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Section: 1 of 7     652 Listings
Sections: |  1 Ac-Ce  | |  2 Ce-Fa  | |  3 Fe-Je  | |  4 Je-Mo  | |  5 Mo-Sc  |

Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Acacia Mine Alpine mine 383718N 1194653W  - Ebbetts Pass
Acorn Canyon Alpine valley 384606N 1195026W  - Woodfords
Adams Camp Alpine locale 382702N 1194550W  7760 Dardanelles Cone
Adolphus Canyon Alpine valley 383644N 1194621W  - Ebbetts Pass
Airola Peak Alpine summit 382728N 1194850W  9942 Dardanelles Cone
Alhambra Mine Alpine mine 384341N 1195818W  - Carson Pass
Alphine Village Alpine pop place 384623N 1194901W - Woodfords
Alpine 99-000 Dam Alpine dam 382817N 1200011W  - Tamarack
Alpine Creek Alpine stream 384227N 1200255W - Caples Lake
Alpine County Airport Alpine airport 384409N 1194558W Markleeville
Alpine County Museum Alpine building 384142N 1194647W - Markleeville
Alpine Mine Alpine mine 384356N 1195816W  - Carson Pass
Alpine Station Alpine locale 382825N 1200130W  - Tamarack
Alpine Station Alpine locale 382743N 1200219W  7073 Tamarack
Alpine Village Alpine pop place 384640N 1194915W 5640 Woodfords
Antelope Peak Alpine summit 382814N 1193323W  10241 Lost Cannon Peak
Armstrong Pass Alpine gap 384957N 1195441W  - Freel Peak
Arnot Branch Campground (historical) Alpine locale 382408N 1194753W  - Dardanelles Cone
Arnot Bridge Campground (historical) Alpine locale 382408N 1194753W  - Dardanelles Cone
Arnot Creek Alpine stream 382407N 1194754W  - Dardanelles Cone
Arnot Peak Alpine summit 382823N 1194531W  10054 Dardanelles Cone
Asa Lake Alpine lake 383012N 1194609W  - Ebbetts Pass
Avalanche Meadow Alpine flat 383043N 1195832W  - Pacific Valley
Backpackers Campground Alpine locale 382856N 1195914W  - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Badaraco  Alpine locale 384046N 1200134W  7800 Caples Lake
Badaraco Camp Alpine locale 384046N 1200134W  7800 Caples Lake
Bagley Valley Alpine valley 383536N 1193856W  - Wolf Creek
Bagsleys Valley Alpine valley 383536N 1193856W  - Wolf Creek
Bald Mountain Alpine summit 385128N 1195358W 10881 Freel Peak
Barber Creek Alpine stream 385355N 1194950W  - Minden
Barney Riley Alpine locale 384554N 1193955W  - Carters Station
Barney Riley Creek Alpine stream 384529N 1193926W  - Carters Station
Barney Riley Trail Alpine trail 384256N 1194354W  6960 Heenan Lake
Bear Creek Alpine stream 382713N 1200234W  - Tamarack
Bear Lake Alpine lake 382825N 1200239W  - Tamarack
Bear Tree Meadow Alpine flat 382958N 1194735W  - Dardanelles Cone
Bear Valley Alpine pop place 382753N 1200220W 1120 Tamarack
Bear Valley S H 1088 Dam Alpine dam 382718N 1200206W  - Tamarack
Bear Valley Stolport Alpine airport 382731N 1200223W  7073 Tamarack
Beaver Meadow Alpine flat 383204N 1195216W  - Ebbetts Pass
Bee Gulch Alpine valley 382852N 1195952W  - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Beebe Lake Alpine lake 383621N 1200332W  - Mokelumne Peak
Big Meadow Spring Alpine stream 384808N 1200057W - Echo Lake
Big Spring Alpine spring 384123N 1193547W  - Topaz Lake
Black Butte Alpine summit 384101N 1200117W  9031 Caples Lake
Black Dome Alpine summit 383153N 1195039W  9112 Ebbetts Pass
Bloods Creek Alpine stream 382503N 1200331W - Tamarack
Bloods Meadow Alpine flat 382730N 1200243W  - Tamarack
Bloods Point Alpine cliff 382756N 1200305W  - Tamarack
Bloods Ridge Alpine ridge 382845N 1200320W  - Tamarack
Bloods Toll Station  Alpine locale 382739N 1200241W  - Tamarack
Bloods Toll Station Historical Site Alpine locale 382739N 1200241W  - Tamarack
Bloomfield Campground Alpine locale 383217N 1194929W  - Ebbetts Pass
Bloomfield Meadow Alpine flat 383159N 1194910W  - Ebbetts Pass
Blue Creek Alpine stream 383430N 1195437W  - Pacific Valley
Blue Lakes Trailhead Alpine locale 383728N 1195430W  8120 Pacific Valley
Border Ruffian Flat Alpine flat 383753N 1195442W  - Carson Pass
Boulder Creek Alpine stream 382504N 1194231W  - Disaster Peak
Boulder Peak Alpine summit 382652N 1194113W  9393 Disaster Peak
Brannon Springs Alpine pop place 384640N 1194915W 5640 Woodfords
Brewers Mine Alpine mine 384247N 1195611W  7800 Carson Pass
Bryant Creek Alpine stream 383218N 1193920W  - Wolf Creek
