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Section: 11  of 31     3101 Listings
Sections: |  11 Ga-Gr  | |  12 Gr-Ho  | |  13 Ho-It  | |  14 It-KX  | |  15  KY-La  |
Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Garcia Canyon Fresno valley 360145N 1201547W - Kreyenhagen Hills
Garcia Canyon Fresno valley 361711N 1203933W - San Benito Mountain
Gardiner Basin Fresno basin 364906N 1182746W - Mount Clarence King
Gardiner Creek Fresno stream 364843N 1183249W - The Sphinx
Gardiner Lakes Fresno lake 364848N 1182659W 11394 Mount Clarence King
Gardiner Pass Fresno gap 364755N 1182853W - Mount Clarence King
Gardner Creek Fresno stream 364843N 1183249W - The Sphinx
Garlic Creek Fresno stream 365137N 1185706W - Hume
Garlic Falls Fresno falls 365143N 1185708W - Hume
Garlic Meadow Fresno flat 365516N 1185527W - Rough Spur
Garlic Meadow Creek Fresno stream 365137N 1185706W - Hume
Garlic Spur Fresno ridge 365312N 1185753W - Rough Spur
Garrison Canyon Fresno valley 361635N 1203859W - San Benito Mountain
Garza Creek Fresno stream 360137N 1201104W - Avenal
Gates Lake Fresno lake 365258N 1194131W - Friant
Gates Substation Fresno locale 360823N 1200727W - Huron
Gavilan Ridge Fresno ridge 360111N 1202741W - Curry Mountain
Gavilan Rock Fresno pillar 360111N 1202742W - Curry Mountain
Gemini Fresno summit 371749N 1184856W 12866 Mount Hilgard
General Grant Grove Fresno woods 364448N 1185830W - General Grant Grove
General Grant Tree Fresno locale 364453N 1185812W - General Grant Grove
George Lake Fresno lake 371200N 1190753W - Huntington Lake
George Lake Fresno lake 371728N 1191011W - Kaiser Peak
Geraldine Lakes Fresno lake 365437N 1185257W - Rough Spur
Giagantea Campground Fresno locale 370053N 1190621W 6400 Nelson Mountain
Giffen Cantua Ranch Fresno pop place 362829N 1202329W 440 Lillis Ranch
Giffen Reservoir 699 Dam Fresno dam 364824N 1192624W - Piedra
Gigantea Campground Fresno locale 370053N 1190621W 6400 Nelson Mountain
Gill School (historical) Fresno school 364000N 1194618W - Fresno South
Giraud Peak Fresno summit 370439N 1183416W 12585 North Palisade
Giroud Peak Fresno summit 370439N 1183416W 12585 North Palisade
Givens Lake Fresno lake 371711N 1190257W 9208 Mount Givens
Glacier Creek Fresno stream 364759N 1183244W - The Sphinx
Glacier Creek Fresno stream 370317N 1183139W - North Palisade
Glacier Divide Fresno ridge 371321N 1184458W - Mount Darwin
Glacier Lakes Fresno lake 365400N 1183450W 10429 Marion Peak
Glacier Monument Fresno summit 364755N 1183017W 11165 The Sphinx
Glacier Valley Fresno valley 365521N 1183502W - Marion Peak
Glen Lake Fresno lake 373224N 1185547W - Bloody Mountain
Glen Meadow Fresno flat 370436N 1191120W - Dinkey Creek
Glen Meadow Creek Fresno stream 370353N 1190923W - Dinkey Creek
Glen Pass Fresno gap 364720N 1182442W 11978 Mount Clarence King
Glenn Meadow Forest Service Facility Fresno locale 370437N 1191104W 6396 Dinkey Creek
Glennette Lake Fresno lake 373211N 1185545W - Bloody Mountain
Gloria Meadow Fresno flat 371836N 1191301W - Kaiser Peak
Glorietta Fresno pop place 365016N 1194231W 362 Clovis
Gnat Meadow Fresno flat 365430N 1184917W - Tehipite Dome
Gnat Meadow Fresno flat 365450N 1184845W - Tehipite Dome
Goat Crest Fresno ridge 365312N 1183500W - Marion Peak
Goat Mountain Fresno summit 361231N 1203627W 3721 Sherman Peak
Goat Mountain Fresno summit 365212N 1183424W 12207 The Sphinx
Goat Saddle Fresno gap 364803N 1190517W 3543 Verplank Ridge
Goat Spring Fresno spring 361217N 1203310W - Sherman Peak
Goddard Canyon Fresno valley 371150N 1184742W - Mount Henry
Goddard Creek Fresno stream 365855N 1183726W - Marion Peak
Goddard Divide Fresno ridge 370631N 1184044W - Mount Goddard
Goethe Cirque Fresno basin 371300N 1184200W - Mount Darwin
Goethe Glacier Fresno glacier 371229N 1184227W - Mount Darwin
Goethe Lake Fresno lake 371322N 1184204W 11528 Mount Darwin
Gold Arrow Camp Fresno locale 371406N 1190947W - Huntington Lake
Golden Creek Fresno stream 372650N 1184738W - Mount Abbot
Golden Hoof Ranch (historical) Fresno locale 365715N 1203003W - Oxalis
