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Section: 6 of 24     2385 Listings
Sections: |  6 Da-Do  | |  7 Do-Fi  | |  8 Fi-Go  | |  9 Go-He  | |  10  He-Is  |
Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Dantes Aussicht Inyo summit 361316N 1164329W 5475 Dantes View
Dantes View Inyo summit 361316N 1164329W 5475 Dantes View
Darwin Inyo pop place 361605N 1173527W 4746 Darwin
Darwin Canon Inyo valley 362038N 1172806W - Panamint Springs
Darwin Canyon Inyo valley 362038N 1172806W - Panamint Springs
Darwin East Gate Inyo locale 361354N 1173447W - China Gardens Spring
Darwin Falls Inyo falls 361915N 1173125W - Darwin
Darwin Hills Inyo range 361708N 1173504W - Darwin
Darwin Mines Inyo mine 361638N 1173546W 5446 Darwin
Darwin Museum Inyo building n/a n/a - Darwin
Darwin Plateau Inyo plain 362324N 1173342W - Lee Wash
Darwin Post Office (Est. 1875) Inyo post office 361611N 1173528W - Darwin
Darwin Range Inyo range 360509N 1172803W - Maturango Peak
Darwin Springs Inyo spring 361054N 1173734W - Coso Peak
Darwin Wash Inyo stream 362020N 1172807W - Panamint Springs
Darwin West Gate Inyo locale 361354N 1173625W - China Gardens Spring
Darwins Canyon Inyo valley 362038N 1172806W - Panamint Springs
Davenport Mine Inyo mine 355429N 1172307W - Homewood Canyon
Davis Well Inyo well 355129N 1160258W 2450 Tecopa Pass
Day Needle Inyo summit 363428N 1181725W 14180 Mount Whitney
Daylight Pass Inyo gap 364721N 1165553W 4316 Daylight Pass
Daylight Spring Inyo spring 364723N 1165607W - Daylight Pass
Dayton Harris Grave Monument Inyo cemetery 361227N 1165210W - Badwater
Dead End Cabin Inyo locale 360743N 1174133W - Coso Peak
Dead End Canyon Inyo valley 360300N 1174445W - Petroglyph Canyon
Dead Horse Canyon Inyo valley 361518N 1163210W - East of Ryan
Dead Horse Canyon Inyo valley 363459N 1172213W - Cottonwood Canyon
Dead Horse Gulch Inyo valley 361518N 1163210W - East of Ryan
Dead Horse Meadow Inyo flat 372645N 1180258W - Crooked Creek
Deadhorse Meadow Inyo flat 372645N 1180258W - Crooked Creek
Deadman Canyon Inyo valley 354928N 1173528W - Burro Canyon
Deadman Canyon Inyo valley 370831N 1180718W - Cowhorn Valley
Deadman Pass Inyo gap 360552N 1162639W 3263 Deadman Pass
Deane Wonder Ruinen Inyo mine 364012N 1165430W - Chloride City
Death Canyon Inyo valley 361949N 1180601W - Olancha
Death Valley (Site of Death Valley Post Office) (at Furnace Creek Ranch) Inyo locale 362720N 1165200W - Furnace Creek
Death Valley Inyo basin 361445N 1165030W -282 Badwater
Death Valley Airport Inyo airport 362749N 1165253W -214 West of Furnace Creek
Death Valley Buttes Inyo summit 364243N 1170012W 3017 Stovepipe Wells NE
Death Valley Canyon Inyo valley 361519N 1165648W - Devils Speedway
Death Valley Gateway (historic landmark #442) (December, 1849) Inyo locale n/a n/a - n/a
Death Valley Junction Inyo pop place 361808N 1162446W 2040 Death Valley Junction
Death Valley Junction Historic District Inyo park 361808N 1162447W - Death Valley Junction
Death Valley National Monument Inyo park 370001N 1170731W - Bonnie Claire SW
Death Valley National Park Inyo park 362856N 1170741W - Emigrant Canyon
Death Valley Natural Bridge Inyo arch 361706N 1164552W - Devils Golf Course
Death Valley Scottys Castle Inyo locale 370156N 1172021W - Scottys Castle
Death Valley Wash Inyo stream 365105N 1171705W - Dry Bone Canyon
Declaration Mine Inyo mine 364921N 1181554W - Kearsarge Peak
Dedeckera Canyon Inyo valley 370335N 1173825W - Last Chance Range SW
Deep Canyon Inyo valley 372142N 1183036W - Tungsten Hills
Deep Canyon Spring Inyo spring 355116N 1172522W - Trona West
Deep Spring Inyo pop place 372218N 1175903W 5220 Soldier Pass
Deep Spring Lake Inyo lake 371626N 1180239W - Deep Springs Lake
Deep Spring Valley Inyo basin 372000N 1180100W - Deep Springs Lake
Deep Springs Inyo pop place 372218N 1175903W 5220 Soldier Pass
Deep Springs Lake Inyo lake 371626N 1180239W - Deep Springs Lake
Deep Springs Valley Inyo basin 372000N 1180100W - Deep Springs Lake