Bryant Creek Alpine stream 384813N 1194155W  - Carters Station
Buck Creek Alpine stream 384155N 1195028W  - Markleeville
Bull Canyon Alpine valley 382712N 1193557W  - Lost Cannon Peak
Bull Canyon Alpine valley 383104N 1194338W  - Wolf Creek
Bull Lake Alpine lake 383106N 1194510W  - Ebbetts Pass
Bull Run  Alpine summit 382831N 1195328W  9495 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Bull Run Creek Alpine stream 382615N 1195350W  - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Bull Run Lake Alpine lake 382852N 1195449W  8333 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Bull Run Peak Alpine summit 382831N 1195328W  9495 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Bulliona (historical) Alpine pop place 383938N 1194331W 5680 Heenan Lake
Burnside Lake Alpine lake 384245N 1195323W  - Carson Pass
Burnside Lake Trail Alpine trail 384204N 1195151W  - Markleeville
Burnside Mine Alpine mine 384352N 1195350W  - Carson Pass
Cache Creek Alpine stream 383320N 1195736W  - Pacific Valley
Cal-Pine Mine Alpine mine 384331N 1195319W  - Carson Pass
Camp Irene Alpine locale 383303N 1200213W  - Mokelumne Peak
Canyon Creek Alpine stream 383914N 1194925W - Markleeville
Cape Horn Alpine pop place 382927N 1195757W  8000 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Caples Creek Alpine stream 384227N 1200255W - Caples Lake
Caples Lake Alpine lake 384212N 1200350W  7798 Caples Lake
Caples Lake 97-059 Dam Alpine dam 384224N 1200254W  - Caples Lake
Caples Lake Campground Alpine locale 384220N 1200314W  - Caples Lake
Careys Mill Alpine pop place 384640N 1194915W 5640 Woodfords
Carson Falls Alpine falls 382921N 1194054W  - Disaster Peak
Carson Pass Alpine gap 384138N 1195915W  - Carson Pass
Carson Pass Scenic Viewpoint Alpine locale 384137N 1195905W 8200 Carson Pass
Carson Range Alpine range 391130N 1195244W  - Marlette Lake
Carson Slough Alpine stream 361443N 1162304W - West of Eagle Mountain
Cary Canyon Alpine valley 384626N 1194926W - Woodfords
Cary Peak Alpine summit 384646N 1195050W  8727 Woodfords
Carys Mill Alpine pop place 384640N 1194915W 5640 Woodfords
Carys Mill Post Office (historical) (Est. 1864) (discontinued 1914) Alpine post office n/a n/a - Woodfords
Carys Mills Alpine pop place 384640N 1194915W 5640 Woodfords
Carys Peak Alpine summit 384646N 1195050W  8727 Woodfords
Cedar Camp Alpine locale 383208N 1200310W  - Mokelumne Peak
Centerville (historical) Alpine locale 383753N 1194311W  - Heenan Lake
Centerville (historical) Alpine pop place 383752N 1194320W  5920 Heenan Lake
Centerville Bridge Alpine bridge 383819N 1194321W  - Heenan Lake

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Centerville Flat Alpine flat 383758N 1194319W  - Heenan Lake
Centerville Flat Campground Alpine locale 383754N 1194312W  5945 Heenan Lake
Champion Canyon Alpine valley 382650N 1195120W  - Dardanelles Cone
Champion Canyon Alpine valley 382746N 1195047W - Dardanelles Cone
Charity Valley Alpine flat 383959N 1195446W  - Carson Pass
Charity Valley Creek Alpine stream 384159N 1195226W  - Markleeville
Charity Valley Trail Alpine trail 384126N 1195256W  - Carson Pass
Chickaree Picnic Area Alpine locale 382855N 1195927W  7380 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Chickaree Pine Campground Alpine locale 382856N 1195914W  - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Clark Fork Alpine stream 382140N 1195240W  - Donnell Lake
Clark Fork Campground Alpine locale 382347N 1194800W  - Dardanelles Cone
Clark Fork Meadow Alpine flat 382141N 1194035W  - Sonora Pass
Clear Lake Alpine lake 384212N 1200350W  7798 Caples Lake
Cliff Meadow Alpine flat 383047N 1195802W  - Pacific Valley
Cloudburst Canyon Alpine stream 384553N 1195118W  - Woodfords
Cloudburst Creek Alpine valley 382201N 1195133W  - Dardanelle
Clover Valley Alpine basin 383537N 1195504W  - Pacific Valley
Colorado Hill Alpine summit 384015N 1194230W  7482 Heenan Lake
Company Meadows Alpine flat 383929N 1193705W  - Topaz Lake
Connells Camp Alpine locale 382711N 1193601W  - Lost Cannon Peak
Connells Cow Camp Alpine locale 382711N 1193601W  - Lost Cannon Peak
Corral Gulch Alpine valley 382719N 1200235W  - Tamarack