Golden Lake Fresno lake 372702N 1184554W - Mount Abbot
Golden Trout Lake Fresno lake 371426N 1184307W 10786 Mount Darwin
Goldleaf Fresno pop place 364320N 1194301W 306 Malaga
Goodale Pass Fresno gap 372754N 1185614W 10960 Graveyard Peak
Goodmill Fresno pop place 364651N 1190121W 3700 Verplank Ridge
Gordon Fresno pop place 365346N 1194344W 392 Friant
Gordon Lake Fresno lake 371824N 1185457W 9882 Florence Lake
Gordon Siding Fresno pop place 365346N 1194344W 392 Friant
Gorge of Despair Fresno valley 365429N 1184651W - Tehipite Dome
Gothic Peak Fresno pillar 365430N 1185115W 9700 Tehipite Dome
Grabast Canyon Fresno valley 360959N 1203340W - Sherman Peak
Grabners Fresno locale 370050N 1193405W - Millerton Lake East
Gramis Ranch Fresno locale 363851N 1203151W 355 Chaney Ranch
Grand Bluff Fresno cliff 370404N 1191343W - Dinkey Creek
Grand Dike Fresno ridge 365020N 1184443W - Cedar Grove
Grand Sentinel Fresno pillar 364701N 1183500W 8504 The Sphinx
Grange Grove Picnic Area Fresno locale 365914N 1194107W - Friant
Granite Basin Fresno basin 365115N 1183626W - The Sphinx
Granite Creek Fresno stream 364727N 1183604W - The Sphinx
Granite Gorge Fresno valley 365809N 1185928W - Rough Spur
Granite Hill Fresno summit 364116N 1192136W 862 Orange Cove North
Granite Lake Fresno lake 365149N 1183709W - The Sphinx
Granite Pass Fresno gap 365241N 1183637W 10673 Marion Peak
Granite Ridge Fresno ridge 365250N 1192134W - Trimmer
Grant Grove Fresno woods 364448N 1185830W - General Grant Grove
Grant Grove Village Fresno pop place 364424N 1185742W 6600 General Grant Grove
Granz (historical) Fresno pop place 364449N 1194230W 322 Malaga
Grassy Lake Fresno lake 372853N 1185737W - Graveyard Peak
Gravel Flat Campground Fresno locale 365147N 1190700W 1200 Verplank Ridge
Gravelly Flat Fresno flat 361028N 1203532W - Sherman Peak
Gravesboro Fresno pop place 364623N 1192438W 480 Piedra
Graveyard Lakes Fresno lake 372711N 1185843W - Graveyard Peak
Graveyard Meadow Fresno flat 372448N 1185731W - Graveyard Peak
Graveyard Meadows Fresno flat 372448N 1185731W - Graveyard Peak
Graveyard Peak Fresno summit 372659N 1185916W 11520 Graveyard Peak
Gray Colony School (historical) Fresno school 364738N 1193522W - Round Mountain
Great Cliffs Fresno cliff 370113N 1183626W - North Palisade
Great Western Airfield Fresno airport 364001N 1192655W 380 Wahtoke

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Greeley Ranger Station (historical) Fresno locale 364221N 1190350W - Miramonte
Green Mountain Fresno summit 365816N 1192424W 3110 Humphreys Station
Green Water Spring Fresno spring 362244N 1202841W - Lillis Ranch
Greenwood Park Fresno park 364207N 1193354W - Sanger
Gres Canyon Fresno valley 364402N 1204239W - Chounet Ranch
Grinnell Lake Fresno lake 372805N 1185057W - Mount Abbot
Grizzly Creek Fresno stream 364809N 1184438W - Cedar Grove
Grizzly Falls Picnic Area Fresno locale 364818N 1184442W 4700 Cedar Grove
Grizzly Lakes Fresno lake 365153N 1184313W - Cedar Grove
Grouse Creek Fresno stream 371308N 1191250W - Huntington Lake
Grouse Lake Fresno lake 365128N 1183518W 10473 The Sphinx
Grouse Lake Fresno lake 370709N 1190412W - Nelson Mountain
Grouse Meadow Fresno flat 365843N 1184354W - Slide Bluffs
Grouse Meadow Fresno flat 370345N 1183550W - North Palisade
Grouse Meadows Fresno flat 370345N 1183550W - North Palisade
Gruff Lake Fresno lake 371855N 1184749W - Mount Hilgard
Guest Lake Fresno lake 370440N 1184744W - Blackcap Mountain
Guijarral Hills Fresno other 360841N 1201312W - Guijarral Hills
Guijarral Hills Oil Field Fresno oilfield 360833N 1201327W - Guijarral Hills
Haas Tunnel Fresno tunnel 365800N 1190044W - Patterson Mountain
Haber (historical)  Fresno pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Hacker Mountain Fresno summit 365455N 1191736W 2331 Trimmer
Half Moon Ranch Fresno locale 360850N 1200146W 307 Huron
Halfmoon Lake Fresno lake 370255N 1185055W 9422 Blackcap Mountain
Hall Meadow Fresno flat 370050N 1190117W - Nelson Mountain
Hall Mountain Fresno summit 370149N 1190032W 8625 Nelson Mountain