Deepest Valley Inyo valley 365006N 1181000W - Independence
Deer Mountain Inyo summit 360858N 1180726W 9410 Haiwee Pass
Defense Mine Inyo mine 361441N 1172736W - Revenue Canyon
Dehy Park Inyo park 364821N 1181207W - Independence
Delight Spring Inyo spring 364723N 1165607W - Daylight Pass
Delightful Spring Inyo spring 364723N 1165607W - Daylight Pass
Dennis Junior Mine Inyo mine 364610N 1180334W - Bee Springs Canyon
Desert Bard Mine Inyo mine 354825N 1160828W - Tecopa
Desert Hound Mine Inyo mine 355800N 1163740W - Shore Line Butte
Desert Hound Peak Inyo summit 355744N 1163717W 4770 Epaulet Peak
Desert Spring Inyo spring 371116N 1173309W - Sand Spring
Desolation Canyon Inyo valley 362347N 1165021W - Furnace Creek
Devair Inyo pop place 361923N 1164014W 3040 Ryan
Devils Cornfield Inyo flat 363722N 1170308W - Grotto Canyon
Devils Gate Inyo locale 370831N 1180717W - Cowhorn Valley
Devils Golf Course Inyo area 361942N 1165133W - Devils Golf Course
Devils Golfcourse Inyo area 361942N 1165133W - Devils Golf Course
Devils Kitchen Inyo flat 360217N 1174805W - Cactus Peak
Devils Pot Hole Inyo lake 364614N 1182223W - Kearsarge Peak
Devils Speedway Inyo area 361922N 1165242W - Devils Speedway
Diamond Peak Inyo summit 364935N 1182326W 13126 Mount Clarence King
Diaz Creek Inyo stream 362623N 1180451W - Bartlett
Diaz Creek Inyo stream 363353N 1180320W - Lone Pine
Diaz Lake Inyo reservoir 363339N 1180315W - Lone Pine
Diaz Lake Campground Inyo locale 363357N 1180323W 3675 Lone Pine
Diaz Lake Campground Inyo locale 363333N 1180323W 3675 Lone Pine
Diaz Lake Recreation Area Inyo park 363345N 1180313W 3675 Lone Pine
Diaz Lake Recreation site Inyo locale 363333N 1180323W 3675 Lone Pine
Dingleberry Lake Inyo lake 371055N 1183810W - Mount Darwin
Dirty Socks  Inyo spring 361947N 1175654W - Vermillion Canyon
Dirty Socks Hot Spring Inyo spring 361947N 1175654W - Vermillion Canyon
Dirty Socks Spring Inyo spring 361947N 1175654W - Vermillion Canyon
Disappointment Peak Inyo summit 370404N 1182801W 13917 Split Mountain
Discovery Trail Inyo trail 372314N 1181042W 10200 Blanco Mountain
Division Creek Inyo stream 365625N 1181750W - Aberdeen
Dolomite Inyo pop place 363311N 1175640W 3673 Dolomite
Dolomite Canyon Inyo valley 362231N 1172050W - Panamint Butte
Dolomite Numbers 1-8 Prospects Inyo mine 365034N 1180415W - Bee Springs Canyon
Domingo Spring Inyo spring 361224N 1173848W - Coso Peak
Domingo Wash Inyo stream 361309N 1173625W - China Gardens Spring
Donkey Lake Inyo lake 371022N 1183658W - Mount Thompson
Donna Loy Talc Mine Inyo mine 354828N 1160506W - Tecopa Pass

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Dorothy Lake Inyo lake 372620N 1184154W - Mount Morgan
Dorothy Prospect Inyo mine 370545N 1180117W - Waucoba Mountain
Double Canyon Inyo valley 355348N 1175415W - Little Lake
Dragon Peak Inyo summit 364723N 1182231W 12995 Mount Clarence King
Dripping Spring Inyo spring 355534N 1172237W - Homewood Canyon
Drunken Sailor Lake Inyo lake 370955N 1183813W - Mount Darwin
Dry Bone Canyon Inyo valley 364616N 1171619W - Dry Bone Canyon
Dry Canyon Inyo stream 362458N 1165755W - West of Furnace Creek
Dry Creek Inyo stream 361948N 1180602W - Olancha
Dry Fork Blackwater Wash Inyo stream 362355N 1170143W - Tucki Wash
Dry Lakes Inyo flat 354829N 1174445W - White Hills
Dry Mountain Inyo summit 365432N 1173549W 8674 Dry Mountain
Duarte Mine Inyo mine 364019N 1175944W - New York Butte
Dublin Gulch Inyo valley 355818N 1161622W - Shoshone
Dublin Hills Inyo range 355725N 1161844W - Shoshone
Duck Lake Inyo lake 365136N 1181119W - Independence
Dunmovin Inyo pop place 360519N 1175737W 3502 Coso Junction
Dutch John Flat Inyo flat 360810N 1180609W - Haiwee Pass
Dutch Johns Meadow Inyo flat 371700N 1183345W - Tungsten Hills
Dutch Meadow Inyo flat 362545N 1180825W - Cirque Peak
Eagle Borax Spring Inyo spring 361202N 1165153W - Badwater
Eagle Mountain Inyo summit 361240N 1162118W 3806 Eagle Mountain
Eagle Point Inyo summit 362027N 1174133W 5160 Talc City Hills