Corral Valley Alpine basin 382929N 1193418W  - Lost Cannon Peak
Corral Valley Creek Alpine stream 382955N 1193614W  - Lost Cannon Peak
Corral Valley Trail (historical) Alpine trail 382913N 1193548W - Lost Cannon Peak
Corrie Lochan Alpine lake 383859N 1200125W - Caples Lake
Cottonwood Canyon Alpine valley 384606N 1194314W - Carters Station
Cottonwood Creek Alpine stream 382257N 1194927W - Dardanelles Cone
Covered Wagon Peak Alpine summit 383926N 1200248W 9565 Caples Lake
Coyote Meadow Alpine flat 382620N 1194246W 8841 Disaster Peak
Coyote Valley Alpine valley 382941N 1193559W - Lost Cannon Peak
Coyote Valley Creek Alpine stream 382955N 1193615W - Lost Cannon Peak
Crater Lake Alpine lake 384323N 1195830W - Carson Pass
Crater Lake 511-002 Dam Alpine dam 384324N 1195824W - Carson Pass
Crystal Springs Campground Alpine locale 384555N 1195042W - Woodfords
Curtz Lake Alpine lake 384331N 1194715W - Markleeville
Curtz Mine Alpine mine 384049N 1194211W - Heenan Lake
Damsite Campground Alpine locale 383747N 1195617W - Carson Pass
Dangberg Camp Alpine locale 384732N 1195518W - Freel Peak
Dardanelles Cone Alpine summit 382417N 1195215W 9542 Dardanelles Cone
Dardanelles Cone Alpine summit 382950N 1195102W 9727 Dardanelles Cone
Dardanelles Creek Alpine stream 382059N 1195607W - Donnell Lake
Dardanelles Mountain Alpine summit 382415N 1195215W 9524 Dardanelles Cone
Dardanelles Mountain Alpine range 382415N 1195407W - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Deadwood Canyon Alpine valley 383449N 1200015W - Mokelumne Peak
Deadwood Lake Alpine lake 383605N 1195924W - Pacific Valley
Deadwood Peak Alpine summit 383742N 1195930W 9846 Carson Pass
Deep Canyon Alpine valley 384605N 1195207W - Woodfords
Deer Creek Alpine stream 383232N 1195550W - Pacific Valley
Deer Valley Alpine basin 383431N 1195434W - Pacific Valley
Deer Valley Creek Alpine stream 383232N 1195550W - Pacific Valley
Del Rio Camp GSA Alpine locale 382424N 1194735W 6200 Dardanelles Cone
Devils Corral Alpine basin 383826N 1195859W - Carson Pass
Devils Corral Creek Alpine stream 383418N 1200142W - Mokelumne Peak
Devils Corral Creek Alpine stream 383843N 1195910W - Carson Pass
Devils Creek Alpine stream 383843N 1195910W - Carson Pass
Diamond Valley Alpine valley 384620N 1194724W - Woodfords
Disaster Creek Alpine stream 382503N 1194459W - Disaster Peak
Disaster Peak Alpine summit 382656N 1194359W 10046 Disaster Peak
Dixon Canyon Alpine valley 384409N 1200115W - Caples Lake
Dixon Canyon Alpine valley 384403N 1200121W 8400 Caples Lake
Dixon Creek Alpine stream 383339N 1194211W - Wolf Creek
Dome Two Alpine summit 384140N 1193509W 8315 Topaz Lake
Dorothy Lake Alpine lake 383256N 1194910W - Ebbetts Pass
Dressler Alpine locale 383943N 1195503W 7850 Carson Pass
Drew Creek Alpine stream 382128N 1195312W - Donnell Lake
Dry Canyon Alpine valley 384914N 1194659W - Woodfords
Dry Lake Alpine lake 384346N 1194339W - Heenan Lake
Duck Creek Alpine stream 382635N 1200013W - Tamarack
Duck Lake Alpine lake 382832N 1195821W - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Dumonts Meadow Alpine flat 383037N 1193917W - Wolf Creek
Dumonts Meadows Alpine flat 383037N 1193917W - Wolf Creek
Dump Canyon Alpine valley 383602N 1193846W - Wolf Creek
Dump Canyon Alpine valley 383536N 1193856W  - Wolf Creek
Dutch Valley Alpine valley 384800N 1194415W - Carters Station
Eagle Creek Alpine stream 383507N 1194818W - Ebbetts Pass
Eagle Gulch Alpine valley 384007N 1194338W - Heenan Lake
East Fork Carson River Alpine stream 385927N 1194920W - Minden
Ebbets Pass Alpine gap 383240N 1194839W 8732 Ebbetts Pass
Ebbetts Pass Alpine gap 383240N 1194839W 8732 Ebbetts Pass
Ebbetts Pass Trailhead Alpine locale 383257N 1194847W 9000 Ebbetts Pass
Ebbetts Pass Route (1850) (historic landmark #318) Alpine other n/a n/a - Ebbetts Pass
Ebbetts Peak Alpine summit 383252N 1194848W 9160 Ebbetts Pass
Elbow Creek Alpine stream 383244N 1195108W - Ebbetts Pass
Elder Creek Alpine stream 383000N 1194421W - Disaster Peak
Elephant Rock Alpine summit 382649N 1195807W 7425 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Elephant Rock Lake Alpine lake 382634N 1195829W 6922 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Elephants Back Alpine summit 384043N 1195856W 9585 Carson Pass