Hammer Field (historical) Fresno n/a n/a n/a - n/a
Hammond Fresno pop place 364535N 1194710W 296 Fresno North
Hammonds Ranch Fresno locale 364709N 1203845W - Hammonds Ranch
Hammonds Substation Fresno locale 364312N 1203608W 344 Chaney Ranch
Hanes Ranch (historical) Fresno locale 360142N 1202049W 1200 Kreyenhagen Hills
Hans Grieve Canyon Fresno valley 360749N 1203613W - Sherman Peak
Happy Gap Fresno gap 364326N 1185925W 5605 General Grant Grove
Happy Gap Fresno gap 365103N 1184504W - Wren Peak
Harlan Ranch Fresno locale 364155N 1190805W - Tucker Mountain
Harmon Peak Fresno summit 364707N 1191927W 2190 Pine Flat Dam
Harnish Ranch Fresno locale 362459N 1201134W - Westside
Harris Ranch Fresno locale 362033N 1201254W 297 Harris Ranch
Harris Ranch Airport Fresno airport 361452N 1201415W 470 Guijarral Hills
Harris River Ranch Airport Fresno airport 364601N 1192609W 450 Piedra
Harris Spring Fresno spring 362249N 1203116W 1900 Ciervo Mountain
Harris-Agro West Airport Fresno airport 362009N 1201450W 335 Harris Ranch
Harrison School (historical) Fresno school 363158N 1193112W - Selma
Harvey Lake Fresno lake 371819N 1185441W - Florence Lake
Haslett Basin Fresno basin 365805N 1191234W - Sacate Ridge
Hatch Lake Fresno lake 370533N 1190343W - Nelson Mountain
Hawkins Ranch Fresno locale 362547N 1200145W - Five Points
Hawkins School (historical) Fresno school 365550N 1192233W - Humphreys Station
Hay Meadow Fresno flat 365450N 1184845W - Tehipite Dome
Hazelton Cemetery Fresno cemetery 364711N 1192545W - Piedra
Heart Lake Fresno lake 371655N 1185226W - Mount Hilgard
Heather Lake Fresno lake 371120N 1185107W 10043 Mount Henry
Hedrick Meadow Fresno flat 372553N 1190412W - Sharktooth Peak
Heitz Meadow Forest Service Station Fresno locale 372724N 1190911W - Balloon Dome
Heitz Meadow Guard Station Fresno locale 372724N 1190911W - Balloon Dome
Heitz Meadow Station Fresno locale 372724N 1190911W - Balloon Dome
Helen Lake Fresno lake 370707N 1183947W 11595 Mount Goddard
Helen Lake Fresno lake 372837N 1185519W - Graveyard Peak
Hell Hole Meadow Fresno flat 371828N 1185825W - Florence Lake
Hell for Sure Lake Fresno lake 370821N 1184756W - Mount Henry
Hell for Sure Pass Fresno gap 370845N 1184746W 11297 Mount Henry
Helm Fresno pop place 363154N 1200550W 185 Helm
Helm Oil Field Fresno oilfield 362854N 1200319W - Five Points
Helm Ranch Fresno locale 364757N 1202253W - Firebaugh
Helmke Pond Fresno lake 363413N 1194152W - Conejo
Helms Creek Fresno stream 370301N 1185637W - Courtright Reservoir
Helms Meadow Fresno flat 370850N 1190015W - Dogtooth Peak
Herminghaus Ranch Fresno locale 364443N 1201855W - Tranquillity
Herndon Fresno pop place 365012N 1195459W 295 Herndon
Herndon Substation Fresno locale 365042N 1195516W - Herndon
Hester Lake Fresno lake 370536N 1183752W 11246 Mount Goddard
Hidden Lake Fresno lake 371456N 1185902W - Ward Mountain
Hidden Lake Fresno lake 371803N 1191400W - Kaiser Peak
Hidden Valley Fresno flat 371436N 1185348W - Ward Mountain
Hidden Valley Meadows Fresno flat 371436N 1185348W - Ward Mountain
High Sierra Fresno range 370811N 1183819W - Shaver Lake
High Sierra Edison Pack Station Fresno locale 372303N 1190104W 7800 Sharktooth Peak
High Sierra Forest Service Station Fresno locale 371859N 1190223W - Mount Givens
High Sierra Packstation Fresno locale 371640N 1185818W 7343 Florence Lake
High Sierra Ranger Station Fresno locale 371859N 1190223W - Mount Givens
High Sierra Station Fresno locale 371859N 1190223W - Mount Givens
Highland School (historical) Fresno school 364226N 1193735W - Malaga
Highway City Fresno pop place 364839N 1195302W 295 Herndon
Hilgard Branch Fresno stream 372041N 1185228W - Mount Hilgard
Hilgard Lake Fresno lake 372201N 1185016W - Mount Hilgard
Hills Valley Fresno valley 364056N 1191826W - Orange Cove North
Hinton Park Fresno park 364253N 1194810W - Fresno South
Hobart Park Fresno park 364434N 1194707W - Fresno South
Hobler Lake Fresno lake 370802N 1185606W - Ward Mountain
Hockey Lakes Fresno lake 370610N 1184639W 11040 Blackcap Mountain
