
New listings:

Maps of the Past - These folks have originals of lots of old maps and produce quality reprints at a reasonable price. 
Treasure Hunting
- Informative site containing lots of treasure hunting information
Bodie -
All things Bodie related
Prospectors Cache - Excellent source for much information.
Michigan Treasure Hunting 
The Treasure Hunting eNewsletter
Nuggetshooter  This site gives a lot of good info for Arizona and the area. Take a look.
Nuggethunting  Metal detecting for place gold deposits. Another nice Arizona site.
Prospector and Treasure Hunters Headquarters, Inc. This site is the manufacturer of the Omni Gensis II precious metals locator.
TopoZone  Complete resource for all U.S. Topography maps.
Gold Maps - Popular maps found here.
Fire- n- gold  A site from Northern California - Trinity River Area
Flooding In California
Gold Prospectors Magazine
Little Valley Inn This is set in southern Mother Lode gold country, Mariposa area. They have panning and all the equipment to buy right there on their own claim. Give them a look.
The Outdoor Channel
United Prospectors Inc.  Billed as the oldest family oriented prospecting club in the world. - Nice site.
Delos Toole  Author of six books on finding gold in the western states. Each book is filled with maps with directions to the gold sites, old mines, rivers, placer gold,
geological information, campsites with the BLM and US Forestry as host. 
Boom Towns and Relic Hunters  Northeastern Washington covered here plus more.
Ghost Towns  This is a good overview of many of the prominent ghost towns across the U.S. and Canada
Recreational Detecting & Prospecting Club  Covering the Northeast - Based in New Hampshire.
Mojave Desert Good information about popular places in the Mojave Desert.


If you have a site or know of a good one that is not on this page and would like to see it linked send me the info. 

If you have any information on new sites that you would like to share with others, email it to me and I will try to post everything once a week.



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