Elephants Mountain Alpine summit 384043N 1195856W 9585 Carson Pass
Emigrant Creek Alpine stream 384103N 1200210W - Caples Lake
Emigrant Lake Alpine lake 383939N 1200215W 8584 Caples Lake
Emigrant Trail Alpine trail 382801N 1200110W - Tamarack
Emigrant Valley Alpine flat 384015N 1200234W - Caples Lake
English Meadow Alpine flat 383712N 1194603W - Ebbetts Pass
Evergreen Lake Alpine lake 383648N 1195715W - Pacific Valley
Excheque Mine Alpine mine 383728N 1194656W - Ebbetts Pass
Exchequer Mine Alpine mine 383728N 1194656W - Ebbetts Pass
Faith Valley Alpine flat 384100N 1195547W - Carson Pass
Falls Meadows Alpine flat 382947N 1194058W - Disaster Peak
Fay Canyon Alpine valley 385128N 1194834W 5186 Woodfords
Fay Canyon Alpine valley 385218N 1194802W - Woodfords

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Fence Creek Alpine stream 382146N 1195231W - Donnell Lake
Fish Valley Peak Alpine summit 382606N 1193411W 10571 Lost Cannon Peak
Fly Valley Alpine basin 382550N 1193637W - Lost Cannon Peak
Folger Peak Alpine summit 382945N 1194852W 9680 Dardanelles Cone
Forest City Flat Alpine flat 384040N 1194215W - Heenan Lake
Forestdale Creek Alpine stream 384032N 1195610W - Carson Pass
Forestdale Divide Alpine ridge 383938N 1195800W - Carson Pass
Four Mile Canyon Alpine valley 382642N 1193538W - Lost Cannon Peak
Fourmile Canyon Alpine valley 382642N 1193538W - Lost Cannon Peak
Fourth of July Canyon Alpine valley 383214N 1200302W - Mokelumne Peak
Fourth of July Lake Alpine lake 383858N 1200058W - Caples Lake
Fourth of July Peak Alpine summit 383933N 1200120W 9536 Caples Lake
Frederickburg Alpine pop place 384944N 1194709W 5070 Woodfords
Fredericksburg Alpine pop place 384944N 1194709W 5100 Woodfords
Fredricksburg Alpine pop place 384944N 1194709W 5100 Woodfords
Fredericksburg Canyon Alpine valley 385009N 1194625W - Woodfords
Freel Peak Alpine summit 385128N 1195358W 10881 Freel Peak
Freels Peak Alpine summit 385128N 1195358W 10881 Freel Peak
Fremont Carson Route Alpine trail 382608N 1192558W 7361 Chris Flat
Frog Lake Alpine lake 383252N 1200008W - Mokelumne Peak
Frog Lake Alpine lake 383718N 1200028W - Mokelumne Peak
Frog Lake Alpine lake 384116N 1195906W - Carson Pass
Gabbot Meadow Alpine flat 382553N 1195424W - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Gabbott Meadow Alpine flat 382553N 1195424W - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Globe Mine Alpine mine 383948N 1194228W - Heenan Lake
Golden Canyon Alpine valley 382826N 1194034W - Disaster Peak
Golden Lake Alpine lake 382652N 1194316W - Disaster Peak
Goskey Canyon Alpine valley 383957N 1194134W - Heenan Lake
Gould and Curry Mine Alpine mine 383649N 1194629W - Ebbetts Pass
Granite Lake Alpine lake 383712N 1195737W - Pacific Valley
Grays Crossing Alpine crossing 383531N 1193921W - Wolf Creek
Grouse Creek Alpine stream 383227N 1195246W - Pacific Valley
Grouse Creek Alpine stream 383644N 1200156W - Mokelumne Peak
Grouse Lake Alpine lake 383718N 1200028W - Mokelumne Peak
Grouse Valley Alpine basin 382953N 1200354W - Tamarack
Grover Hot Springs Alpine spring 384144N 1195033W - Markleeville
Grover Hot Springs State Park Alpine park 384202N 1195012W - Markleeville
Grovers Hot Springs Alpine spring 384144N 1195033W - Markleeville
Grover Hot Springs Park Alpine park 384202N 1195012W - Markleeville
Grovers Springs Alpine spring 384144N 1195033W - Markleeville
Half Moon Lake Alpine lake 382924N 1194634W - Dardanelles Cone
Hangmans Bridge Alpine locale 384123N 1194550W - Markleeville
Hawkins Creek Alpine stream 384412N 1195549W - Carson Pass
Hawkins Peak Alpine summit 384419N 1195217W 10024 Markleeville
Haypress Flat Alpine flat 384249N 1194152W - Heenan Lake
Heenan Creek Alpine stream 383905N 1193911W - Heenan Lake
Heenan Creek Alpine stream 383930N 1194330W - Heenan Lake
Heenan Lake Alpine reservoir 383917N 1193951W 7084 Heenan Lake
Heenan Lake 514 Dam Alpine dam 383917N 1193951W - Heenan Lake
Heenan Reservoir Alpine reservoir 383917N 1193951W 7084 Heenan Lake
Heiser Lake Alpine lake 382941N 1195419W - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Heiser Lake Alpine lake 383022N 1195433W 8175 Pacific Valley