Hoffman Creek Fresno stream 372559N 1191019W - Balloon Dome
Hoffman Meadow Fresno flat 372402N 1191123W - Balloon Dome
Hoffman Mountain Fresno summit 365917N 1185516W 9622 Rough Spur
Hoffman Point Fresno pop place 364132N 1191150W 1525 Tucker Mountain
Hog Canyon Fresno valley 360725N 1203541W - Smith Mountain
Hog Creek Fresno stream 364921N 1193142W - Round Mountain
Hog Mountain Fresno summit 365309N 1191844W 3140 Trimmer
Hog Ranch Fresno locale 365617N 1203418W - Oxalis
Hogback Peak Fresno summit 365236N 1184241W 11077 Slide Bluffs
Hoist Ridge Fresno ridge 364740N 1185915W - Hume

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Hole in the Wall Fresno basin 365725N 1184715W - Tehipite Dome
Holland Creek Fresno stream 364629N 1192548W - Piedra
Holland Farm Fresno locale 365655N 1203509W - Oxalis
Hollyhock Spring Fresno spring 361243N 1203348W - Sherman Peak
Holman Mill Fresno locale 361756N 1203445W - Santa Rita Peak
Holster Lake Fresno lake 370623N 1184656W - Blackcap Mountain
Holy Cross Cemetery Fresno cemetery 364500N 1195005W - Fresno South
Home Camp Creek Fresno stream 371405N 1191400W - Huntington Lake
Home Spring Fresno spring 365226N 1193032W - Round Mountain
Homestead Spring Fresno spring 362048N 1202243W - Joaquin Rocks
Honeymoon Pool Fresno lake 370458N 1190908W - Dinkey Creek
Honor Farm Fresno locale 364320N 1195448W - Kearney Park
Hookers Creek Fresno stream 371111N 1192114W - Musick Mountain
Hoopal Lake Fresno lake 371618N 1184906W - Mount Hilgard
Hooper Creek Fresno stream 371821N 1185651W - Florence Lake
Hooper Diversion Dam Fresno dam 371818N 1185657W - Florence Lake
Hooper Lake Fresno lake 371804N 1185427W - Florence Lake
Hopewell School (historical) Fresno school 364548N 1191006W - Luckett Mountain
Hopkins Creek Fresno stream 372626N 1184922W - Mount Abbot
Hopkins Pass Fresno gap 372851N 1185029W - Mount Abbot
Hopro (historical) Fresno pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Horace Mann School (historical) Fresno school 363950N 1194123W 312 Malaga
Horse Corral Creek Fresno stream 364425N 1184655W - Muir Grove
Horse Corral Meadow Fresno flat 364443N 1184503W - Muir Grove
Horse Heaven Fresno flat 372946N 1185431W - Graveyard Peak
Horseshoe Bend Fresno bend 364927N 1184955W - Wren Peak
Horseshoe Bend Fresno bend 370637N 1192844W - Auberry
Horseshoe Bend Grove Fresno woods 364709N 1185100W - Wren Peak
Horseshoe Creek Fresno stream 365812N 1183802W - Slide Bluffs
Horseshoe Lake Fresno lake 370524N 1184754W - Blackcap Mountain
Horseshoe Lake Fresno lake 370756N 1184809W - Mount Henry
Horseshoe Lakes Fresno lake 365652N 1183423W - Marion Peak
Horseshoe Meadows Fresno flat 365707N 1183442W - Marion Peak
Horsethief Canyon Fresno valley 362218N 1202901W - Joaquin Rocks
Horsethief Creek Fresno stream 371717N 1191936W - Mammoth Pool Dam
Horsethief Creek Fresno stream 371720N 1191936W - Mammoth Pool Dam
Hortense Lake Fresno lake 372927N 1185450W 10295 Graveyard Peak
Hot Springs Fresno spring 371404N 1185252W - Ward Mountain
Hot Springs Canyon Fresno valley 360509N 1203137W - Smith Mountain
Hot Springs Pass Fresno gap 371154N 1185939W - Ward Mountain
Hotel Creek Fresno stream 364731N 1184008W - Cedar Grove
Houghton School (historical) Fresno school 364408N 1195720W - Kearney Park
House Meadow Fresno flat 370006N 1190243W - Nelson Mountain
House Meadow Creek Fresno stream 365959N 1190247W - Patterson Mountain
House Meadows Fresno flat 370050N 1190117W - Nelson Mountain
Hub Fresno pop place 362408N 1194829W 233 Riverdale
Huckleberry Creek Fresno stream 371424N 1191225W - Huntington Lake
Huckleberry Meadow Fresno flat 364551N 1185621W - Hume
Huckleberry Meadow Fresno flat 370253N 1190138W - Nelson Mountain
Hughes Cemetery Fresno cemetery 365223N 1192226W - Pine Flat Dam
Hughes Creek Fresno stream 364910N 1192245W - Pine Flat Dam
Hughes Creek Cemetery Fresno cemetery 365223N 1192226W - Pine Flat Dam
Hughes Mountain Fresno summit 365026N 1191957W 2386 Pine Flat Dam
Hugo Roberts Ranch (historical) Fresno locale 360217N 1202641W - Curry Mountain
