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Section: 26 of 28     2724 Listings
Sections: |  26 Tu-Wa  | |  27 Wa-Wo  | |  28 Wo-Ze  |

Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Tunis Creek Kern stream 350140N 1184926W - Tejon Hills
Tunnel Number One Kern tunnel 345514N 1184744W - Pastoria Creek
Tunnel Number Three Kern tunnel 345338N 1184624W - Pastoria Creek
Tunnel Number Two Kern tunnel 345432N 1184701W - Pastoria Creek
Tunnel Spring Kern spring 352743N 1184250W - Mount Adelaide
Tunnel Spring Kern spring 352852N 1181243W - Pinyon Mountain
Tunnel Spring Kern spring 354630N 1182343W - Kernville
Tupman Kern pop place 351753N 1192101W 320 Tupman
Tupman Camp Kern locale 351643N 1192055W 640 Tupman
Turman Spring Kern spring 351917N 1183612W - Oiler Peak
Tweede Creek Kern stream 351356N 1183401W - Keene
Tweeder Creek Kern stream 351356N 1183401W - Keene
Tweedy Spring Kern spring 351917N 1183612W - Oiler Peak
Twenty Mule Team Museum Kern building 345958N 1173900W - Leuhman Ridge
Twentyfive Hill Kern summit 350651N 1192803W 1708 Maricopa
Twentyone Canyon Kern valley 350808N 1193021W - Fellows
Twin Buttes Kern summit 350508N 1175615W 2849 California City South
Twin Lakes Kern pop place 345914N 1183049W 5160 Liebre Twins
Twin Oaks Kern pop place 351845N 1182432W 2825 Loraine
Twin Oaks School (historical) Kern school 351846N 1182426W - Loraine
Twinky Spring Kern spring 351517N 1183213W - Oiler Peak
Twisselmann Ranch Kern locale 353305N 1195520W - Shale Point
Twisselmann Well Kern well 353613N 1200324W - Packwood Creek
Tylerhorse Canyon Kern valley 345645N 1182628W - Tylerhorse Canyon
US Geological Survey Camp - Oil and Gas Division Kern oilfield 350927N 1192859W - Taft
Uffert Park Kern park 353629N 1182900W - Lake Isabella South
Uffert Regional Park Kern park 353629N 1182900W - Lake Isabella South
Una Kern pop place 352528N 1191037W 347 Rosedale
Una Siding (historical) Kern locale 352708N 1191240W - Rosedale
Uncle Sam Mine Kern mine 353057N 1183147W - Miracle Hot Springs
Union Cemetery Kern cemetery 352146N 1185937W - Lamont
Union Niles (historical) Kern n/a n/a n/a - n/a
Union Oil Kern oilfield 351925N 1193852W - Reward
University Park Kern park 352417N 1185644W - Oil Center
Upjohn Park Kern park 353653N 1173930W - Ridgecrest South
Upper Araujo Spring Kern spring 345557N 1183951W - Winters Ridge
Upper Beck Spring Kern spring 352036N 1183402W - Oiler Peak
Upper Grapes Spring Kern spring 351704N 1183017W - Oiler Peak
Upper Richbar Picnic Area Kern park 352834N 1184318W - Mount Adelaide
Upper Richbar Picnic Ground Kern park 352834N 1184318W - Mount Adelaide
Upper Salt Lick Spring Kern spring 351533N 1183322W - Oiler Peak
Urcado Springs Kern spring 345510N 1184318W - Winters Ridge
Vaccaro (historical) Kern pop place 351140N 1184852W 420 Arvin
Valle De Los Tulares Kern valley 345959N 1185500W - Grapevine
Valle Vista Park Kern park 354530N 1191515W - Delano West
Valley Acres Kern pop place 351222N 1192421W 415 Taft
Valley Of The Buenaventura Kern valley 345959N 1185500W - Grapevine
Valley View Mine Kern mine 353117N 1182550W - Lake Isabella South
Valverde Mine Kern mine 352247N 1173816W - El Paso Peaks
Vaughn School (historical) Kern school 353527N 1182946W - Lake Isabella South
Venola Kern pop place 351839N 1190312W 370 Gosford
Vaughn Kern pop place 353517N 1182928W 2680 Lake Isabella South
Villard Ranch Kern locale 354143N 1190020W - Deepwell Ranch
Villard Ranch Kern locale 354414N 1185719W - Sand Canyon