Hellhole Lake Alpine lake 383642N 1195228W - Ebbetts Pass
Hellhole Lake Alpine lake 383702N 1195259W - Pacific Valley
Henry Peak Alpine summit 382913N 1195245W 9334 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Henrys Peak Alpine summit 382913N 1195245W 9334 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Hermit Valley Alpine basin 383222N 1195315W - Pacific Valley
Hermit Valley Camp Alpine locale 383236N 1195303W 7185 Pacific Valley
Hermit Valley Campground Alpine locale 383236N 1195303W 7185 Pacific Valley
Hidden Canyon Alpine valley 384624N 1195229W - Woodfords
High Peak Alpine summit 384225N 1193736W 8519 Heenan Lake
Highland Creek Alpine stream 382413N 1200518W - Tamarack
Highland Lakes Alpine lake 382930N 1194805W - Dardanelles Cone
Highland Lakes Campground Alpine locale 382919N 1194821W - Dardanelles Cone
Highland Peak Alpine summit 383238N 1194517W 10935 Ebbetts Pass
Hiram Canyon Alpine valley 382635N 1195140W - Dardanelles Cone
Hiram Canyon Alpine valley 382650N 1195120W  - Dardanelles Cone
Hiram Meadow Alpine flat 382632N 1195154W - Dardanelles Cone
Hiram Peak Alpine summit 382841N 1194807W 9795 Dardanelles Cone
Historical Society of Alpine County Museum Alpine building 384142N 1194647W - Markleeville
Hobart Creek Alpine stream 382341N 1194941W - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Hope Valley Alpine basin 384638N 1195555W - Freel Peak
Hope Valley Campground Alpine locale 384349N 1195541W - Carson Pass
Horse Canyon Alpine valley 383000N 1200147W - Mokelumne Peak
Horse Canyon Alpine valley 383753N 1200211W - Caples Lake
Horse Meadow Alpine flat 385017N 1195333W - Freel Peak
Horsethief Canyon Alpine valley 384821N 1195230W - Freel Peak
Hot Springs Alpine spring 384613N 1194256W 5320 Carters Station
Hot Springs Creek Alpine stream 384128N 1194718W - Markleeville
Hot Springs Creek Alpine stream 384215N 1194600W - Markleeville
Hot Springs Trail Alpine trail 384153N 1195022W - Markleeville
Hot Springs Valley Alpine valley 384148N 1194917W 5800 Markleeville
IXL Canyon Alpine valley 383631N 1194557W - Ebbetts Pass
IXL Mine Alpine mine 383715N 1194646W - Ebbetts Pass
Iceberg Meadow Alpine flat 382503N 1194454W 6464 Disaster Peak
Iceberg Peak Alpine summit 382701N 1194917W 9781 Dardanelles Cone
Indian Creek Alpine stream 384123N 1194552W - Markleeville
Indian Creek Alpine stream 385307N 1194206W - Gardnerville
Indian Creek 1062 Dam Alpine dam 384507N 1194629W - Woodfords
Indian Creek Campground Alpine locale 384445N 1194700W 5640 Markleeville
Indian Creek Recreation Lands Alpine park 384351N 1194650W - Markleeville
Indian Creek Recreation Site Alpine locale 384445N 1194700W 5640 Markleeville
Indian Creek Reservoir Alpine reservoir 384507N 1194629W 5601 Woodfords
Indian Spring Alpine spring 384239N 1193509W - Topaz Lake
Indian Valley Alpine basin 383527N 1195218W - Ebbetts Pass
Inspiration Point Alpine summit 382825N 1195912W 7920 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Isabella Tunnel Alpine mine 383700N 1194521W - Ebbetts Pass
Jackass Canyon Alpine valley 383323N 1195946W - Pacific Valley
Jackson Canyon Alpine valley 383327N 1195805W - Pacific Valley
Jeff Davis Creek Alpine stream 383804N 1195141W - Markleeville

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Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Jeff Davis Peak Alpine summit 383812N 1195343W 9065 Carson Pass
Jenkins Canyon Alpine valley 382557N 1195239W - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Jenkins Canyon Alpine valley 382635N 1195140W - Dardanelles Cone
Jobs Canyon Alpine valley 385357N 1194920W - Minden
Jobs Peak Alpine summit 385128N 1195358W 10881 Freel Peak
Jobs Peak Alpine summit 385129N 1195138W 10633 Woodfords
Jobs Sister Alpine summit 385128N 1195358W 10881 Freel Peak
Jobs Sister Alpine summit 385145N 1195301W 10823 Freel Peak
Jones Canyon Alpine valley 383205N 1194002W 7440 Wolf Creek
Jones Canyon Alpine valley 383223N 1193930W - Wolf Creek
Kings Peak Alpine summit 382656N 1194359W 10046 Disaster Peak
Kinney Creek Alpine stream 383428N 1194818W - Ebbetts Pass
Kinney Meadows 513 Dam Alpine dam 383324N 1194824W - Ebbetts Pass