Eagle Spring Inyo spring 361052N 1170518W - Telescope Peak
East Brook Lakes Inyo lake 372556N 1184432W - Mount Morgan
East Coleman Pit Inyo mine 362817N 1165043W - Furnace Creek
East Fork Coyote Creek Inyo stream 371516N 1182838W - Bishop
East Fork Rock Creek Inyo stream 372831N 1184316W - Mount Morgan
East Line Cemetery Inyo cemetery 372138N 1182120W - Poleta Canyon
East Palisade Inyo summit 370410N 1182700W 13388 Split Mountain
East Sylvester Prospect Inyo mine 370401N 1181012W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Eastern Brook Lakes Inyo lake 372556N 1184432W - Mount Morgan
Eastern California Museum Inyo building 364805N 1181202W - Independence
Echo Canyon Inyo valley 362652N 1164801W - Furnace Creek
Echo Lake Inyo lake 370841N 1183834W - Mount Darwin
Echo Mountain Inyo summit 363105N 1164515W 5033 Nevares Peak
Eclipse Canyon Inyo valley 364447N 1180310W - Union Wash
Eclipse Mine Inyo mine 355036N 1162252W - Ibex Spring
Egan Falls Inyo falls 361915N 1173125W - Darwin
Egypt Creek Inyo stream 371756N 1183203W - Tungsten Hills
Eichbaum Toll Road (historic landmark #848) (1926) Inyo locale n/a n/a - n/a
Eightmile Ranch Inyo locale 365440N 1181459W - Blackrock
El Conejo Mine Inyo mine 360400N 1173529W - Louisiana Butte
El Sobrante Prospect Inyo mine 370707N 1180427W - Waucoba Mountain
Elderberry Canyon Inyo valley 372357N 1183540W - Rovana
Elinor Lake Inyo lake 370545N 1182850W - Split Mountain
Elkhorn Numbers 1-8 Placer Mines Inyo mine 365336N 1180750W - Blackrock
Ella Mine Inyo mine 363259N 1174722W - Cerro Gordo Peak
Elliot Spring Inyo spring 355142N 1172428W - Trona West
Elna (historical) Inyo pop place 370538N 1181325W 3875 Tinemaha Reservoir
Elna Smelter (historical) Inyo locale 370732N 1181400W - Uhlmeyer Spring
Emerald Lakes Inyo lake 371051N 1183744W - Mount Darwin
Emerson Lake Inyo lake 371349N 1183957W 11196 Mount Darwin
Emigrant Canyon Inyo valley 362832N 1171246W - Emigrant Canyon
Emigrant Pass Inyo gap 355301N 1160338W - North of Tecopa Pass
Emigrant Pass Inyo gap 362007N 1170824W 5318 Emigrant Pass
Emigrant Ranger Station Inyo locale 362949N 1171337W - Emigrant Canyon
Emigrant Spring Inyo spring 362600N 1171138W - Emigrant Canyon
Emigrant Wash Inyo stream 363605N 1171058W - Stovepipe Wells
Empire Mine Inyo mine 365407N 1180820W - Blackrock
Ems Pond Inyo lake 371401N 1183348W - Mount Thompson
Epaulet Peak Inyo summit 355822N 1163127W 4766 Epaulet Peak
Estelle Tunnel Inyo mine 363119N 1174850W - Cerro Gordo Peak
Etcharren Valley Inyo valley 360415N 1173045W - Louisiana Butte
Etcheron Valley Inyo valley 360415N 1173045W - Louisiana Butte
Eureka Consolidated Quartz Mine Inyo mine 365644N 1181053W - Blackrock
Eureka Dunes Inyo summit 370545N 1174028W 3520 Last Chance Range SW
Eureka Peak Inyo summit 370134N 1174712W 6604 East of Waucoba Spring
Eureka Valley Inyo basin 370640N 1174225W - Last Chance Range SW
Evelyn Inyo pop place 360848N 1161855W 1875 Eagle Mountain
Fall Canyon Inyo valley 364952N 1171025W - Fall Canyon
Falls Creek Inyo stream 361500N 1180531W - Haiwee Pass
Farley's Olancha Mill Site (historic landmark #796) (December, 1862) Inyo locale n/a n/a - n/a
Farley Pass Canyon Inyo valley 364302N 1165850W - Chloride City
Father Crowley Viewpoint Inyo locale 362117N 1173227W - Darwin
Fifth Lake Inyo lake 370749N 1183029W 10759 Mount Thompson
Finch Lake Inyo lake 372236N 1184409W - Mount Morgan
Fine Canyon Inyo valley 360059N 1175632W - Coso Junction
Finger Lake Inyo lake 370512N 1182737W - Split Mountain
Firecracker Mine Inyo mine 365632N 1182058W - Aberdeen
First Falls Inyo falls 370735N 1182639W - Coyote Flat
First Falls Campground Inyo locale 370734N 1182633W 8233 Coyote Flat
First Lake Inyo lake 370734N 1182902W - Coyote Flat
First Permanent White Habitation in Owens Valley (historic landmark #230) (August, 1861) Inyo pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Fish Canyon Inyo valley 355351N 1171429W - Manly Fall