Vincent Ranch Kern locale 354629N 1185235W - Quincy School
Vinland Kern pop place 354254N 1191402W 320 McFarland
Virginia Avenue County Park Kern park 352143N 1185812W - Lamont
Virginia Mine Kern mine 352716N 1181953W 6400 Claraville
Virginia Mine Kern mine 353322N 1182417W - Lake Isabella South
Virginia Trail Kern trail 354617N 1183640W - Tobias Peak
Volcan Kern locale 352521N 1185922W - Oil Center
Wagon Wheel Mountain Kern summit 354150N 1195755W 700 Emigrant Hill
Wagon Wheel Mountain Kern summit 354238N 1195908W 675 Emigrant Hill
Wagon Wheel Ranch Kern locale 345338N 1181832W - Willow Springs
Wagy Flat Kern flat 353958N 1183207W - Alta Sierra
Waits Kern pop place 352511N 1190107W 455 Oildale
Walker Basin Kern basin 352435N 1183117W - Breckenridge Mountain
Walker Basin Creek Kern stream 351922N 1184600W - Edison
Walker Basin School (historical) Kern school 352446N 1183123W - Breckenridge Mountain
Walker Mine Kern mine 352518N 1182936W - Piute Peak
Walker Pass Kern gap 353945N 1180133W - Walker Pass
Walker Pass Campground Kern locale 353954N 1180223W - Walker Pass
Walker Well Kern well 353915N 1175817W 4644 Owens Peak
Walkers Kern gap 353945N 1180133W - Walker Pass
Walkers Basin Kern basin 352435N 1183117W - Breckenridge Mountain
Walkers Creek Kern stream 352528N 1184929W - Rio Bravo Ranch
Walkers Pass Kern gap 350338N 1182314W 4834 Tehachapi South
Walkers Pass Kern gap 353945N 1180133W - Walker Pass
Walker's Pass  (historic landmark #99) Kern locale n/a n/a - n/a
Wallace Center Kern pop place 351011N 1192753W 860 Taft
Walnut Creek  Kern stream 352824N 1195729W - Las Yeguas Ranch
Walnut Spring Kern spring 352834N 1195818W - Las Yeguas Ranch
Walong Kern pop place 351151N 1183213W 3066 Keene
Walern (historical) Kern pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Walser Ranch Kern locale 352327N 1182533W 4000 Piute Peak
Warm Spring Kern spring 350851N 1184657W - Arvin
Warren (historical) Kern pop place 350649N 1181215W 3315 Mojave
Warren (historical) Kern pop place 351004N 1193132W 1300 Fellows
Wasco Kern pop place 353539N 1192024W 325 Wasco
Wasco Airport Kern airport 353710N 1192113W 313 Wasco
Wasco Oil Field Kern oilfield 353536N 1192529W - Wasco SW
Wasco Post Office (Est. june 2, 1900) Kern post office 353535N 1192003W - Wasco
Wasco Union Grammar School (historical) (1920) Kern school 353541N 1192018W - Wasco
Water Canyon Kern valley 350418N 1183359W - Cummings Mountain
Water Canyon Kern valley 350656N 1182920W - Tehachapi South
Water Canyon Kern valley 351828N 1180115W - Cinco
Water Canyon Kern valley 352447N 1181500W - Claraville
Water Canyon Creek Kern stream 351309N 1183319W - Keene
Water Gap Spring Kern spring 354718N 1183507W - Tobias Peak
Waterfall Canyon Kern valley 350628N 1181558W - Monolith

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Waterhole Mine Kern mine 352618N 1181847W 6360 Claraville
Waterhole Mine Spring Kern spring 352618N 1181839W - Claraville
Watershed Reservoir Kern reservoir 350236N 1174312W - Boron
Wayside Park Kern park 352032N 1190053W - Gosford
Weaver Creek Kern stream 351843N 1182328W - Loraine
Weed Patch Kern pop place 351417N 1185451W 385 Weed Patch
Weill Park Kern park 352301N 1190038W - Oildale
Weiss Canyon Kern valley 352509N 1183608W - Breckenridge Mountain
Welcome Valley Kern basin 354116N 1195844W - Emigrant Hill
Weldon Kern pop place 353957N 1181722W 2653 Weldon
Weldon Meadow Kern flat 352747N 1182038W - Claraville
Weldon Meadow Kern flat 352900N 1182015W - Claraville