Kinney Reservoir Alpine reservoir 383327N 1194826W 8353 Ebbetts Pass
Kinney Reservoir Dam Alpine dam 383324N 1194824W - Ebbetts Pass
Kirkwood Alpine pop place 384210N 1200418W 7682 Caples Lake
Kirkwood Creek Alpine stream 384231N 1200412W - Caples Lake
Kirkwood Meadows Alpine flat 384132N 1200419W - Caples Lake
Kit Carson (1844) (historic landmark #315) Alpine pillar 384141N 1195919W - Carson Pass
Kit Carson Campground Alpine locale 384635N 1195348W - Freel Peak
Kit Carson Pass Alpine gap 384138N 1195915W  - Carson Pass
Kongsberg (historical) Alpine pop place 383619N 1194606W - Ebbetts Pass
Konigsberg (historical) Alpine pop place 383619N 1194606W - Ebbetts Pass
Lady Franklin Mine Alpine mine 383723N 1194658W - Ebbetts Pass
Lady Washington Mine Alpine mine 383608N 1194546W - Ebbetts Pass
Lake Alpine Alpine pop place 382843N 1200010W 7400 Tamarack
Lake Alpine Alpine reservoir 382817N 1200011W 7303 Tamarack
Lake Alpine Campground Alpine locale 382839N 1200017W 7380 Tamarack
Lake Valley Alpine basin 383058N 1200133W - Mokelumne Peak
Larson Canyon Alpine valley 384838N 1194655W - Woodfords
Leviathan Canyon Alpine valley 384813N 1194155W - Carters Station
Leviathan Creek Alpine stream 384408N 1193840W - Heenan Lake
Leviathan Mine Alpine mine 384223N 1193904W - Heenan Lake
Leviathan Peak Alpine summit 384100N 1193639W 8963 Topaz Lake
Lexington Canyon Alpine valley 383955N 1194128W - Heenan Lake
Liahona Camp Alpine locale 382412N 1194808W - Dardanelles Cone
Lightning Mountain Alpine summit 382655N 1194654W 9328 Dardanelles Cone
Lighting Mountain Alpine summit 382655N 1194654W 9328 Dardanelles Cone
Lily Pad Lake Alpine lake 383619N 1195309W - Pacific Valley
Lincoln Mine Alpine mine 383956N 1194227W - Heenan Lake
Little Antelope Pack Station Alpine locale 383058N 1193354W 7690 Coleville
Little Cottonwood Canyon Alpine valley 384439N 1194232W - Heenan Lake
Little Indian Valley Alpine basin 383547N 1195310W - Pacific Valley
Little Teton Creek Alpine stream 382249N 1194943W - Dardanelles Cone
Llewellyn Falls Alpine falls 382738N 1193615W - Lost Cannon Peak
Long Valley Alpine valley 382925N 1193628W - Lost Cannon Peak
Lookout  Peak Alpine summit 382950N 1195102W 9727 Dardanelles Cone
Lookout Peak Alpine summit 383039N 1195219W 9584 Ebbetts Pass
Loope Alpine pop place 383955N 1194142W 6160 Heenan Lake
Loope Canyon Alpine valley 383958N 1194148W - Heenan Lake
Looperville Alpine pop place 383955N 1194142W 6160 Heenan Lake
Lost Cabin Mine Alpine mine 384057N 1200048W - Caples Lake
Lost Lake Alpine lake 382430N 1195610W - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Lost Lake East 512 Dam Alpine dam 383848N 1195636W - Carson Pass
Lost Lake West 512-002 Dam Alpine dam 383854N 1195654W - Carson Pass
Lost Lakes Alpine lake 383852N 1195655W - Carson Pass
Lower Beebe Lake Alpine lake 383558N 1200301W - Mokelumne Peak
Lower Blue Lake Alpine reservoir 383633N 1195534W 8055 Pacific Valley
Lower Blue Lake 97-062 Dam Alpine dam 383633N 1195534W - Pacific Valley
Lower Blue Lake Campground Alpine locale 383645N 1195528W 8100 Pacific Valley
Lower Fish Valley Alpine valley 382827N 1193653W - Lost Cannon Peak
Lower Gardner Meadow Alpine flat 382955N 1194633W - Dardanelles Cone
Lower Highland Dam Alpine dam 382942N 1194748W - Dardanelles Cone
Lower Kenney Lake Alpine lake 383330N 1194938W 8670 Ebbetts Pass
Lower Kinney Lake Alpine lake 383330N 1194938W 8670 Ebbetts Pass
Lower Kinney Lake 513-002 Dam Alpine dam 383348N 1194918W - Ebbetts Pass
Lower Sunset 513-003 Dam Alpine dam 383648N 1195236W - Pacific Valley
Lower Sunset Lake Alpine lake 383642N 1195228W - Ebbetts Pass
Luther Creek Alpine stream 385218N 1194802W - Woodfords
Luther Pass Alpine gap 384713N 1195645W 7735 Freel Peak
Luthers Pass Alpine gap 384713N 1195645W 7735 Freel Peak
Marklee Village Alpine pop place 384123N 1194750W 5840 Markleeville
Markleeville Alpine pop place 384142N 1194645W 5501 Markleeville
Marklee's Cabin Site (1862) (historic landmark #240) Alpine building n/a n/a - Markleeville
Markleeville Campground Alpine locale 384152N 1194623W 5640 Markleeville
Markleeville  Creek Alpine stream 384128N 1194718W - Markleeville
Markleeville Creek Alpine stream 384215N 1194600W - Markleeville