Hume Fresno pop place 364706N 1185446W 5400 Hume
Hume Camp Fresno locale 364733N 1185430W - Hume
Hume Forest Service Facility Fresno locale 364740N 1185416W 5280 Hume
Hume Lake Fresno lake 364729N 1185418W 5201 Hume
Hume Lake Campground Fresno locale 364733N 1185430W - Hume
Hume Lake Christian Camp Fresno locale 364712N 1185445W - Hume
Hume Lake Ranger Station Fresno locale 364525N 1190954W - Luckett Mountain
Hume Station Fresno pop place 364740N 1185415W 5280 Hume
Humes Fresno pop place 364706N 1185446W 5400 Hume
Hummingbird Lake Fresno lake 370116N 1184541W - Blackcap Mountain
Humphreys  Fresno locale 365742N 1192641W 1028 Humphreys Station
Humphreys Basin Fresno basin 371555N 1184220W - Mount Tom
Humphreys Lakes Fresno lake 371559N 1184056W - Mount Tom
Humphreys Station Fresno locale 365742N 1192641W 1028 Humphreys Station
Huntington Lake Fresno reservoir 371402N 1191243W 6950 Huntington Lake
Huntington Lake Fresno pop place 371354N 1191406W 7040 Huntington Lake
Huntington Lake 1 104-010 Dam Fresno dam 371336N 1191406W - Huntington Lake
Huntington Lake Resort Fresno locale 371412N 1191419W 7050 Huntington Lake
Hurley Fire Control Station Fresno locale 370053N 1193359W - Millerton Lake East
Huron Fresno pop place 361210N 1200607W 368 Huron
Huron Substation Fresno locale 361110N 1200610W 377 Huron
Hutchinson Meadow Fresno flat 371600N 1184701W - Mount Hilgard
Idaho Lake Fresno lake 371736N 1190743W 8865 Kaiser Peak
Independent Order of Oddfellows Cemetery Fresno cemetery 364451N 1195007W - Fresno South
Indian Basin Fresno basin 364754N 1185636W - Hume
Indian Basin Grove Fresno woods 364830N 1185602W - Hume
Indian Creek Fresno stream 364859N 1185318W - Hume
Indian Rock Fresno pillar 365609N 1190620W - Patterson Mountain
Indian Springs Fresno spring 361311N 1202732W - Alcalde Hills
Indian Springs Fresno spring 370018N 1185257W - Courtright Reservoir
Indian Valley Fresno valley 363757N 1204656W - Mercey Hot Springs
Infant Buttes Fresno summit 371929N 1185625W 10137 Florence Lake
Ingle Fresno pop place 364317N 1201520W 163 Tranquillity
Ionian Basin Fresno basin 370536N 1184042W - Mount Goddard
Iowa School (historical) Fresno school 363528N 1194019W - Conejo
Iron Spring Fresno spring 360036N 1202823W - Curry Mountain
Iron Spring Fresno spring 360133N 1203012W - Smith Mountain
Island Crossing Fresno crossing 373206N 1190402W - Crystal Crag
Island Lake Fresno lake 370903N 1190342W - Dogtooth Peak
Island Number One Fresno island 365508N 1194523W - Lanes Bridge
Island Park Recreation Area Fresno locale 365148N 1191850W - Pine Flat Dam
Isosceles Mountain Fresno summit 371834N 1184551W 13103 Mount Hilgard
Isosceles Peak Fresno summit 370534N 1183241W 12321 North Palisade
Italian Bar Fresno bar 370923N 1192416W - Cascadel Point
Italian Creek Fresno stream 370859N 1192402W - Cascadel Point
Itallan Bar Fresno bar 370923N 1192416W - Cascadel Point

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Italy Pass Fresno gap 372109N 1184658W - Mount Hilgard
Iva Bell Hot Springs Fresno spring 373150N 1190153W 7349 Crystal Crag
Iva Bell Hot Springs Fresno spring 373154N 1190128W - Crystal Crag
Ive Fresno pop place 364319N 1193808W 341 Malaga
Ivesta Fresno pop place 364319N 1193808W 341 Malaga
Ivy Park Fresno park 364142N 1194740W - Fresno South
Izaak Walton Lake Fresno lake 372904N 1185356W - Graveyard Peak
Jacalitos Creek Fresno stream 360851N 1201546W - Coalinga
Jacalitos Hills Fresno other 360526N 1202154W - Kreyenhagen Hills
Jacalitos Oil Field Fresno oilfield 360444N 1202013W - Kreyenhagen Hills
Jacalitos Ranch Fresno locale 360236N 1202730W - Curry Mountain
Jack Hart Spring Fresno spring 361046N 1203044W - Sherman Peak
Jack Spring Fresno spring 360541N 1202305W - Curry Mountain
Jack Springs Fresno spring 360541N 1202305W - Curry Mountain
Jack Thorn Mine Fresno mine 365611N 1192622W - Humphreys Station
Jackass Dike Fresno summit 371751N 1185737W 8094 Florence Lake
Jackass Meadow Fresno flat 371659N 1185740W - Florence Lake