Fish Lake Valley Inyo valley 373000N 1175441W - Sylvania Canyon
Fish Lake Valley Inyo stream n/a n/a - n/a
Fish Slough Inyo stream 372532N 1182410W - Fish Slough
Fish Slu Inyo stream 372532N 1182410W - Fish Slough
Fish Spring Hill Inyo summit 370508N 1181720W 5460 Fish Springs
Fish Springs Inyo spring 370551N 1181529W - Fish Springs
Fish Springs Inyo pop place 370430N 1181510W 3965 Fish Springs
Fish Springs Hill Inyo summit 370508N 1181720W 5460 Fish Springs
Fish Springs Quarry Inyo mine 370319N 1181756W - Fish Springs
Fish Springs School (historical) Inyo school 370430N 1181508W - Fish Springs
Fishermans Peak Inyo summit 363445N 1181730W 14494 Mount Whitney
Fishgut Lakes Inyo lake 371133N 1183833W - Mount Darwin
Five Bridge Inyo locale 372447N 1182414W - Fish Slough
Five Tunnels Mine Inyo mine 360914N 1175233W - Haiwee Reservoirs
Fivemile Canyon Inyo valley 355500N 1175905W - Little Lake

Section: 8 of 24
Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Fivemile Spring Inyo spring 355525N 1170112W - Manly Peak
Flapjack Number 1 Mine Inyo mine 365148N 1180424W - Bee Springs Canyon
Flower Lake Inyo lake 364603N 1182140W - Kearsarge Peak
Ford Flat Inyo flat 371422N 1182816W - Coyote Flat
Forgotten Pass Inyo gap 364131N 1175724W - New York Butte
Forks Campground Inyo locale 371523N 1183439W 7831 Tungsten Hills
Fort (Camp Independence) (historic landmark #349) (July 4, 1862) (historical) Inyo military n/a n/a - Independence
Fort  Independence (historical) Inyo military n/a n/a - Independence
Fort Independence Campground Inyo locale 364912N 1181257W - Independence
Fort Independence Indian Reservation Inyo reserve 365009N 1181319W - Independence
Fossil Campground Inyo locale 371645N 1180839W 7240 Westgard Pass
Fossil Falls Inyo falls 355812N 1175429W - Little Lake
Fossil Group Campground Inyo locale 371645N 1180839W 7240 Westgard Pass
Fossil Group Recreation Site Inyo locale 371645N 1180839W 7240 Westgard Pass
Fossil Hill Inyo summit 364345N 1180248W 4360 Union Wash
Four Gables Inyo summit 371822N 1184140W 12720 Mount Tom
Four Horsemen Prospect Inyo mine 370557N 1180304W - Waucoba Mountain
Four Jeffrey Campground Inyo locale 371455N 1183410W 8078 Mount Thompson
Four Jeffrey Campground Inyo locale 371504N 1183413W 8080 Tungsten Hills
Four Jeffrey Recreation Site Inyo locale 371455N 1183410W 8078 Mount Thompson
Four Jeffrey Recreation Site Inyo locale 371504N 1183413W 8080 Tungsten Hills
Four Mules Mine Inyo mine 364834N 1180347W - Bee Springs Canyon
Fourth Lake Inyo lake 370751N 1183001W - Mount Thompson
Francis Lake Inyo lake 372602N 1184306W - Mount Morgan
Franklin Well Inyo well 362529N 1162741W - Franklin Well
Freeman Creek Inyo stream 371512N 1182231W - Big Pine
French Madam Spring Inyo spring 361413N 1172825W - Revenue Canyon
French Madam Spring Inyo spring 361420N 1172805W - Revenue Canyon
French Spring Inyo spring 364031N 1175945W - New York Butte
Frenchmans Canyon Inyo valley 360713N 1170515W - Panamint
Friend Prospect Inyo mine 370547N 1175928W - Waucoba Spring
Frog Pond Inyo lake 363440N 1181607W - Mount Whitney
Fuller Creek Inyo stream 370301N 1181801W - Fish Springs
Funeral Mountains Inyo range 362126N 1163123W - East of Ryan
Funeral Peak Inyo summit 360611N 1163722W 6384 Funeral Peak
Funnel Lake Inyo lake 371159N 1183039W - Mount Thompson
Furnace Inyo locale 361128N 1163948W - Dantes View
Furnace Creek  Inyo locale 362726N 1165155W -179 Furnace Creek
Furnace Creek Inyo pop place 362729N 1165212W - Furnace Creek
Furnace Creek Campground Inyo locale 362747N 1165204W -200 Furnace Creek
Furnace Creek Inn Inyo locale 362702N 1165103W 40 Furnace Creek
Furnace Creek Inn And Ranch Resort Inyo locale 362702N 1165103W 40 Furnace Creek
Furnace Creek Ranch Inyo locale 362726N 1165155W -179 Furnace Creek
Furnace Creek Wash Inyo stream 362400N 1165233W - West of Furnace Creek
Furnace of the Owens Lake Silver-Lead Company (historic landmark #752) (1869) Inyo locale n/a n/a - n/a