Markleeville Lookout Alpine summit 384120N 1194301W 7583 Heenan Lake
Markleeville Peak Alpine summit 383942N 1195349W 9415 Carson Pass
Markleeville Post Office (Est. Oct. 21, 1863) Alpine post office 384142N 1194645W - Markleeville
Marshall Canyon Alpine valley 382942N 1195331W - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Martell Flat Alpine flat 383737N 1200329W - Caples Lake
Martell Flats Alpine flat 383737N 1200329W - Caples Lake
Maxwell Creek Alpine stream 384530N 1195610W - Freel Peak
CcCromick Creek Alpine stream 382127N 1195342W - Donnell Lake
Meadow Creek Alpine stream 383444N 1195958W - Pacific Valley
Meadow Lake Alpine reservoir 383558N 1195828W 7774 Pacific Valley
Meadow Lake 97-063 Dam Alpine dam 383558N 1195828W - Pacific Valley
Meiss Lake Alpine lake 384409N 1200042W - Caples Lake
Melissa Coray Peak Alpine summit 383907N 1200220W 9763 Caples Lake
Memorial to Pioneer Odd Fellows (1849) (historic landmark #378) Alpine other n/a n/a - n/a
Merk Canyon Alpine valley 384604N 1195029W - Woodfords
Mesa Vista Alpine pop place 384826N 1194742W - Woodfords
Middle Creek Alpine stream 383717N 1195552W - Pacific Valley
Middle Creek Campground Alpine locale 383736N 1195609W - Carson Pass
Middle Creek Recreation Site Alpine locale 383725N 1195606W 8120 Pacific Valley
Milk Ranch Meadow Alpine flat 383008N 1194930W - Ebbetts Pass
Millberry Canyon Alpine valley 384323N 1194940W - Markleeville
Millberry Creek Alpine stream 384141N 1194637W - Markleeville
Mineral Mountain Alpine summit 383134N 1193725W 8964 Coleville
Mogul Canyon Alpine valley 384036N 1194412W - Heenan Lake
Mogul Canyon Alpine valley 383957N 1194134W - Heenan Lake

Section: 5 of

Feature Name County Type Latitude Longitude Alt USGS 7.5' Map
Mogul Peak Alpine summit 384120N 1194301W 7583 Heenan Lake
Mongul Canyon Alpine valley 384036N 1194412W - Heenan Lake
Mokelumne Valley Alpine basin 383222N 1195315W - Pacific Valley
Monitor  Alpine pop place 383955N 1194142W 6160 Heenan Lake
Monitor Creek Alpine stream 383930N 1194330W - Heenan Lake
Monitor Pass Alpine gap 384032N 1193710W - Topaz Lake
Monte Wolf Upper Cabin Alpine locale 383300N 1195710W 6560 Pacific Valley
Monty Wolf Cabin Alpine locale 383442N 1200049W 5800 Mokelumne Peak
Monument Peak Alpine summit 385522N 1195349W 10067 South Lake Tahoe
Morningstar Mine Alpine mine 384106N 1194205W - Heenan Lake
Mosquito Lake Alpine lake 383056N 1195442W - Pacific Valley
Mosquito Lake Campground Alpine locale 383058N 1195447W - Pacific Valley
Mosquito Lakes Campground Alpine locale 383058N 1195447W - Pacific Valley
Mount Bullion (historical) Alpine pop place 383938N 1194331W 5680 Heenan Lake
Mount Reba Alpine summit 383028N 1200140W 8755 Mokelumne Peak
Mountain Mine Alpine mine 383544N 1194631W - Ebbetts Pass
Mountaineer Creek Alpine stream 384409N 1193840W - Heenan Lake
Mud Lake Alpine lake 382533N 1195758W 6491 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Murray Canyon Alpine valley 382947N 1194056W - Disaster Peak
Musser and Jarvis Creek Alpine stream 384125N 1194829W - Markleeville
Nobel Canyon Alpine valley 383550N 1194642W - Ebbetts Pass
Nobel Creek Alpine stream 383550N 1194642W - Ebbetts Pass
Nobel Lake Alpine lake 383142N 1194635W - Ebbetts Pass
Noble Canyon Alpine valley 383550N 1194642W - Ebbetts Pass
Noble Creek Alpine stream 383550N 1194642W - Ebbetts Pass
Noble Lake Alpine lake 383142N 1194635W - Ebbetts Pass
Old Emigrant Trail Historical Marker (1848) (historic landmark #661) Alpine park 384211N 1200209W - Caples Lake
Osborn Hill Alpine summit 382830N 1200106W 7815 Tamarack
Overflow Campground Alpine locale 382838N 1200122W - Tamarack
Pacific Creek Alpine stream 383223N 1195506W - Pacific Valley
Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail Alpine trail 382213N 1193747W - Sonora Pass
Pacific Crest Trailhead Alpine locale 383255N 1194818W 8684 Ebbetts Pass
Pacific Grade Summit Alpine summit 383100N 1195430W 8087 Pacific Valley
Pacific Valley Alpine basin 383107N 1195405W - Pacific Valley
Pacific Valley Campground Alpine locale 383103N 1195405W 7540 Pacific Valley
Paradise Valley Alpine basin 382752N 1194435W - Disaster Peak
Paynesville Alpine pop place 384833N 1194642W 5120 Woodfords