Jackass Meadows Fresno flat 371659N 1185740W - Florence Lake
Jackass's Meadows Campground Fresno locale 371647N 1185749W 7190 Florence Lake
Jacks Creek Fresno stream 364515N 1190836W 2000 Luckett Mountain
Jackson Meadow Fresno flat 372946N 1185809W - Graveyard Peak
James Corbett Byles Mine Fresno mine 361833N 1203315W - Santa Rita Peak
Jamesan Fresno pop place 364312N 1201232W 175 Jamesan
Janjigian (historical) Fresno pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Jasper Creek Fresno stream 360213N 1202407W - Curry Mountain
Jawbone Lake Fresno lake 371718N 1184759W 11411 Mount Hilgard
Jefferson Park Fresno park 364833N 1194059W - Clovis
Jericho Mesa Fresno summit 372014N 1190135W 7222 Mount Givens
Jess Gill Park Fresno park 364517N 1202315W - Firebaugh
Jesse Morrow Mountain Fresno summit 364410N 1192426W 2108 Wahtoke
Jewel Lake Fresno lake 371740N 1191047W - Kaiser Peak
Jigger Lakes Fresno lake 370736N 1185017W - Mount Henry
Joaquin Mill Fresno locale 361620N 1203527W - Santa Rita Peak
Joaquin Ridge Fresno ridge 361908N 1202824W - Joaquin Rocks
Joaquin Rocks Fresno pillar 361909N 1202654W 4003 Joaquin Rocks
Joaquin Spring Fresno spring 361855N 1202706W - Joaquin Rocks
John Muir Rock Fresno pillar 371305N 1184922W 8290 Mount Henry
John Muir Trail Fresno trail 370929N 1184129W - Mount Darwin
John Muir Trail Cabin Fresno building 371325N 1185042W - Mount Henry
John Muir Wilderness Fresno park 365833N 1184840W - Tehipite Dome
Johnson Flat Fresno flat 364303N 1190317W - Miramonte
Johnson Point Fresno summit 364205N 1190404W 3000 Miramonte
Johnson Ranch Fresno locale 360627N 1201912W - Kreyenhagen Hills
Jordan Peak Fresno summit 370538N 1183119W 14242 North Palisade
Jordan Ranch Fresno locale 362039N 1201702W 423 Domengine Ranch
Jorgensen Point Fresno summit 364213N 1190821W 2406 Tucker Mountain
Jose Basin Fresno basin 370614N 1192240W - Auberry
Jose Creek Fresno stream 370855N 1192318W - Cascadel Point
Jug Rock Fresno pillar 364646N 1192222W - Pine Flat Dam
Julius Cesar Fresno summit 372124N 1184651W 13196 Mount Hilgard
Jumble Lake Fresno lake 372100N 1184741W - Mount Hilgard
Jumble Moraine Lake Fresno lake 372100N 1184741W - Mount Hilgard
Jump Off Point Fresno summit 371603N 1191550W 8549 Mammoth Pool Dam
Jump Off Point Fresno summit 371604N 1191549W 8500 Mammoth Pool Dam
Junction Dike Fresno ridge 365015N 1184809W - Wren Peak
Junction Meadow Fresno flat 364514N 1182629W - Mount Clarence King
Junction Ridge Fresno ridge 365015N 1184809W - Wren Peak
Junction Vista Point Fresno locale 364855N 1185321W - Hume
Juniper Ridge Fresno ridge 361118N 1203231W - Sherman Peak
KAIL-TV (Fresno) Fresno tower 370423N 1191552W - Shaver Lake
KBIF-AM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364130N 1194046W - Malaga
KEYQ-AM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364428N 1195112W - Fresno South
KEZL-FM (Fowler) Fresno tower 364139N 1194357W - Malaga
KFCF-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 370423N 1192551W - Auberry
KFIG-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 365548N 1193827W - Friant
KFNI-AM (Fresno) Fresno tower 365049N 1193946W - Clovis
KFNO-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 370426N 1192552W - Auberry
KFSN-TV (Fresno) Fresno tower 370438N 1192600W - Auberry
KFSR-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364842N 1194443W - Clovis
KFTV-TV (Hanford) Fresno tower 370424N 1192542W - Auberry
KFYE-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 370444N 1192547W - Auberry
KGST-AM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364236N 1195006W - Fresno South
KIRV-AM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364242N 1194959W - Fresno South
KJEO-TV (Fresno) Fresno tower 370414N 1192531W - Auberry
KJFX-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 365655N 1192909W - Humphreys Station
KKAM-AM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364551N 1194708W - Fresno North
KKDJ-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 370423N 1192551W - Auberry