Gable Creek Inyo stream 372149N 1184124W - Mount Tom
Gable Lakes Inyo lake 371951N 1184135W - Mount Tom
Galena Canyon Inyo valley 360134N 1165305W - Galena Canyon
Gem Lakes Inyo lake 372327N 1184525W - Mount Abbot
Gendarme Peak Inyo summit 370737N 1183150W 13241 Mount Thompson
Genes Mobile Home Park Inyo pop place 372153N 1182526W 4235 Bishop
George Creek Inyo stream 364216N 1180748W - Manzanar
George III Prospect Inyo mine 365712N 1180931W - Blackrock
George Lake Inyo lake 371104N 1183607W - Mount Thompson
Gerstley Mine Inyo mine 360058N 1161406W - Twelvemile Spring
Gervias Well Inyo well 364244N 1174953W - Craig Canyon
Giant Mine Inyo mine 354905N 1162304W - Ibex Spring
Giant Mine Inyo mine 354909N 1162304W - Ibex Spring
Gilbert Lake Inyo lake 364608N 1182120W - Kearsarge Peak
Gilbert Pass Inyo gap 372552N 1175616W - Chocolate Mountain
Gill Corral Inyo locale 361844N 1174351W - Talc City Hills
Glacier Camp Inyo locale 370754N 1183008W - Mount Thompson
Glacier Lodge Inyo locale 370731N 1182600W - Coyote Flat
Glacier Mines Inyo mine 365636N 1182115W - Aberdeen
Gladstone Mine Inyo mine 355211N 1162342W - Ibex Spring
Glenwood Mobile Estates Inyo pop place 372250N 1182504W 4190 Fish Slough
Goat Spring Inyo spring 372518N 1181054W - Blanco Mountain
Goat Springs Inyo spring 364011N 1175640W - New York Butte
Goff Canyon Inyo valley 355108N 1171712W - Trona East
Gold Bottom Mine Inyo mine 354803N 1171640W - Trona East
Gold Bug Prospect Inyo mine 370328N 1180909W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Gold Bugs Numbers 1-2 Prospects Inyo mine 365733N 1180942W - Blackrock
Gold Giant Number 4 Mine Inyo mine 370422N 1181109W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Gold Hill Inyo summit 360045N 1165820W 5492 Galena Canyon
Gold Mountain Inyo summit 360045N 1165820W 5492 Galena Canyon
Gold Rabbit Prospect Inyo mine 365326N 1180653W - Mazourka Peak
Gold Seal Prospect Inyo mine 365216N 1180726W - Bee Springs Canyon
Gold Valley Inyo valley 360243N 1163913W - Gold Valley
Goldbelt Spring Inyo spring 363552N 1172652W - Harris Hill
Goldbug Mine Inyo mine 360121N 1170932W - Ballarat
Golden Canyon Inyo valley 362517N 1165044W - Furnace Creek
Golden Lady Mine Inyo mine 361236N 1172647W - Revenue Canyon
Golden Lake Inyo lake 372002N 1184452W - Mount Tom
Golden Nugget Prospect Inyo mine 361645N 1172920W - Panamint Springs
Golden Trout Camp Inyo locale 362856N 1181030W - Cirque Peak
Golden Trout Creek Inyo stream 362702N 1181307W - Cirque Peak
Golden Trout Lake Inyo lake 364650N 1182204W - Kearsarge Peak
Goler Canyon Inyo stream 355133N 1170913W - Copper Queen Canyon
Goler Canyon Inyo valley 355240N 1170845W - Manly Fall
Goler Wash Inyo stream 355133N 1170913W - Copper Queen Canyon
Goler Wash Inyo valley 355240N 1170845W - Manly Fall
Gomez Meadow Inyo flat 361815N 1180705W - Olancha
Good Enough Prospect Inyo mine 370435N 1175955W - Waucoba Spring
Good Luck Prospect Inyo mine 365723N 1180429W - Mazourka Peak
Goodale Creek Inyo stream 365830N 1181403W - Blackrock
Goodale Creek Campground Inyo locale 365909N 1181624W 4116 Aberdeen
Goodale Mountain Inyo summit 365820N 1182315W 12790 Mount Pinchot
Goodview Prospect Inyo mine 364721N 1180229W - Bee Springs Canyon
Goodwin Spring Inyo spring 361318N 1170625W - Telescope Peak
Goose Lake Inyo lake 365317N 1181052W - Blackrock

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Gower Gulch Inyo valley 362440N 1165022W - Furnace Creek
Graham Mine Inyo mine 355841N 1163317W - Epaulet Peak
Graham Ranch Inyo locale 371108N 1181222W 4593 Uhlmeyer Spring
Graham Spring Inyo spring 371118N 1181146W - Uhlmeyer Spring
Grand Group Inyo mine 364707N 1182031W - Kearsarge Peak
Grand View Mine Inyo mine 361827N 1164046W - Ryan
Grand View Prospect Inyo mine 361755N 1172950W - Panamint Springs
Grand Viewww Inyo summit 362129N 1170247W 6280 Wildrose Peak
Grandview Campground Inyo locale 372000N 1181120W 8511 Westgard Pass
Grandview Mine Inyo mine 371941N 1181227W - Westgard Pass