Peaceful Pines Alpine pop place 382422N 1194718W 6200 Dardanelles Cone
Peaceful Pines Campground Alpine locale 382423N 1194643W - Dardanelles Cone
Peep Sight Peak Alpine summit 382950N 1195102W 9727 Dardanelles Cone
Peep Sight Peak Alpine summit 382951N 1195102W 9716 Dardanelles Cone
Pennsylvania Creek Alpine stream 383553N 1194638W - Ebbetts Pass
Pennsylvania Mine Alpine mine 383621N 1194750W - Ebbetts Pass
Pickett Peak Alpine summit 384521N 1195408W 9118 Freel Peak
Pine Marten Campground Alpine locale 382852N 1195919W - Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Pleasant Valley Alpine stream 383804N 1195141W - Markleeville
Pleasant Valley Alpine flat 383923N 1194853W - Markleeville
Pleasant Valley Creek Alpine stream 384128N 1194719W - Markleeville
Poison Canyon Alpine valley 382746N 1195047W - Dardanelles Cone
Poison Canyon Alpine valley 382852N 1200122W - Tamarack
Poison Creek Alpine stream 383046N 1193911W - Wolf Creek
Poison Creek Alpine stream 384349N 1193802W - Heenan Lake
Poison Flat Alpine flat 383032N 1193738W - Wolf Creek
Poison Lake Alpine lake 382852N 1193908W 9147 Disaster Peak
Pony Express Remount Station at Woodfords (1860) (historic landmark # 805) Alpine building n/a n/a - n/a
Poor Boy Creek Alpine stream 384054N 1194506W - Markleeville
Quaking Aspen Campground Alpine locale 384157N 1195003W - Markleeville
Railroad Canyon Alpine valley 383549N 1193948W - Wolf Creek
Randall Creek Alpine stream 384454N 1194849W - Markleeville
Raymond Canyon Creek Alpine stream 383914N 1194925W - Markleeville
Raymond Lake Alpine lake 383634N 1195001W - Ebbetts Pass
Raymond Meadows Alpine flat 383439N 1194941W - Ebbetts Pass
Raymond Meadows Creek Alpine stream 383507N 1194752W - Ebbetts Pass
Raymond Peak Alpine summit 383614N 1194956W 10014 Ebbetts Pass
Reba 519 Dam Alpine dam 382818N 1200236W - Tamarack
Red Gap Mine Alpine mine 383949N 1194147W - Heenan Lake
Red Lake Alpine reservoir 384205N 1195811W - Carson Pass
Red Lake 511-003 Dam Alpine dam 384200N 1195806W - Carson Pass
Red Lake Creek Alpine stream 384401N 1195551W - Carson Pass
Red Lake Peak Alpine summit 384251N 1195911W 10063 Carson Pass
Red Mountain Alpine summit 384251N 1195911W 10063 Carson Pass
Red Vista Alpine locale 384216N 1195819W - Carson Pass
Reynold Peak Alpine summit 383446N 1195012W 9690 Ebbetts Pass
Reynolds Peak Alpine summit 383446N 1195012W 9690 Ebbetts Pass
Rice Lake Alpine lake 383636N 1195732W - Pacific Valley
Rice Lake Alpine lake 383648N 1195715W - Pacific Valley
Rippon Mine Alpine mine 383605N 1194601W - Ebbetts Pass
Riverview Campground (historical) Alpine locale 382355N 1194812W - Dardanelles Cone
Rock Lake Alpine lake 382702N 1195659W 7315 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Rodriguez Flat Alpine flat 383120N 1193340W - Coleville
Rose Meadow Alpine flat 382812N 1195959W 7410 Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Rose Mountain Range Alpine range 391130N 1195244W  - Marlette Lake
Round Top Alpine summit 383949N 1200001W 10381 Caples Lake
Round Top Lake Alpine lake 384003N 1200040W - Caples Lake
Round Top Lake Alpine lake 384009N 1195929W 8090 Carson Pass
Round Valley Alpine basin 383003N 1200105W - Mokelumne Peak
Sagehen Flat Alpine flat 383942N 1193943W - Heenan Lake
Saint Marys Pass Alpine gap 382053N 1193914W - Sonora Pass
San Mountain Alpine summit 385128N 1195358W 10881 Freel Peak
Sand Flat Alpine flat 382417N 1194736W - Dardanelles Cone
Sand Flat Campground Alpine locale 382414N 1194709W - Dardanelles Cone
Sandy Meadow Alpine flat 383105N 1195645W - Pacific Valley
Sandy Meadow Creek Alpine stream 383241N 1195640W - Pacific Valley
Sawmill Creek Alpine stream 384146N 1195123W - Markleeville
Sawmill Creek Trail Alpine trail 384152N 1195045W - Markleeville
Scossa Canyon Alpine valley 384622N 1194607W - Woodfords
Scott Creek Alpine stream 384527N 1194824W - Woodfords
Scott Lake 511 Dam Alpine dam 384552N 1195754W - Freel Peak
Scotts Lake Alpine lake 384552N 1195754W 8012 Freel Peak
Scotts Lake Alpine reservoir 384548N 1195748W - Freel Peak
Scout Carson Lake Alpine lake 383852N 1200313W - Caples Lake

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