwood Springs Inyo spring 363046N 1172237W - Harris Hill
County Line Canyon Inyo valley 354741N 1175341W - Ninemile Canyon
Cove Spring Inyo spring 364230N 1175539W - New York Butte
Coville Ridge Inyo ridge 361433N 1170230W - Telescope Peak
Cow Canyon Inyo valley 361410N 1180656W - Haiwee Pass
Cow Creek Inyo stream 362959N 1165207W - Furnace Creek
Cow Creek Inyo stream 371001N 1182623W - Coyote Flat
Cowhorn Valley Inyo valley 370732N 1180049W - Cowhorn Valley
Cowshed Workings Inyo mine 361424N 1172544W - Revenue Canyon
Coyote Canyon Inyo valley 355226N 1170953W - Copper Queen Canyon
Coyote Canyon Inyo valley 364707N 1180505W - Bee Springs Canyon
Coyote Creek Inyo stream 371507N 1182844W - Bishop
Coyote Creek Inyo stream 371851N 1183032W - Tungsten Hills
Coyote Flat Inyo flat 371201N 1182813W - Coyote Flat
Coyote Flats Airport Inyo airport 371207N 1182834W 9988 Coyote Flat
Coyote Lake Inyo lake 371234N 1183109W - Mount Thompson
Coyote Ridge Inyo ridge 371228N 1183217W - Mount Thompson
Coyote Spring Inyo spring 355757N 1172827W - Homewood Canyon
Coyote Spring Inyo spring 364709N 1180330W - Bee Springs Canyon
Craig Canyon Inyo valley 364140N 1174825W - Craig Canyon
Crater Inyo pop place 371258N 1174111W 5300 Hanging Rock Canyon
Crater Mountain Inyo summit 370642N 1181757W 6140 Fish Springs
Crescent Mines Inyo mine 354959N 1170752W - Copper Queen Canyon
Crooked Creek Inyo stream 372453N 1180012W - Crooked Creek
Crooked Road Canyon Inyo valley 371015N 1181131W - Uhlmeyer Spring
Crooks Peak Inyo summit 363428N 1181725W 14180 Mount Whitney
Crow Canyon Inyo valley 355338N 1172307W - Homewood Canyon
Crystal Canyon Inyo valley 361312N 1174050W - Coso Peak
Crystal Peak Inyo summit 372213N 1180105W 5400 Deep Springs Lake
Crystal Ridge Inyo ridge 365444N 1180913W - Blackrock
Crystal Spring Inyo spring 361253N 1174122W - Coso Peak
Crystal Wash Inyo stream 361309N 1173625W - China Gardens Spring
Cucomungo Canyon Inyo valley 371935N 1174625W - Horse Thief Canyon
Cuna Spring Inyo spring 372040N 1180413W - Deep Springs Lake
Curious Butte Inyo summit 355655N 1170416W  4773 Manly Peak
Custer Mine Inyo mine 365338N 1175824W - Waucoba Canyon
D R Mar Jak Mine Inyo mine 365524N 1180511W - Mazourka Peak
Dade Lake Inyo lake 372247N 1184547W - Mount Abbot
Daisy Canyon Inyo valley 364142N 1174815W - Craig Canyon
Daisy Prospect Inyo mine 370415N 1175906W - Waucoba Spring
Daniersburg Inyo pop place 361915N 1180132W 3620 Olancha

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