Grandview Recreation Site Inyo locale 372000N 1181120W 8511 Westgard Pass
Granite Canyon Inyo valley 354909N 1163703W - Confidence Hills East
Granite Lake Inyo lake 371154N 1183852W - Mount Darwin
Granite Park Inyo basin 372037N 1184609W - Mount Hilgard
Granite Peak Number 2 Inyo summit 355457N 1170658W 7196 Manly Peak
Grant Inyo pop place 361520N 1175935W 3730 Vermillion Canyon
Grantham Mine Inyo mine 355742N 1165341W - Anvil Spring Canyon West
Grapevine Canyon Inyo valley 363521N 1173505W - Jackass Canyon
Grapevine Canyon Inyo valley 365955N 1172150W - East of Tin Mountain
Grapevine Canyon Inyo valley 365956N 1172149W - East of Tin Mountain
Grapevine Canyon Pass Inyo gap 370001N 1172200W - Scottys Castle
Grapevine Mountains Inyo range 365755N 1170854W - Grapevine Peak
Grapevine Ranger Station Inyo locale 365900N 1172124W 2156 East of Tin Mountain
Grapevine Springs Inyo spring 370134N 1172259W - Ubehebe Crater
Grass Lake Inyo lake 363342N 1181424W - Mount Langley
Grass Lake Inyo lake 371302N 1183747W - Mount Darwin
Grave of 1872 Earthquake Victims (historic landmark #507) (March 26, 1872) Inyo grave n/a n/a - n/a
Gravel Well Inyo well 360522N 1165050W - Mormon Point
Gray Eagle Mine Inyo mine 372052N 1181435W - Westgard Pass
Gray Eagle Talc Mine Inyo mine 365335N 1180359W - Mazourka Peak
Grays Meadow Inyo flat 364652N 1181711W - Kearsarge Peak
Grays Meadow Campground Inyo locale 364654N 1181718W 5988 Kearsarge Peak
Great Falls Basin Inyo basin 355116N 1172403W - Trona West
Greater View Spring Inyo spring 355459N 1170512W - Manly Peak
Green Gem Numbers 1-2 Prospects Inyo mine 364852N 1180410W - Bee Springs Canyon
Green Giant Marble Mine Inyo mine 370446N 1181122W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Green Group Prospects Inyo mine 365633N 1181034W - Blackrock
Green Lake Inyo lake 371014N 1183151W - Mount Thompson
Green Monster Mine Inyo mine 364948N 1180711W - Bee Springs Canyon
Green Monster Prospect Inyo mine 364736N 1180313W - Bee Springs Canyon
Greenland Inyo locale 362726N 1165155W -179 Furnace Creek
Greenland Ranch Inyo locale 362726N 1165155W -179 Furnace Creek
Greenwater Inyo pop place 361046N 1163656W 4300 Greenwater Canyon
Greenwater Canyon Inyo valley 361518N 1163210W - East of Ryan
Greenwater Range Inyo range 361019N 1163245W - Greenwater Canyon
Greenwater Spring Inyo spring 360907N 1163723W - Greenwater Canyon
Greenwater Valley Inyo valley 360442N 1163209W - Funeral Peak
Greer Spring Inyo spring 362422N 1171147W - Emigrant Canyon
Grey Eagle Talc Mine Inyo mine 364941N 1175528W - Pat Keyes Canyon
Greyhound Canyon Inyo valley 355613N 1164120W - Shore Line Butte
Grimshaw Lake Inyo lake 355110N 1161341W - Tecopa
Grotto Canyon Inyo valley 363556N 1170721W - Grotto Canyon
Grouse Mountain Inyo summit 371823N 1183521W 8067 Tungsten Hills
Grouse Spring Inyo spring 370832N 1182659W - Coyote Flat
Grover Anton Spring Inyo spring 365301N 1181718W - Aberdeen
Grubstake Spring Inyo spring 355837N 1165904W - Anvil Spring Canyon West
Gunsight Mine Inyo mine 355056N 1160728W - Tecopa Pass
Gunter Canyon Mine Inyo mine 372651N 1181630W - Laws
Gunter Creek Inyo stream 372723N 1181725W - Laws
Gus Walkers Creek Inyo stream 361554N 1180251W - Olancha
Hadley Spring Inyo spring 362632N 1164939W - Furnace Creek
Hadley Spring Inyo spring 362728N 1165011W  - Furnace Creek
Haiwee Inyo pop place 360848N 1175830W 3970 Haiwee Reservoirs
Haiwee 6-024 Dam Inyo dam 360813N 1175700W - Haiwee Reservoirs
Haiwee Creek Inyo stream 360640N 1175719W - Coso Junction
Haiwee Pass Inyo gap 360805N 1180417W - Haiwee Pass
Haiwee Reservoir Inyo reservoir 360813N 1175700W 3759 Haiwee Reservoirs
Haiwee Ridge Inyo ridge 360729N 1175501W 5737 Coso Junction
Haiwee Ridge Inyo ridge 360900N 1175445W - Haiwee Reservoirs
Haiwee Spring Inyo spring 360700N 1174520W - Cactus Peak
Hall Canyon Inyo valley 360908N 1171218W - Jail Canyon
Hanaupah Canyon Inyo valley 361216N 1165840W - Hanaupah Canyon