Weldon Peak Kern summit 352124N 1181721W 6360 Emerald Mountain
Weldon Pond Kern reservoir 351327N 1181345W - Cache Peak
Weldons Ranch Kern locale 352033N 1181504W - Emerald Mountain
Well "2-6" (historic landmark #581) (June 27, 1909) Kern locale n/a n/a - n/a
Welport Oil Kern oilfield 352218N 1194053W - Reward
West Antelope Station Kern locale 345401N 1182705W - Tylerhorse Canyon
West Baker (historical) Kern pop place 350237N 1174134W 2450 Boron
West Camp Kern locale 354720N 1194921W - West Camp
West Fly-By Tower Kern tower 345439N 1175419W - Edwards
West Fork Sand Canyon Kern valley 351939N 1182511W - Loraine
West Front Oil Field Kern oilfield 352918N 1190255W - Oildale
West Kern Oil Museum Kern building 350801N 1192649W - Taft
West Park Kern park 350744N 1182715W - Tehachapi North
West Park Kern park 352137N 1190315W - Gosford
West Shore Gulch Kern valley 352538N 1185919W - Oil Center
West Twin Creek Kern stream 345557N 1191812W - Santiago Creek
Western Mine Kern mine 350204N 1174029W - Boron
Western Mineral Camp (historical) Kern locale 350140N 1192006W - Pentland
Western Water Country Camp Kern locale 351553N 1191836W 306 Tupman
Westfield Gun Club (historical) Kern locale 354448N 1193249W - Lost Hills NE
Westlake Gun Club (historical) Kern locale 354532N 1193155W - Hacienda Ranch
Westside District Cemetery Kern cemetery 350919N 1192609W - Taft
Westside Mountain Park Kern park 345058N 1191223W - Sawmill Mountain
Westside Park Kern park 350337N 1181119W - Mojave
Westside Park Kern park 353545N 1192120W - Wasco
Westwood Park Kern park 352003N 1190523W - Gosford
Wheeler Ridge Kern pop place 350016N 1185655W 964 Mettler
Wheeler Ridge Kern ridge 350017N 1190047W - Coal Oil Canyon
Wheeler Ridge Oil Field Kern oilfield 350046N 1190108W - Coal Oil Canyon
Wherry Housing Kern pop place 345523N 1175604W 2360 Edwards
Wherry Housing Kern pop place 345534N 1175603W 2400 Edwards
Whiskey Flat (historical) (inundated by Isabella Lake) (1851) Kern pop place 354251N 1182609W 2580 Lake Isabella North
White City Canyon Kern valley 354419N 1200354W - Sawtooth Ridge
White Cow Canyon Kern valley 350208N 1183818W - Tejon Ranch
White Mill Kern locale 354009N 1183805W 5370 Glennville
White Mountain Kern summit 351740N 1180840W 3520 Cross Mountain
White Oak Lodge (historical) Kern locale 345915N 1183043W - Liebre Twins
White Rock Kern summit 353652N 1183022W 3499 Miracle Hot Springs
White Rock Mine Kern mine 351721N 1180551W - Cinco
White Rock Mine Kern mine 353653N 1182953W 2710 Lake Isabella South
White Swan Prospect Kern mine 351941N 1180449W - Cinco
White Wolf Ranch (historical) Kern locale 351505N 1184007W - Bena
Whiterock Creek Kern stream 350933N 1182257W - Tehachapi North
Whitney Well Kern well 352549N 1181426W 4363 Pinyon Mountain
Whitton Spring Kern spring 351520N 1183131W - Oiler Peak
Wible  Kern pop place 351904N 1190113W 375 Gosford
Wible Orchard Kern pop place 351904N 1190113W 375 Gosford
Wik Spring Kern spring 352031N 1183455W - Oiler Peak
Wildcat Creek Kern stream 354152N 1185014W - Woody
Wildcat Creek Kern valley 354212N 1185043W - Woody
Williams Canyon Kern valley 345526N 1191035W - Eagle Rest Peak
Williams Ranch Kern locale 352512N 1183139W 3380 Breckenridge Mountain
Williams Ranch Kern locale 352514N 1183139W 3390 Breckenridge Mountain
Williamsburg (historical) (inundated by Isabella Lake) Kern pop place 354251N 1182609W 2580 Lake Isabella North
Willow Flat Kern flat 354032N 1182929W - Lake Isabella North
Willow Grove Ranch (historical) Kern locale 352032N 1192539W - East Elk Hills