KKFO-AM (Coalinga) Fresno tower 360840N 1202013W - Coalinga
KMAK-FM (Orange Cove) Fresno tower 364445N 1191658W - Orange Cove North
KMJ-AM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364137N 1200316W - Kerman
KMSG-TV (Sanger) Fresno tower 370426N 1192552W - Auberry
KNAX-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364409N 1194759W - Fresno South
KNAX-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364409N 1194759W - Fresno South
KNAX-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 370429N 1192552W - Auberry
KNGS-FM (Coalinga) Fresno tower 360840N 1202013W - Coalinga
KOQO-AM (Clovis) Fresno tower 365039N 1194113W - Clovis
KQPW-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 370425N 1192552W - Auberry
KRGO-AM (Fowler) Fresno tower 363946N 1194018W - Malaga
KRGO-AM (Fowler) Fresno tower 364444N 1195104W - Fresno South
KRGO-AM (Fowler) Fresno tower 364139N 1194357W - Malaga
KRZR-FM (Hanford) Fresno tower 363336N 1194520W - Caruthers
KSEE-TV (Fresno) Fresno tower 364445N 1191653W - Orange Cove North
KTAA-FM (Kerman) Fresno tower 364259N 1200351W - Kerman
KTAA-FM (Kerman) Fresno tower 364429N 1200508W - Kerman
KTHT-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364907N 1193033W - Round Mountain
KVPR-FM (Fresno) Fresno tower 370425N 1192552W - Auberry
KVPT-TV (Fresno) Fresno tower 364445N 1191652W - Orange Cove North
KWEW-TV (Coalinga) Fresno tower 361817N 1202408W - Joaquin Rocks
KXDR-FM (Auberry) Fresno tower 370425N 1192552W - Auberry
KXEX-AM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364614N 1195520W - Herndon

Section: 15  of 31
Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
KYNO-AM (Fresno) Fresno tower 364614N 1194500W - Fresno North
KZJE-TV (Clovis) Fresno tower 364445N 1191652W - Orange Cove North
Kadota Merced pop place 371742N 1202440W 190 Merced
Kaiser (historical) Fresno pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Kaiser Creek Fresno stream 372118N 1191725W - Mammoth Pool Dam
Kaiser Creek Ford (inundated by Mammoth Pool reservoir) Fresno crossing 372113N 1191759W - Mammoth Pool Dam
Kaiser Diggings (historical) Fresno mine 372110N 1191455W - Kaiser Peak
Kaiser Diggings Forest Service Station Fresno locale 372147N 1191427W - Kaiser Peak
Kaiser Diggins Guard Station Fresno locale 372147N 1191427W - Kaiser Peak
Kaiser Park Fresno park 371740N 1191104W 10310 Kaiser Peak
Kaiser Pass Fresno gap 371729N 1190607W 9175 Mount Givens
Kaiser Pass Meadow Fresno flat 371726N 1190645W 9494 Mount Givens
Kaiser Peak Fresno summit 371800N 1191100W 10320 Kaiser Peak
Kaiser Peak Meadows Fresno flat 371839N 1190709W - Mount Givens
Kaiser Ridge Fresno ridge 371645N 1190317W - Mount Givens
Kaktus Korner Fresno locale 364256N 1192055W 507 Orange Cove North
Kanawyers Fresno pop place 364743N 1183502W 5035 The Sphinx
Kay-o-pah Fresno range 370811N 1183819W - Shaver Lake
Kearney (historical) Fresno pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Kearney Mansion Museum Fresno building 364326N 1195506W - Kearney Park
Kearney Park (historical) Fresno pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Kearney Park  Fresno park 364333N 1195506W - Kearney Park
Kearney Park Post Office (Est. 1901) (1901-1935) Fresno post office n/a n/a - Kearney Park
Kearney Substation Fresno locale 364224N 1195245W 254 Kearney Park
Kearsarge Inyo pop place 364824N 1180659W 3763 Bee Springs Canyon
Kearsarge Pass Fresno gap 364621N 1182234W - Mount Clarence King
Kearsarge Pinnacles Fresno pillar 364529N 1182312W - Mount Clarence King
Kearsarge Station Inyo pop place 364824N 1180659W 3763 Bee Springs Canyon
Keck Park Fresno park 360816N 1202209W - Coalinga
Keenan Park Fresno park 361205N 1200613W - Huron
Kellers Ranch Fresno locale 365224N 1190834W - Luckett Mountain
Kellog Creek Fresno stream 364727N 1183604W - The Sphinx
Kennedy Canyon Fresno  valley 365606N 1184008W - Slide Bluffs
Kennedy Creek Fresno stream 365606N 1184008W - Slide Bluffs
Kennedy Grove Fresno woods 364548N 1184921W - Wren Peak
Kennedy Meadow Fresno flat 364613N 1184954W - Wren Peak