Hanaupah Canyon Inyo valley 361232N 1165507W - Hanaupah Canyon
Hanaupah Spring Inyo spring 361109N 1170146W - Telescope Peak
Hanging Rock Canyon Inyo valley 371217N 1174555W - East of Joshua Flats
Hanging Valley Mine Inyo mine 371941N 1184034W - Mount Tom
Happy Canyon Inyo valley 360349N 1171147W - Ballarat
Happy Valley Canyon Inyo valley 360349N 1171147W - Ballarat
Harkless Flat Inyo flat 370615N 1180846W - Tinemaha Reservoir
Harlis and Broady Mine Inyo mine 371333N 1175614W - Joshua Flats
Harmony Borax Works Inyo locale 362856N 1165221W -240 Furnace Creek
Harmony Boraxwerke Inyo locale 362856N 1165221W -240 Furnace Creek
Harris Hill Inyo summit 363523N 1172601W 5738 Harris Hill
Harrisberry Inyo pop place 362150N 1170638W 5040 Wildrose Peak
Harrisburg Inyo pop place 362150N 1170638W 5040 Wildrose Peak
Harrisburg Flat Inyo flat 362251N 1170756W - Emigrant Canyon
Harrisburg Flats Inyo flat 362251N 1170756W - Emigrant Canyon
Harry Birch Springs Inyo spring 365435N 1181713W - Aberdeen
Harts Camp Inyo locale 363228N 1174805W 8500 Cerro Gordo Peak
Hatchet Spring Inyo spring 355532N 1170537W - Manly Peak
Hawai Meadows Inyo flat 371000N 1180700W - Cowhorn Valley
Haway Meadows Inyo flat 371000N 1180700W - Cowhorn Valley
Hawkeye Prospect Inyo mine 365158N 1180307W - Bee Springs Canyon
Haystack Inyo summit 363634N 1175930W 4684 Dolomite
Heart Lake Inyo lake 364605N 1182158W - Kearsarge Peak
Heart Lake Inyo lake 372506N 1184512W 10410 Mount Abbot
Hell Diver Lakes Inyo lake 371025N 1183913W - Mount Darwin
Hell Gate Inyo locale 364327N 1165836W 2262 Chloride City
Hells Gate Inyo locale 364327N 1165836W 2262 Chloride City
Hemlock Mine Inyo mine 360610N 1170549W - Panamint

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Hernandez Spring Inyo spring 355240N 1160926W - Resting Spring
Hidden Lake Inyo lake 362945N 1181150W - Cirque Peak
Hidden Lake Inyo lake 370928N 1182919W - Coyote Flat
Hidden Lakes Inyo lake 372508N 1184457W - Mount Morgan
Hidden Spring Inyo spring 365029N 1170525W - Thimble Peak
Hidden Valley Inyo valley 355719N 1170322W - Manly Peak
Hidden Valley Inyo basin 364118N 1172922W - Sand Flat
Hidden Valley Numbers 1-6 Prospects Inyo mine 365252N 1180342W - Mazourka Peak
Higgins Lake Inyo lake 361715N 1180643W 2918 Olancha
High Lake Inyo lake 362921N 1181356W 11475 Cirque Peak
High Meadows Inyo flat 370925N 1182657W - Coyote Flat
High Sierra  Inyo range 365354N 1182212W - Mount Clarence King
Highlands Mobile Home Park Inyo pop place 372237N 1182450W 4185 Fish Slough
Hillside 104-030 Dam Inyo dam 371025N 1183355W - Mount Thompson
Hilltop Mine Inyo mine 372116N 1182930W - Bishop
Hilltop Prospect Inyo mine 371520N 1183004W - Tungsten Hills
Hines Slough Inyo stream 365748N 1181322W - Blackrock
Hines Spring Inyo spring 365843N 1181343W - Blackrock
Hitchens Spring Inyo spring 362607N 1171314W - Emigrant Canyon
Hog Ranch Inyo locale 361833N 1162249W - Death Valley Junction
Hogback Creek Inyo stream 364055N 1180645W - Union Wash
Hogback Creek Inyo stream 361018N 1175743W - Haiwee Reservoirs
Hole in the Wall Inyo gap 362453N 1164324W - Echo Canyon
Hole-in-the Rock Spring Inyo spring 364436N 1165801W - Chloride City
Holiday Mine Inyo mine 363400N 1174658W - Cerro Gordo Peak
Homewood Canyon Inyo valley 355339N 1172116W - Slate Range Crossing
Honeybee Creek Inyo stream 360841N 1180517W - Haiwee Pass
Honeymoon Lake Inyo lake 372024N 1184435W - Mount Tom
Horse Canyon Inyo valley 360146N 1174040W - Petroglyph Canyon
Horse Thief Canyon Inyo valley 372046N 1175004W - Horse Thief Canyon
Horseshoe Meadow Inyo flat 362642N 1181029W - Cirque Peak
Horseshoe Meadow Equestrian Campground Inyo locale 362856N 1181030W - Cirque Peak
Horseshoe Meadow Golden Trout Camp Inyo locale 362856N 1181030W - Cirque Peak
Horton Creek Inyo stream 372429N 1182833W - Fish Slough
Horton Creek Campground Inyo locale 372313N 1183431W 4880 Rovana
Horton Creek Recreation Site Inyo locale 372313N 1183431W 4880 Rovana