Willow Gulch Kern valley 353358N 1182354W - Lake Isabella South
Willow Springs Kern spring 345255N 1181849W - Willow Springs
Willow Spring Kern spring 351625N 1183516W - Oiler Peak
Willow Spring Kern spring 351915N 1183625W - Oiler Peak
Willow Spring Kern spring 352044N 1194408W - Reward
Willow Spring Kern spring 352825N 1181021W - Pinyon Mountain
Willow Spring Kern spring 352857N 1174144W - El Paso Peaks
Willow Spring Kern spring 353114N 1184231W - Democrat Hot Springs
Willow Spring Kern spring 354131N 1185458W - Sand Canyon
Willow Spring Kern spring 353530N 1180822W - Cane Canyon
Willow Spring Creek Kern stream 353133N 1184029W - Democrat Hot Springs
Willow Spring Creek Kern stream 354304N 1185533W - Sand Canyon
Willow Spring Well Kern well 352856N 1174142W - El Paso Peaks
Willow Springs Kern spring 352044N 1194408W - Reward
Willow Springs  (historic landmark #130) Kern locale n/a n/a - n/a
Willow Springs Kern pop place 345242N 1181745W 2530 Willow Springs
Willow Springs Butte Kern summit 345300N 1181632W 3296 Willow Springs
Willow Springs Valley Kern basin 352032N 1194424W - Reward
Wilson Park Kern park 352000N 1190140W - Gosford
Windmill Tree Peak Kern summit 353859N 1184155W 4587 Glennville
Windy Point Kern cape 352011N 1183427W - Oiler Peak
Winters Canyon Kern valley 350043N 1184241W - Tejon Ranch
Winters Ridge Kern ridge 345734N 1184207W 5886 Winters Ridge
Witch Creek Kern stream 345747N 1183951W - Winters Ridge
Wofford Heights Kern pop place 354225N 1182719W 2660 Lake Isabella North
Wofford Heights Park Kern park 354220N 1182655W - Lake Isabella North
Woffords Park Kern park 354220N 1182655W - Lake Isabella North
Wood Canyon Kern valley 351913N 1194421W - Reward
Wood Flats Kern flat 354445N 1184524W 3502 Woody
Woodchopper Spring Kern spring 352222N 1183227W - Oiler Peak
Woodchoppers Canyon Kern valley 345441N 1183707W - Liebre Twins
Wooden Shoe Annies Ranch Kern locale 351844N 1182131W - Emerald Mountain

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Woodford Kern pop place 351246N 1183306W 2728 Keene
Woodford Ranch (historical) Kern locale 354204N 1182729W - Lake Isabella North
Woods Canyon Kern valley 354122N 1200832W - Orchard Peak
Woodward Creek Kern stream 353954N 1183241W - Alta Sierra
Woodward Peak Kern summit 353839N 1183446W 6520 Alta Sierra
Woody Kern pop place 354215N 1185000W 1647 Woody
Woody Flats Kern flat 354435N 1184518W - Woody
Woody Ranch Kern locale 354415N 1184759W 2184 Woody
Woody School (historical) Kern school 354433N 1184907W - Woody
Woolstalf Creek Kern stream 353436N 1181503W - Woolstalf Creek
Woolstalf Meadow Kern flat 353138N 1181900W - Woolstalf Creek
Wygal Spring Kern spring 352700N 1195545W - Las Yeguas Ranch
Wyleys Knob Kern summit 353210N 1180822W 6360 Cane Canyon
Wyseur Ranch (historical) Kern locale 354247N 1194431W 232 Lost Hills NW
Yankee Canyon Kern valley 353931N 1182627W - Lake Isabella North
Yates Hot Spring Kern spring 352555N 1182850W - Piute Peak
Yates Hot Springs Kern spring 352555N 1182850W - Piute Peak
Yeguas Creek Kern stream 352551N 1195610W - Las Yeguas Ranch
Yeguas Mountain Kern summit 352942N 1200120W 2988 La Panza NE
Yellow Aster Mill Kern locale 352518N 1174450W - El Paso Peaks
Yellow Jacket Spring Kern spring 353540N 1180735W - Cane Canyon
Zemorra Creek Kern stream 352620N 1194500W - Carneros Rocks
Zenda Mine Kern mine 351724N 1182800W - Loraine
Zentner Kern pop place 354211N 1191006W 446 McFarland

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