Kennedy Mountain Fresno summit 365244N 1184003W 11433 Slide Bluffs
Kennedy Pass Fresno gap 365234N 1183935W - Slide Bluffs
Kennedy Pond Fresno lake 363526N 1194300W - Conejo
Kerckhoff Dam Fresno dam 370742N 1193128W 971 North Fork
Kerckhoff Dome Fresno summit 371235N 1191357W 6321 Huntington Lake
Kerckhoff Lake Fresno reservoir 370742N 1193129W 971 North Fork
Kerman Fresno pop place 364325N 1200332W 216 Kerman
Kerman Post Office (Est. March 19, 1906) Fresno post office 364326N 1200331W - Kerman
Kerman Substation Fresno locale 364129N 1200333W 212 Kerman
Ketscher Ranch Fresno locale 364218N 1192416W - Wahtoke
Ketscher Ranch Airport Fresno airport 364232N 1192417W 460 Wahtoke
Kettle Dome Fresno pillar 365653N 1184706W 9446 Tehipite Dome
Kettle Ridge Fresno ridge 365931N 1184541W - Tehipite Dome
Kettle Rock Fresno pillar 365653N 1184706W 9446 Tehipite Dome
Kettleman Plain Fresno plain 360153N 1201027W - Avenal
Kettleman Station Fresno locale 360256N 1201149W - Avenal
Keys Mountain Fresno summit 365714N 1192852W 2012 Humphreys Station
Keyser Gulch (historical) Fresno pop place n/a n/a - n/a
Kid Creek Fresno stream 365336N 1183157W - Marion Peak
Kid Lakes Fresno lake 365256N 1183330W - Marion Peak
Kid Peak Fresno summit 365241N 1183303W 11458 Marion Peak
Kindsvater Ranch Airport Fresno airport 365059N 1193036W 529 Round Mountain
King Fresno summit 365013N 1182645W 12905 Mount Clarence King
Kings River Fresno pop place 364402N 1192949W 393 Wahtoke
King River Fresno stream 365017N 1185229W - Wren Peak
Kings River Cemetery Fresno cemetery 364336N 1193033W - Sanger
Kings River Slough Fresno stream 364703N 1202207W - Mendota Dam
King Spur Fresno ridge 365013N 1182646W - Mount Clarence King
Kings Canyon Fresno valley 364740N 1184100W - Cedar Grove
Kings Canyon National Park Fresno park 365700N 1183600W - Marion Peak
Kings Castle Fresno summit 371626N 1190038W 10348 Mount Givens
Kings Canyon Geological Area Fresno locale 365517N 1185920W 6140 Rough Spur
Kings River Fresno stream 365017N 1185229W - Wren Peak
Kings River Community College Airport Fresno airport 363624N 1192748W 350 Reedley
Kings River Geological Area Fresno locale 365517N 1185920W 6140 Rough Spur
Kings River Switch Fresno pop place 363050N 1193311W 297 Selma
Kingsburg Fresno pop place 363050N 1193311W 297 Selma
Kingsburg Cemetery Fresno cemetery 363016N 1193328W - Selma
Kingsburg City Park Fresno park 363053N 1193302W - Selma
Kingsburg Post Office (Est. n/a) Fresno post office 363050N 1193304W - Selma
Kingsburgh Fresno pop place 363050N 1193311W 297 Selma
Kingsburgh Post Office (Est. n/a) Fresno post office 363050N 1193304W - Selma
Kinnikinnick Campground Fresno locale 371510N 1191040W - Kaiser Peak
Kip Camp Fresno locale 372208N 1185334W - Florence Lake
Kirch Flat Fresno flat 365247N 1190856W 950 Sacate Ridge
Kirch Flat Fresno flat 365316N 1190926W - Sacate Ridge
Kirch Flat Campground Fresno flat 365245N 1190857W - Sacate Ridge
Kirkman Hill Fresno summit 365603N 1182947W 520 Piedra
Kittleman  Fresno plain 360153N 1201027W - Avenal
Knapsack Pass Fresno gap 370500N 1183302W 11673 North Palisade
Knight Camp Fresno locale 371113N 1190221W - Dogtooth Peak
Knob Lake Fresno lake 371602N 1184450W - Mount Tom
Kokanee Campground Fresno locale 371517N 1190921W 7090 Kaiser Peak
Kokanee Group Campground Fresno locale 371517N 1190921W 7090 Kaiser Peak
Kolingo Creek Fresno stream 360659N 1202437W - Curry Mountain
Kreyenhagen Hills Fresno other 360222N 1201721W - Kreyenhagen Hills
Kreyenhagen Peak Fresno summit 360932N 1203248W 3561 Sherman Peak
Kreyenhagen Ranch Fresno locale 355905N 1201349W 1123 Garza Peak
Kreyenhagen Ranch Fresno locale 360150N 1201533W - Kreyenhagen Hills
La Canada Simada Fresno valley 360222N 1200954W - Avenal
La Ceja Fresno ridge 360356N 1200604W - La Cima
La Jolla Creek Fresno stream 355838N 1201723W - The Dark Hole
La Jolla Ranch Fresno pop place 364342N 1203607W 342 Chaney Ranch
La Lomera Fresno ridge 360330N 1200820W - Avenal

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