Horton Lake Inyo lake 371859N 1184000W - Mount Tom
Howard Ranch Inyo locale 360332N 1173003W - Louisiana Butte
Hudson River Mine Inyo mine 360545N 1170633W - Panamint
Hummingbird Spring Inyo spring 361318N 1170625W - Telescope Peak
Hungry Bills Ranch Inyo locale 360540N 1170212W - Panamint
Hungry Packer Lake Inyo lake 370927N 1183835W - Mount Darwin
Hungry Packer Lake Inyo lake 370945N 1183800W - Mount Darwin
Hunter Canyon Inyo valley 364253N 1175029W - Craig Canyon
Hunter Flat Inyo gap 363520N 1181330W - Mount Langley
Hunter Flat Inyo pop place 363521N 1181330W 8000 Mount Langley
Hunter Mountain Inyo summit 363229N 1173033W 7365 Jackass Canyon
Hunter Spring Inyo spring 363252N 1172914W - Harris Hill
Hunters Camp Inyo pop place 363521N 1181330W 8000 Mount Langley
Hurd Lake Inyo lake 370920N 1183342W - Mount Thompson
Hurd Peak Inyo summit 370829N 1183355W 12219 Mount Thompson
Ibex Hills Inyo range 355154N 1162445W - Ibex Spring
Ibex Meadow Inyo flat 363418N 1181528W - Mount Whitney
Ibex Mine Inyo mine 354832N 1162716W - Ibex Spring
Ibex Park Inyo flat 363418N 1181528W - Mount Whitney
Ibex Pass Inyo gap 354747N 1162012W - Ibex Pass
Ibex Peak Inyo summit 355242N 1162501W 4752 Salsberry Peak
Ibex Wash Inyo stream 354807N 1162402W - Ibex Spring
Ignacio Mine Inyo mine 363159N 1174803W - Cerro Gordo Peak
Inconsolable Lake Inyo lake 370912N 1183255W - Mount Thompson
Inconsolable Range Inyo ridge 370756N 1183204W - Mount Thompson
Independence Inyo pop place 364810N 1181157W 3936 Independence
Independence Airport Inyo airport 364849N 1181218W 3900 Independence
Independence Cemetery Inyo cemetery 364802N 1181138W - Independence
Independence Claims Inyo mine 365526N 1175849W - Waucoba Canyon
Independence Creek Inyo stream 364930N 1181053W - Independence
Independence Creek Campground Inyo locale 364752N 1181222W - Independence
Independence Peak Inyo summit 364539N 1181953W 11744 Kearsarge Peak
Index Hill Inyo summit 372558N 1180627W 8960 Crooked Creek
Indian Cemetery Inyo cemetery 365010N 1181322W - Independence
Indian Gardens Spring Inyo spring 361217N 1173738W - Coso Peak
Indian Gardens Wash Inyo stream 361401N 1173234W - China Gardens Spring
Indian Joe Canyon Inyo valley 354916N 1172300W - Trona West
Indian Joe Spring Inyo spring 354957N 1172354W - Trona West
Indian Pass Inyo gap 363622N 1164658W - Nevares Peak
Indian Ranch Inyo locale 355805N 1165556W - Anvil Spring Canyon West
Indian Ranch Reservation Inyo area 360840N 1171247W - Jail Canyon
Indian Rock Inyo summit 365207N 1182020W 12205 Kearsarge Peak
Indian Spring Inyo spring 363339N 1180451W 4462 Lone Pine
Indian Village Inyo pop place 362657N 1165224W -190 Furnace Creek
Indian Wells Valley Inyo valley 354728N 1174821W - Pearsonville
Intake Campground Inyo locale 371443N 1183517W 8160 Mount Thompson
Intake Recreation Site Inyo locale 371443N 1183517W 8160 Mount Thompson
Inyo Camp Inyo locale 370907N 1181934W 4628 Big Pine
Inyo County Airport Inyo airport 372228N 1182201W 4108 Poleta Canyon
Inyo Creek Inyo stream 363554N 1181044W - Mount Langley
Inyo-Kern Valley Inyo valley 354728N 1174821W - Pearsonville
Inyo King Prospect Inyo mine 365521N 1175830W - Waucoba Canyon
Inyo Mine Inyo mine 362950N 1164200W - Echo Canyon
Inyo Mines Inyo mine 362950N 1164200W - Echo Canyon
Inyo Mountains Inyo range 361000N 1180000W - Mazourka Peak
Inyo National Forest Supervisors Office Inyo locale 372220N 1182345W 4123 Bishop
Inyo Queen Number 1 Mine Inyo mine 365514N 1175816W - Waucoba Canyon
Inyo Queen Number 2 Mine Inyo mine 365501N 1175628W - Waucoba Canyon
Iron Hill Inyo summit 361225N 1174533W 6967 Upper Centennial Flat
Iron Nugget Placer Mine Inyo mine 370520N 1175908W - Waucoba Spring
Iron Side Prospect Inyo mine 370354N 1180340W - Waucoba Mountain
Iron Wedge Prospect Inyo mine 365747N 1180924W - Blackrock
Irving School (historical) Inyo school 372142N 1182554W - Bishop
Isham Canyon Inyo valley 355150N 1171732W - Trona East

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